The HiFi Rose RS130 Flagship Music Streamer Review
By Steve Huff
DISCLAIMER: I was not paid for this review nor did I get a free unit. Paid full price for my black HiFi ROSE RS130 from an online dealer. This review is not sponsored. I made zero money on this review and do not offer ad space here. My words here are just my honest feelings and to me this is important. Enjoy!
This review will be on the newest piece of gear from HiFi Rose who are known for their popular streamer/DAC all in one, the RS150B (my review of that piece is HERE). I loved that 150B for its beauty, display, tech and well, the entire package. While I found the internal DAC to be very very good it stopped just short of bringing that all out magic I speak of so often to my system (when using the internal DAC of the 150b). As a streamer though, it was wonderful, and that is how I liked using it at the time, going into DACs such as the Weiss 501, Chord DAVE or Denafrips Terminator.
One of the many VU Meter displays of the RS130
I have heard a slew of streamers over the last two years. The Rose 150b ($5k), Lumin U2 ($5k) and U2 Mini ($2k), Eversolo DMP-A6 ($850), Bluesound Node X ($750), WIIM Pro + ($219) and many many more priced between $200 and $15,000. Even the Grimm MU1 which is an audiophile delight and comes in at over $13,000 though it is very limited in use (Roon only) and pretty bare inside of its chassis. Listening as I type this to the RS130 going into any of my amps here is absolutely stunning, and shows me how important the source is, again.
My full video review of the HiFi Rose RS130
I mean, streaming from the Node X vs the ROSE 130 creates an entirely different sound from my system. A bit bigger, fuller, more refined and with more dialed in imaging. The bass is better, more prevalent and controlled as well. The sound is just solidified when using the Rose RS130. It’s a beautiful thing to experience. I really was enjoying the Node X as a simple streamer. It worked well, was hidden out of the way in a cabinet, and did its job faithfully and with reliability. I would not “need’ more than this. The sound was great. Nothing at all wrong with the Node or Node X. But…there always seems to be a “BUT”.
The Rose flagship is for those who just want more. More in the design, more in the parts quality, more features, better build and of course, a more refined sound. Yes, all of this “More” means “More Cash” as well. I will say right up front that if you have the cash to spend on your system, and are looking for a streamer that can bring the ultimate quality to your digital files…this is one to look at ASAP.
Being in this review game for over 15 years there are a few companies and dealers of fine audio gear out there who know me and ask me if I would like to review gear from time to time. I only say yes when I feel the gear in question is worthy of a review. Lets face it, not all HiFi gear is worthy of a purchase but sometimes there are things that come along that are so beautiful, well thought out and well made yet they also bring something to the table in the improvement of the sound as well.
Not so long ago I proclaimed the HiFi Rose RS150 (Streamer and DAC) to be my favorite streamer and DAC combo, and it still is if we are talking a streamer and DAC in one box that is gorgeous and sounds lovely. The RS150 is $5k.
The RS130 has no DAC at all yet costs more ($5200). There are reasons for this of course and yes, when used as a streamer it does sound better, richer, deeper and more refined than the 150b does when used in the same way, as a streamer.
The 130 does include things the 150b does not. The fiber ethernet connection along with the fiber USB connection are just a couple of those differences. The power supply is one thing that really makes a difference as well. HiFi Rose uses a super capacitor that acts like a battery would act, meaning, no noise at all will come through the power supply. This is genius and really does make a difference in the overall sound quality of this piece of gear.
The RS130 also has a galvanically isolated UDB output made just for music transfer. This makes a difference as well.
The RS130 has the ability to 100% eliminate noise altogether and provide a much blacker background for your music to be “painted” within the room. Yes, I said “Painted’ because this is what listening to a high quality system can be like. As if the speakers are the brush and the air in the room is the canvas for the sound to appear in front of you. I had high hopes for the RS130 but for me, I saw it as a tough sell before it arrived.
One more thing is that due to a caching SSD drive, you will never have lag when switching or skipping music tracks. It’s such a refined experience vs most other streamers.
Some of the features of the RS130
The Design Improvements vs the 150b
The RS130 is IMO a better machine all the way around from screen resolution to parts inside vs the 150b. The buttons on top are literally made out of little jewels/crystals and this adds a touch of class and flair for those who value design. No, these little gems do not make the machine sound better but it is a very nice touch in today’s world of cheap feeling products. When I pay $5k for something I expect it to not only sound sublime but look beautiful and that is quite honestly, pretty rare to see companies pay close attention to the details. If this were made by a small boutique brand I am confident the cost would be closer to $15k as I have seen it happen.
The Rose is gorgeous in the flesh, a sight to behold and the build quality is well above pieces like the Eversolo A8, Grimm MU1, PS Audio Airlens, Bluesound Node and far above the WIIM products. I have never seen a streamer built to this quality level. I am sure they exist in the five figure range, just have never seen one personally.
The top plate is thick and has a machined ROSE logo right in the middle. The RS130 may be the nicest looking piece I have ever reviewed. Seriously.
While the huge massive display of the 150b is still here, the screen has been changed and is now a higher resolution and ever so slightly larger. This makes the VU meters and album art pop more as there is more detail and realism. The VU meters look so real that they fooled my wife! She saw them and thought they were mechanical. The screen is fantastic, very nice. One thing though is that the VU meters are not real, as in, they will not move to the music correctly (UPDATE: They now do indeed move correctly after an update).
So no, these are not real VU meters like the ones in the Yamaha R-N2000 amp I have in for review now, but they do look cool and bring the vibe to your space for sure.
Where this piece shows its stuff though is the sound and feature set. While it offers up fiber ethernet connections and fiber usb connections, today I am just talking about this streamer using a standard ethernet hookup and standard COAX and USB connections. Yes, even when NOT using these new features the RS130 quite easily bested any other streamer I have tried when it comes to sound.
I did try the fiber connection with the Lumin U2 but went back to the standard as for me, I did not notice the difference in my system. I feel that many though, will hear this difference. All depends on your system and situation. For some this may be a godsend and others maybe not so much.
For now, I want to state that this streamer performs slightly above the $5k Lumin U2 I raved about not so long ago. While the Lumin also has this refined solid sound, the Rose brings this too, as well as more “air” and it also helps to render space in such a groovy way. A way that I do prefer to even the Lumin.
I found the Lumin U2 to have refinement, solidity and a beautiful dependable glitch free performance. The Rose RS130 takes the performance up with even more authority and solidity. The Rose has more layers being exposed it seems, more depth and more spatial renderings vs mostly all other streamers I have heard to date next to the Innuos Statement.
The way the reverb trails are rendered here are magical and there are things I do not notice with the other streamers in the system (Node, Eversolo and WIIM). In fact, it doesn’t exist with these other streamers I have here and is quite unique. The sound here is more immersive, which is right up my alley. No hint of flatness, dryness or even compression. This streamer really does bring out the most from each recording and it does so in a way that is opposite of being lean and threadbare.
The sound is solid, deep and refined as can be just using COAX out into any DAC I have here. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me and maybe the beauty of the piece was swaying my brain. I unhooked it and placed in the small but mighty $200+ WIIM PRO + and used it just as a streamer with the same system and cables. Yes, the WIIM Pro + sounded great! I started to wonder if all of those who say streamers can not make any change to the sound were right. Listening closely to the system with the little WIIM + was nice, though I did notice less of that solidity and imaging performance I kept hearing with the Rose. I heard a thinner sound, leaner. Also the edges seemed, well, edgy. If I never heard the Rose I would be just fine with the WIIM + but once you hear this piece you can not un-hear it.
After 5 days I placed the ROSE back in and there it was! Easy to hear the change.
The sound was much more refined, solid, 100% grain free and the imaging even improved/changed. The bass improved and the sound was as beautiful as I could ask for. Yes, the Rose RS130 improved the sound vs the WIIM Pro + just as it should. Was it $5k better? Well, I can not answer that as it depends on your budget and needs/wants. Those who have tons of disposable cash will find it well worth it. Those who have tight budgets may not feel the difference is worth it. Those who love music, even if you have limited funds, may find it worth it as well, just as I did. Believe me when I say I have limited funds and I found a way to purchase the Rose 130R and I have no regrets.
There is a thing called “Diminishing Returns” and it is in play here as with any high end piece but with that said, the RS130 is on another level in all areas from the WIIM but the WIIM can also make very nice music. It just doesn’t have the magic of the Rose. It’s thinner, leaner and has the sound of digital. The Rose has the sound of analog on steroids. I can say the same for the streamers from Eversolo (very nice but not in the same league), Bluesound (nope) and most others in the under $5k range. Streamers 100% DO and CAN make a difference in the sound of your music just as different streaming services have varying sound qualities.
The WIIM is a cheap plastic small box with cheap parts inside. The Rose is a flagship created with artistry in mind as well as using all premium build and parts. This in turn, improves everything. It’s also an amazing user experience and a treat for the eyes. If you love design and art, the WIIM will fall short in this area for sure.
It’s always hard to describe what I hear yet I know beauty when I hear it. I am hearing fine details that are not as noticeable with the Node or WIIM. The Rose plays in its own league here when you use it in a well set up, dialed in system.
BUGGY? Well….
I was reading some of the HiFi Rose forums and many seem to have had some bugs pop up in their use of the older 150B. Others say the user experience is complicated of the 130. Hmmm. I never had one bug besides the clock bug with the 150B early on (would not show the correct time no matter what) and with the RS130 I have not had one hiccup, at all. Not one glitch, issue or anything that would be a dealbreaker. So I can not comment on any bugs as I experienced none besides an app issue that has been fixed with an update. I do have it hardwired to Ethernet though and do not use WiFi. (see updates at the end of this review for thoughts long after these words were written).
I also found it super easy to set up and use. Took me 10 minutes and I was up and running without anything further to change up. I did travel down the rabbit hole of the settings menu and found it to be intuitive and very easy to configure. All of it made sense. If this is your first foray into a high tech music streamer then the menu could be confusing. For most who are familiar with HiFi Gear though, the setup should be quick and painless.
What I didn’t like were all of the fluff apps loaded in, most of which I will never open but hey, I am sure some of you will love them. My interest was purely as a streamer for streaming music or serving it from a hard drive. I did like how I could customize the screen and remove any apps I did not want.
Speaking of a hard drive, yes you can add an SSD drive to the bottom and it takes about 5-10 minutes total time. Load in your own music and then use the ROSE app to serve it to the 130r. There was one in this demo model and I briefly tested playing tracks from this SSD drive and it worked perfectly using the Rose app.
Setting this piece up is as easy as plugging it in, downloading the Rose app, attaching your ethernet cable (or using WiFi) and attaching a digital cable from it to your DAC. What remains are setting up the outputs, which is as easy as touching the screen on the input/output display. Just touch the output you want to use and it will activate it. The unit keeps the other inputs off if you are not using them or they can be on if you do. Turning off the ins and outs you are not using ensures no noise creeps in. Just one extra measure Rose goes for the ultimate in noise free performance.
Out of the box and within 10 minutes I had the clock set up (there are many to choose from but I liked the old tube clock display) and this piece will not only show you the time but also you local weather if you like. I set up this one to go to clock at standby and show me the time. It’s pretty cool as it also doubles as a high end looking clock when not in use, with many displays to choose from. It comes out of standby within a few seconds and you can do this with a press of a button on the unit or within the app.
If you are serving from a USB stick (you can) or the SSD, the Rose app will be needed. The app is pretty easy to use and I had no difficulties figuring it all out without reading a manual (which I never did do as one wasn’t with the demo).
The Rose app comes in handy though as it allows you to turn off the display, change the inputs and outputs, swap through the various VU meter designs and just about everything you can do from the touch screen.
The app is required if you want to stream Qobuz and get the best from Tidal. You can connect with Tidal via Airplay but it sounds better using the Rose app as. Tidal connect is not available here, one con. HiFi Rose, from what I have heard, has no plans to implement Tidal connect.
You can also use the app to turn on and off the VU meters or choose to display the album art as well as serve music from the SSD drive inside if you choose to install one. You can also turn off the display if you like to listen in darkness. The 130 does come with a 256GB SSD hard drive but it is used for Caching only. This eliminates noise further by serving the music from the caching drive.
The OXO CLOCK (not for time)
What I love about the Rose RS130 is the fact that it uses a really good quality internal OXO Clock yet also allows you to add an external clock if you desire. This opens it up to power users who may want to tweak the sound more. I think the clock inside does a beautiful job and also feel this is what helps create such a gorgeous enveloping subversive sound. Also, it will not drift or change when it gets hot as some do.
Again and to be clear, as a streamer it sounds better to me than the 150B as well as the Node/WIIM Pro and others that cost even more than the 130. I feel that this is partly due to the high end clock inside. I remember when I added a DCS clock to the DCS Lina DAC and the sound became more refined and beautiful. The ROSE has the same effect vs other streamers without a clock such as this.
If you want the Ultimate Streamer, this may be it as Rose does call it just that.
There is so much to talk about here yet at the same time there isn’t.
One other thing. I listen to Spotify now 90% of the time simply because of what the Rose can do with it. I feel no need for high res with this player as it makes Spotify streams sound inanely good.
I get pure magic from Spotify and Tidal streams with this combo.
The Rose RS130 proves SOURCE is very important, and it most certainly is. Many like to say that a $50 streamer does the same thing but not in these systems. It is easy to hear. Very easy. This is a high end piece for systems that can reveal what it can do. For those who listen in their sweet spot and like to hear the layers. colors and textures of their music you will easily hear what the Rose does.
The little OGY Speakers from CloserAcoustics.com are STUNNING in what they do (Vocals, Jazz, Acoustics, etc) and are among the most special small speakers I have heard for SOME music. They may lack in bass but what they do with the mids and top are CHILLING!
No one “needs” a fancy streamer to enjoy music but can that experience be enhanced with something like the Rose RS130? Yes, without question. This piece has greatly enhanced my sessions and when it sits with my now reference setup it’s hard for me to go back to any other streamer near its price.
Once you hear it you can not unhear it so only audition this if you have the funds to jump in. Many feel spending the most on speakers is the key to a great system. Sure, speakers matter A LOT but so does your source (streamer/DAC/turntable/Cart/Phono Pre).
If one spends $15k on speakers they should not spend $500 on a streamer and DAC. You can, but you will be hindering your speakers and not allowing them to be all they can be. A streamer like the RS130 going into a DAC you love will really kick your system into high gear when it comes to digital. It makes my speakers, any of them, sound bigger, more authoritative and more complete. It’s quite amazing what this streamer has done.
Voices are as real as can be and the silence between notes is downright spooky.
One thing to note is that HiFi Rose says this is Roon ready. Rose states that the ROON certification is coming soon but at launch this piece was unable to connect with ROON. So this is coming very soon but all HiFi Rose streamers and DACs get certified by ROON, so the RS130 will get this as well. I feel it should have been ready out of the box though. By the time of this writing it may be working, I have not yet tried it as I have simplified things greatly for my streaming and stopped using ROON at this time. If you are a ROON user, make sure the RS130 has been certified by ROON before you jump!
UPDATE: The RS130 is now ROON READY so works lovely with ROON!
After weeks of use and tests I can tell you is that this is the nicest sounding, nicest looking and nicest built streamer I have heard to date just using the COAX and USB out. I have yet to even try the fiber connections. This piece offers up a richness and depth to the sound that is fascinatingly good while showing off its pure beauty. The way it reproduces space as well as weight is remarkable and the stage was so enhanced it became one I could walk right into. I experienced this only twice before, a walk in soundstage. This only happens when EVERYTHING is in sync, so the streamer alone will not create this effect. It sure does help though.
I was in holographic heaven with the Rose serving the tunes, especially with speakers such as the OGY and BOB as well as Borreson X1’s which are insanely good for mid tier cash. With the CHoco Sound EMEI, Yamaha R-N2000 and OGY Speakers I had goosebumps on my body while listening to an old tune from Mel Torme called “Round Midnight”. This was the finest I have heard this song because these speakers excel at vocals, piano, etc.
The RS130 though? It is a true flagship piece from build to performance. It also ships with a nice remote.
Out of the box it is ready to accept a Fiber internet connection. If you are using a standard Ethernet connection as I am there is an adapter in the box that plugs into the back like a cartridge of sorts. Then you can plug in the standard ethernet cable. The Rose found my connection instantly and playing music within moments of powering up for the first time.
This is a gorgeous piece and while it’s a streamer only it has everything needed to provide a stable, solid experience when serving up music and it does so with style, grace and ease.
UPDATE 10/25/23: I am still listening to the HiFi Rose RS130 because it is a perfect fit to my system. Anytime I go back to a different streamer I miss the HiFi Rose because it does sound the best of all I have here and it is not even close for these ears. The only thing missing from this streamer is Tidal Connect. As is, the Rose app can be used with Tidal easily but the native Tidal app is better IMO. I have not found any other cons nor have I had one issue, hiccup, freeze up or problem. It’s been perfect and I have a feeling this will be my goto streamer for quite some time. Since having it HiFi Rose has done two updates so they are always working to make improvements. If you do not mind the Android OS and are looking for a streamer that has a big analog sound, take a look at the HiFi Rose RS130. It’s a stunner.
UPDATE 11/01/23 – This streamer will now reside in my reference system as I enjoy it more now than I did when I wrote the review. It’s truly a in a class of its own when it comes to digital streaming.
UPDATE 11/11/23 – I have been able to compare this streamer to a few others now and none get close to the sound quality of the RS130. Yes, there are some fine streamers out there but I am going to go as far as to say this one here is a bargain for what it costs. It is not cheap at $5200 but I do not feel you can find a competitor near its price point. I heard a streamer this morning that cats 3X what the Rose does and at the end I still preferred the Rose.
UPDATE 11/13/23 – There was an update to the 130 and this somehow broke the Tidal connectivity when using the Rose app. It works, but every now and again it signs me out of Tidal and I have to re-enter my credentials. Sadly this unit does not have Tidal Connect functionality, which is a shame but I am sure Rose will fix the signing out issue soon. If this piece wasn’t the best sounding streamer I have used I would move on from it, but so far nothing I have heard gets close to what this can do for the SOUND. But if you are looking for a new streamer and the 130 is on your radar you may want to wait until they have ROON working (not yet certified) and fix the issue with their app and VU meter display which I found lags 10 seconds behind the signal (now fixed 11/25). That is something that should not happen in a $5200 product. (UPDATE: ALL of these issues have been fixed with an update)
UPDATE 11/15/23 – I had the new PS audio Airlens streamer here (borrowed from a friend) as well as HAVE the Eversolo DMP-A8 here now, which has been here for review for the last 2 weeks. Both of these are great in their own ways. The A8 for having preamp, dac, great display, DAC and app in one box. Super versatile with little compromise. The Airlens is a very competent audiophile quality streamer without DAC but emphasis was said to be placed on sound in the description at the PS audio website.
With that said, neither sound as good in my system as the Rose 130.
There is just a different sound from the Rose that I have not heard in other streamers below, at or even above its price. I believe it is the combo of the oven controlled clocks, 256 GB SSD Caching drive, noise free design and the parts quality inside that aid in this.
The Rose just has more beef/bass quality and quantity, more body, soundstage and imaging are spooky good and the reverberation is present from the studio in a way I haven’t heard. The Rose has details a plenty but with zero, and I mean zero hint of the music sounding digital, thin, bare, grey, harsh, analytical, etc. It is like analog on steroids in my system, which I love. Big scale, big dynamics with a sound that is just full/rich. I have never heard a digital product quite like this one.
UPDATE 11/21/23 – I swapped my HiFi Rose RS130 for a black model! I knew this was the streamer for me and since all of my reference gear is now black, I knew I wanted a black one to go front and center on my cabinet. If I can be honest I figured I could live with a less expensive streamer and sold my silver 130. After three days I missed it so much I found a black one (what I originally would have wanted anyway) and was able to secure it. I did extensive comparisons between it and the Eversolo DMPA8 but the A8 just sounds smaller, a touch flatter and not as refined as the Rose (just used as a streamer). Same with the Node, WIIM, etc. I figured I could save some money but not this time. My final word on the Rose 130 is it is staying with me, and it’s the first streamer I have become quite attached to. I have not any issues besides with the app signing me out of tidal and the VU meters not matching with the music (now fixed).
UPDATE 11/24/23 – The app no longer signs me out of tidal after the last app update. Also, I am noticing the VU meters moving WITH the music now. As of today, not one bug I can find with the 130 besides it still not being ROON certified. I suspect this will come before end of month. I hope so as many bought this piece to use with ROON! Next update will be after much more time with the RS130. As of today I know of no other streamer sold today I would replace this one with and I am more excited today about it than I was 2-3 months ago when it arrived. That is a great sign ; ) If you want me to be critical of the 130R (many do) I am not sure what I can say about it that is negative. The app isn’t the best around, no, but it works. I haven’t experienced any issues here, and it operates as quickly and as smoothly as one could imagine, unlike many streamers that have lag. So no negatives for me as it does all I could want, and then some.
UPDATE 11/27/23 – Been listening to the RS130 for the last 3 days with the Buchardt Audio Anniversary 10 speakers which are fully powered. Using the 130 really and I mean REALLY improved the sound quality vs streaming through the Platin Hub. So much so, there are things about this system I PREFER to the Daniel Hertz setup (Bass and Impact). This is awesome. The A10’s have been here for around five months and they are quite special and will be staying around long term. One of the few pieces I do not feel I would want to be without. This combo of 130, A10’s and Platin Hub is astonishing and almost unbelievable, what I am hearing from these small speakers in my space!
UPDATE 12/04/23 – The RS130 now works with Roon! The update has been done by Roon so if you use Roon, you can now set up the 130 to work with it. The chill is in the air, the holidays are among us and I am still enjoying the HiFi Rose RS130 more so than any other streamer I have ever owned. Love the lag free performance but man the sound quality of this one is jaw dropping good when I compare it to others. While this is not for everyone (a $5200 streamer only) for those who listen every day to digital, I do not feel there is any finer streamer to listen to. Just take the negatives we always had with digital and seems to remove them, even when used in smaller lower cost systems. The source is VERY important!
Also, just for fun I sat for three hours comparing the HiFi Rose RS130 to the $219 WIIM Pro Plus in my system (as streamer only) that so many talk about. It’s was no contest and not even close. While the WIIM is great for low to mid fi systems it just can not compete with something like the RS130 for sound or anything else. The WIIM sounded smaller, compressed, and darkened with way less bass.body vs the Rose, but this is just as it should be considering the cost. Anyone who says streamers can not sound different, that is nonsense. It’s night and say between these two (and between others I have here).
LOVE this piece!
Update April 8th 2024:
Well here I am now in 2024 and still LOVING the HiFi Rose. I have a (not so) funny story though. Not so long ago I spent $5k on a Axxess Forté 1 amp that had a built in streamer. I compared the Rose and while the Rose was better in every way I decided that to keep my budget in check I could sell the Rose and be happy with the Axxess or even Bluseound streamer. I was also going to get a long term loaner streamer, that was a higher end model to keep in for a few months. Well, I sold the black Rose 130 and that was a mistake. I lost some money for the first time in a while. The new loaner was not good for me, didn’t enjoy the connectivity and sound nearly as much as the Rose. I sent back the loaner (no review) and had to bring the rose back in. I bought it for a THIRD TIME, losing money. With that said, I learned another lesson. When something is this good, keep it. I really noticed the system sound (digital) go downhill after taking it out.
I love this 130for its stability, app (which is so much better than many other streamers) and sound quality as it allows your DAC to be the 100% best it can be.
I have two DAC’s I use for reference as I love both and both offer up a slightly different vibe. I also have two speakers listed as my reference today though I own seven sets.
The RS130 has delivered the finest digital sounds I have experienced in my life and it has been the one piece I found I can not be without. It’s the only streamer I have had that makes digital sound like really good analog on steroids. Smooth, big, bold, detailed, open, hefty and front to back holographic as well. It is not cheap but in this case you do get what you pay for. I still have not had one glitch with the 130 device or the app and I have said it before but what this streamer does for Spotify is remarkable (sounds better than Tidal streams in my system, richer, more impactful). I just hope that this one lasts me for years to come and doesn’t have any issues down the road! So far so good.
When I took out the 130 for a couple of weeks to listen to other streamers and DAC’s something was missing. I couldn’t put my finger on it but music wasn’t as engaging, magical or as much of an experience. Upon placing the 130 back in, that all came back. Yes, source is very important in a nice high end system.
OH and also, over the last 10 months of owning a Rose RS130 I have noticed these things:
- When a new one arrived in a different color it sounded exactly like the one I had running for over 1000 hours. So burn in with this is not a thing. They were exactly the same in sound, period.
- I have not had one single bug, glitch, shutdown, freeze up at all of the hardware. Always dependable and reliable.
- Sound with display on vs off? Same, I hear zero difference. (some have asked me about this).
- Which output sounds best? I have tried them all and prefer COAX over USB, I2S and the rest. Could be because of the cable I use (Shunyata Omega) which is very nice indeed. I2S was my least favorite but your results will vary depending on room, associated gear, etc.
- I have now added a small HDMI display to the system as the 130 will show what is playing on the external display and the VU meters will be shown on the streamer itself. Just hook it up via the HDMI out on the 130! Another awesome feature of this steamer.
In October/November I will do a one year update on the Rose 130 and speak about the last year using this streamer as my main digital music maker. As of August 16th 2024 I have yet to find a finer digital front end, no matter the cost.
UPDATE October 14th 2024: I ALMOST replaced this with an Electrcocompaniet ECM 1 MKII Streamer and DAC but in the end found the streaming section of the ECM to lack the outputs needed for my use in future reviews with future DACs (The EC is meant9o be be a streaming DAC vs streamer). After listening to each for 2 weeks on and off, I ended up sticking with the Rose RS130 once again for build, style, and cool factor. Oh and of course the sound quality. : ) So I look forward to my 2nd year with the 130!
UPDATE November 2nd 2024: I am testing the new Eversolo Flagship, the A10, This is a streamer, preamp and DAC so much more than just a streamer. This new Eversolo comes in at around $3700 so it is almost a couple of grand less expensive than the Rose. Using the A10 as a streamer only into a variety of DACs (Holo May KTE, Nagra Tube, Denafrips Pontus 15th) the sound is great but the 130 is on the next level going into the same DACs. The Rose has more clarity, more 3D depth, a larger stage and a deeper stage. With that said the Eversolo is about being an all in one package and yes, it 100% bests the A6 and A8. The A10 is a stunning piece for those who want something just to send to their amp. One box. In this area, the A10 is fantastic but as a streamer only into a high end DAC, the RS130 sounds better without question.
Since I reviewed the $48,000 Nagra Tube DAC I was contacted by a Nagra dealer who is sending me a Nagra Streamer for review. I suspect this will be the first streamer to challenge the Rose 130 (maybe) as it will connect to the Tube DAC with a Nagra fiber cable. I will also test it via COAX to other DACs to see how it does against the 130. Oh, it costs LESS than the Rose which is unusual for Nagra.
As of today, the 2nd of Nov 2024, I love the RS130 more than ever. It’s phenomenal and has bested streamers of all costs. I had a nearly $18k streamer here not so long ago and I preferred the $5300 Rose 130, which is why I did not review the $18k streamer (cost too high to not best the Rose). I am excited for the Swiss made Nagra to arrive, which should be very soon, this month. It just may be my last review of the year with a likely December release. It may also stay with me if I can keep the Nagra Tube DAC long term. Stay tuned. ; )
Also, as of November 24 my refined reference system now consists of:
Pure Audio Project Duet 15 Speakers with their new Khaki Valchromat baffles (was no going back after living with them for a while, they are simply sublime, so bought them)
Rose RS130 Streamer
Electrcocompaniet ECI 6DXII Integrated (This may change to either EC seperates or a Nagra INT (if I can find one used) in the next 2-3 months.
Nagra Tube DAC (Main Ref) – This DAC is unreal but so is the absurd cost of almost $50k with power supply and Nagra anti vibration plate. With that said, I did find one used for 1/3 the price of new, and it’s like new. Even so, not sure I can keep it long term as I really can not afford it, even at the discount I found. Either way, I will never hear a better DAC that this one. It’s magic and with the Rose 130 ..BIG TIME MAGIC!
Denafrips Pontus 15th (lower cost reference (under $3k) – Great DAC at around $2k and could be end game for most listeners. More is not needed, but usually only wanted.
Nordost Valhalla Speaker and IC cables (version 1, my all time fave cables) – While these would have set me back $18k back in the early 2000’s I found my set, with wooden boxes, as new, for $4k for speaker and IC. Well worth it if your system can expose what they do. My all time fave cables, I prefer them to the newer V2 as well.
The only thing stopping me from forking out the mulah for this besides the quirky Rose Connect app is that it DOES NOT DO DSD, which for reasons unknown to me is not mentioned anywhere. Not that DSD is all that great, but I have encountered material offered in that format that will blow your socks off. Anyhoo I’m not saying, but I’m just saying …. :-))
I haven’t played DSD since the first Sony SACD player came out. Not a DSD fan here at all but I guess if DSD is important to you then this is not the streamer you will want. I use it for streaming only – Roon, Tidal, Qobuz and even Spotify. I do not use the hard drive either. But yea, DSD fans…no go here.
Dear Steve,
According to your reviews, you love the rose rs130 and have also tested the Grimm MU1.
What’s the difference in terms of sound reproduction between these two streamers?
I enjoyed the Grimm but its limitations were its big weakness. It only does ROON (from what I remember). So if you do not use ROON, it’s not the one. I also prefer the SQ of the Rose to the Grimm, even when streaming lowly Spotify. The Rose has a way of making digital sound like very good analog with all of the best traits of digital. I just fell for the sound. The rest is just icing on the cake. The Grimm is nice, classy and minimal inside but sounds gorgeous as well. It has a lighter footed sound vs the Rose.
seems like this is roon ready now
Thanks! I just checked and yes indeed it is!
Dear Steve, I got an RS130 plugged into a Puritan PSM 156 and I still get a transformer hum for the RS130. Do you get the same from yours ? Thank you very much.
VERY odd! I have zero noise from the RS130. I mean, it is dead silent. It’s going into the PSM 156 with all of my other gear. That puzzles me but you may have a ground issue (which I found out I had some issues with ground due to a buzzing sub). I added the Puritan Ground Master City to the PSM 156 and the sub hum almost went to zero. I then tried a ground master from Puritan with copper rod outside and that did better. If my RS130 had a buzz or hum I would return it and try another. If the next one does it then it could be a ground issue. I will say the 156 fixed 98% of buzzing amps for me. There was one that still had a minor hum.
Hi Steve,
I want to purchase the Hifi ROSE 130 for my setup with the Buchardt A10 as you are doing. How are you connecting the PlatinHub to the Hifi Rose so that I may replicate what you are experiencing?
Thanks so much
Ethernet connected to the Rose, COAX out of the ROSE to the Platin Hub. Then choose the COAX input on the Buchard remote. You will hear more clarity, more depth, more punch and just a more refined sound. The RS 130 is a beauty indeed. Pricey but it was worth it for me for many reasons. Once I heard it I couldn’t go back to the others. True story!
Did you happen to play FLAC files from a NAS? If so, did the Rose app easily access the NAS/files?
I did not, I just used the internal drive. I do not use a NAS nor do I own one. 99% of my digital music comes from streaming. I preferred the sound of streaming to even the internal drive, but that’s me. ; )
Do you plan to review the PS Audio “AirLens” streamer for $1,999? I would love to get your take on it.
If they send me one, sure. That will not happen though so unlikely. Lots of politics in the review world that I do not play along with.
PS Audio “AirLens” streamer now on sale for $1,599.