About Me (Steve Huff) and this Website. 

This website was started 18 years ago as of July 2024. Eighteen years of reviews, meeting new friends, putting on some amazing road trips and workshops, testing amazing cameras and also showcasing YOUR work for so many years. Enjoying 3 million visitors per month at its peak, STEVEHUFFPHOTO is known worldwide for honest camera and now HiFi audio reviews as well.

Ushered in during the start of the MIRRORLESS revolution, I always preferred to talk about cameras here from Leica, Olympus and Sony. This was the first site to offer REAL WORLD REVIEWS (I coined that term for my camera reviews long before others) and truly promoted mirrorless as the future, all in a time when everyone told me Mirrorless was never going to take off, LOL.

I have been into cameras since I was a 13, and HiFi Audio for close to 40 years now. Both are things in life I am passionate about which is why this site started back in 2006. To bring to life my dream of writing about what I love and having all of you enjoy it, or get something from it. I did just that and enjoyed success here beyond my wildest dreams.

In 2020 I scaled back my Camera reviews. I decided to ONLY review what puts a spark IN ME. What excites ME and what I would (and often do) buy. If I review a piece of gear today, it means I loved it and probably now own it.

I will continue my reviews here for as long as I can so check back and see what the next eighteen years may bring ; ) Love you all!

A video I did for CosySpeed in Las Vegas MANY years ago. It shows my style of Street Photography. 




  1. Hi Steeve, I found very intersting your adaptation of a manfrotto plate holder on the MeFoto. on http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/tag/mefoto/
    I want to do the same, but I don’t find the good Manfrotto plate holder. Can you point the reference of the Manfrotto plate holder ?
    Thanks you a lot and keep up such a good job !
    Sorry for my poor english, I’m French 🙂

  2. I have the Rx10 III and bought it essentially for its consumer priced high speed videography option.

    I am in need of some help with this camera. I am currently trying to image at 480fps. I need better resolution. How do I get better resolution to make my videos crisp?

  3. Your site is quite inspirational. How do you suggest Leica D 109 for a person new to Leica photography

    • It’s a very nice point and shoot style camera but in reality is a Panasonic, made by Panasonic. You can get the same version for less with Panasonic. But if you want the Leica version, it is a very beautiful camera that one can take with them anywhere.

    • I already did. The 262 IS an M 240 without video. Same camera, same sensor, same everything. Just no video. So read my 240 review and skip the video portion 😉 That is the 262. No live view, no video, and a slimmer body. But IQ wise and everything else, it is an M 240.

  4. Great site! I was doubting between buying an Olympus OMD 10-II and an PEN F, which is nearly twice as expensive. You pulled me over the line. Great review!

  5. So if I get to B&H or Amazon by clicking on their link on your site you will get your commission? If so I can make a point to always do that… let me know, it wasn’t clear [to me] how that works

  6. I love your site and the content – I write for an aspiring dslr bag site which hopes to get as big as yours one day… it does take a lot of work and early mornings to keep the content going but it’s definitely worth it as I learn more about all the different bag brands and gear brands every day – a never ending stream of camera related content to cover. I am sure no one site can do it all 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me to keep going!

  7. I love your site and the content – I write for an aspiring dslr bag site which hopes to get as big as yours one day… it does take a lot of work and early mornings to keep the content going but it’s definitely worth it as I learn more about all the different bag brands and gear brands every day – a never ending stream of camera related content to cover. I am sure no one site can do it all 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me to keep going!

  8. Hey Steve, super job (site, pictures, reviews..)! One point: have you looked at some other provider alternatives? I’m a senior SW engineer/architect @telecom – I guess the prices you are paying are not really needed – you could check something like MS Azure; a few middle instances and a few TB storage: the speed would fly and you would spare a lot of $$$. We are deploying a big (!..) platform these months and the price you’re paying would drive our solution pretty nicely – but I’m talking about a few 10.000.000 requests every second in parallel man ;-).. You can drop me a line if you like, I can give you a few tips if it helps. Greetz from Swiss and keep the nice project going!

  9. Have just come to your website for the first time. Was looking for info on using non-Oly lenses on my new OMD – E1 and found exactly what I needed in your article and review. Thank you very much for this info. Thank you for your hard work. Kudos and bravo to you for a very usable and useful site. Best wishes for your continuing success.

  10. Steve, when you shoot your great monochrome images are you shooting in color and the post process the color out? Is the quality of the image better if you shoot monochrome from the beginning? Thank you for your great website.

  11. Hello Steve,

    I have been following your blog and news for a while now and this quite frequently. I have to say, I like most of it ,-)

    One thing I did notice, though, although I understand why you changed it: I hardly read the daily inspiration anymore, since I have to click on the link that takes me to the website. I always took my time, spending a couple of minutes scrolling through the mails, look at the pics, but with so many mails and news to read, I skip most of those that need further action from my side. But as I said, I understand that the page lives from clicks and I will try to better my behaviour *g*

    I don’t know if I am in the right spot here, or have any chance for an answer, but I have one question about a certain lens I came across a couple of weeks ago: would you know anything about the Konica Hexanon AR 35mm f2.0. Yes, it is a 2.0, but not in M-mount, just a regular AR lens. I only find little information on the internet, there’s none listed in the online auctions. Do you have any idea if it’s a gem, worth something? How much should I offer to buy it??

    Thx and keep up the good work ,-)


    PS: if anybody else does now something about that AR 35mm 2.0, feel free to answer. But so far I did check pretty much all the info available via the net ,-)

  12. hi, steve huff. I like the way you thinking, and of course, your professionalism. I like to read your reviews. Especially about compact camera. I like to bring a small camera, and bring dslr is tiring for me. I read your review about leica x1. And now, she’s with me. Haha. Btw, thanks to you and move forward 🙂

  13. Just found your site, and a kindred sole as well! Love you work – what a fantastic eye. Keep em’ coming!

  14. Hi Steve, thanks for your great site! You really should put your images on an Amazon S3 server. This should bring down your cost by a wide margin.

  15. Hi Steve,

    I love your blog, i use x pro1, and it inspired me alot to go out and have time for myself shooting instead of giving all my energy to work and studies.

    love it and i will keep checking it out regularly.

  16. Ran in to your blog/web site after doing a search on V1 lenses. While I am more of a novice even though I have dabbled both film for 15 and digital photography for the last 7 years, the digital world ever changing. You can never learn enough! Like your site and look forward to reading more on it.

  17. Hey, Steve. Just a brief comment – to thank you for the enthusiastic and unbridled intelligence and energy you bring to your site – and what you write. There are soooo many intelligent but boring photo geeks or gearheads – and it’s a serious pleasure to read someone who expresses themself as honestly – elquently – passionately – and often insanely humorously – as you do.

    Also a brief quote for you – which you can feel free to use in one of your ‘Daily Inspirations’ – in the event that you haven’t done so, already. It’s from one of the original old-school masters of photography and one of my revered idols when I first started learning how to take photographs, 50 odd years ago, on my father’s ancient Leica IIIc. The photographer in question is, of course, Ansel Adams –

    And here is his quote –

    “You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”

    • Nope, and do not need one. Wedding will be small, personal and with only a couple of others with us. Small and quick. I am not a fan of large weddings because they are, well, I will keep my opinions to myself 🙂 Thanks 🙂

  18. hi Steve,

    I love your site and come back to it on a regular basis. Keep up the great work. I think it is great that you allow guest posts (daily inspiration) – it adds variety and different perspectives. I like reading about gear and seeing different work – one never stops learning.

  19. I reckon all of us nikon v1 owners owe ken rockwell a beer as I believe he single handedly ruined nikons chances of them selling any due to his original scathing review, which pushed the prices down to rock bottom and we all owe you a beer as you convinced us all it’s actually a great photography tool and such a bargain. Im currently studying photography and have been involved in photography for most of my life and this is by far my favourite site and thats because you come across as humble and sincere. I love reading and viewing the readers own reviews as well as yours which helps with the constant changing and style’s of photography on this site, It does indeed come across as relaxed and open, Great work Steve

  20. Dear Steve,
    all the best with your love, this was the highlight of the evening, reading about a lens (2.8/28 I will buy soon…), asking myself who is this guy and then finding the picture of a happy man.
    I like to see how you write about cameras and lenses, thats how it is. Forget pixel counting, it is about real life. Like it or not, feel it or not. For me it was the moment seeing my little girl first time on the M9-LCD made with the Zeiss Planar (based on your advice).
    Keep going! Regards from Brussels Philipp

  21. Hi Steve.
    Well done on your site. I can’t believe I only just found it! Keep up the good work and thanks for the info and time you put into it!

  22. Hi Steve, Just wanted to tell you that I was looking for an unbiased opinion of D600 and finally I found one on your site. I have just ordered mine from B&H and can’t wait to get my hands on it.

    Your opinions are most welcome to amateur photographers like myself. Nobody wants to read about comparisons between this camera and that camera, they just want an honest opinion of what the camera is like and you nailed it… Thank You, I will be checking back regularly for your comments and posts and to view your photos… Keep up the good work.. Congrats

  23. Good eveneing Steve,

    I have found your site by concidence, looking for information about the fuji x-e1 which I wanted to buy. And which I bought last friday.
    For two months now i am a regular visitor and I appreciate it very much.
    Have a nice evening. One day maybe I will send you pictures to post on your site. If they are worth of it.
    Kind regards

  24. Wanted to say Thank You Steve for this site. I am a new reader. Very informative and helped me feel so much better about a HUGE decision I made recently to move from DSLR to a Micro 4/3 system. I sold all of the Nikon gear my wife & I had acquired over the last 9 years (since we’ve been married), and thanks to your fabulous in-depth reviews we are now the proud owners of the Olympus OMD EM-5 system. We are at a point where we needed to “lighten the load” and we weren’t shooting as much as we wanted to because the gear we had was so heavy to haul around… Moving to the OMD (along with some Panasonic glass as per your recommendations) was a no-brainer after reading your site.
    So, thank you very much. I am now an avid follower. (:
    Tim – Airdrie, Alberta Canada

  25. Steve

    Love this site and info. Now I find myself visiting everyday…..if not, the day is not complete!! :-). Keep up the awesome work

    Regards Kevin Cobello

  26. Many, many thanks for your useful considerations about D800 and M9 _
    Many compliments because your amazing family_
    rRegards Orazio

  27. Wow, and WOW, what a great site you got Sire.

    I just got a Nikon 35mm/1.8 lens and just wanted to find some pic’s / info, about it and you popped up, I am glad you did. Can’t wait to read more here, thanks again for having this site.


  28. Steve, I was very impressed by your comments about your girl friend – very sweet – and congrats on finding such a sweet girl.
    Thanks again for awesome good reviews and super images – very classy


  29. Hey Steve
    Greetings from Indonesia.
    I really love reading your posts, you have a really wonderful website and honestly the more I read your posts…the more I want a Leica for myself. Unfortunately, I still haven’t had the courage to move on LOL

    Anyway, keep up the great work!


  30. Hey Steve,
    I have a gear question for you. I’ve seen you video review of the Domke F-803 and I was wondering about the insert you have in there. It look exactly like what I’ve been searching for. It is a three compartment with moveable walls. All the ones I find have sew in dividers. Where can i find one like that? Thanks, Justin

  31. Well, thanks to you, and a friend of mine, I have just sold up the very last piece of pro Canon gear that I had and went for the LE version of the X100. Your site not only encouraged me in this, but made me research the camera in fine detail before going the distance with it. Also thanks to your website I made some real decisions on how I would pimp the camera and carry it: A Billingham Hadley, which gives me space for camera and personal stuff like specs, wallet etc when not wearing a jacket. As I have some arthritis in both thumbs I have ordered the LensMate thumbrest in black (a cracking piece of kit). As for the soft release, I found a post on another thread that suggested using one of those self-adhesive cupboard bumper stops which fit a treat and work perfectly. For just a few pence and not a ridiculous £20 I have saved myself a ton of money on this important aspect of pimping. I have the clear one, but would like to find them in black.

    Anyway, I can’t offer you a donation towards your website costs, but I can say your website is great! And I will increase your costs and your hits by passing it on to others. Hope your wedding goes well in 2013 and yes, looks like you are a lucky man indeed. Best regards…Keith

  32. Hey Steve! Im new to shooting pics other than on my iphone and Im looking into purchasing a DSLR but not sure to go mirrorless or bulky full body. My 3 top cameras that Ive found online from peoples reviews are the Sony NEZ-5N, Sony a65 or Canon t4i. Im not sure what direction would be best cause I like to take pics on the go but also want top notch. What do you think would be good for me with such little knowledge about photography?

    • Krazi311, thanks to Steve, I just purchased a Fuji X Pro 1, needless to say, it is hard to take a picture that is NOT in focus. The secret to this is the fact that you can zoom in on your subject, then focus and shoot. To get great pictures e sure to shoot on a tripod and set the timer for 2 seconds. I’ve had the camera for one full day and already taking pictures with great detail. Forget about reading from the manual, you can read it as a PDF file, with your iPhone.

      I own a Canon SD850IS that I love to pieces. I bought it used on EBAY for less than $150.00. The picture quality is great and it takes fantastic Macro pictures. It is my work horse camera that I throw in my back pocket w en I am working down at the bar or out in the pasture. You ask, why do I need three cameras? Well, as I always tell my wife, “No one camera is right for taking everywhere or taking pictures of everything”

      I also have the Nikon D700, but am planning on upgrading to the Nikon D800. Be sure to read the on line reviews before you decide on a camera. Just remember, it is your decision and whatever camera you decide to get will be Great!

      Steve, you are a real inspiration to me, not only about cameras and taking pictures, but your extremely positive out-look on life. Thank you for being you!

      • Sorry about the typo’s above, thought I had it right.

        ……get great pictures BE sure
        ……back pocket WHEN I am working down at the BARN

        Got to review these before I hit (Done).

  33. Hi Steve,
    great blog, full of interesting information! I’ve found it while I was looking for info about the Leica M9, which at that time I had the temptation to buy. Reading your blog I got convinced, now I am a happy owner of that camera, so I feel I have to thank you! After many years of different cameras now I have found the right one for me (it is my first Leica ever…), so thanks again: taking photos has become a real pleasure now. Which is the right place to post technical questions and comments on your blog?

  34. Hi Steve!
    Nice to get to know you !!
    …I only found your site yesterday after following a link for the new Sony RX100.. what a great and interesting, not to mention insanely thorough review of it you did!!..
    I only wish I had found you sooner to help with all my other photo related purchases..specially the DSLR!..
    I guess when I type in reviews here in England I mostly get UK sites up so that is probably why I have not come across you before..but you are now bookmarked!

    Thanks for the review …I am saving hard for the Sony to replace the xz-1 I dropped in the canal a couple of months ago..I was not totally sure but once I read your review I knew it had to be that camera for me!


    PS..Congrats on finding Debby she sounds like 1 in a million!!

  35. Hi Steve, first of all let me congratulate you for the great work you post on this blog and which you share with us, and another thing I like about you, do not lose your simplicity despite being very good photographer. I found by chance when looking for more information about the system Nex, after waiting a long time nex7 and floods in Indonesia slowed all my plans so I decided to grab the nex5n and saw the reviews on your blog about this little camera, great sensor, hight performance in low light and IQ.

    another reason that I love is that it is very easy to use legacy lenses, using the focus peaking does the job very easy.
    thanks again Steve

    cheers Freddytto Robles

  36. Steve, great site and source of imformation – thank you.

    I have been a passionate amature all my life (I did weddings professionally for a while), and have owned more different camera gear than I can remember. I have alway been a Leica lover but never owned any of the high end gear. I am presently selling most of my DSLRs to ‘justfy/finance’ the move to an M9. I am doing a lot of research and the camera/lenses but also on how photographers made the change over to rangefinders and thier initial experiences. I am sure the change will be somewhat daunting and likely a steep learing curve as I have become used to the fast and faster auto focus over the last decade as the technology as changed. That said, I look forward to what I am hoping will be a more ‘pure’ photographic experience.

    • Hi, Steve, I discovered your website a few days ago, I recently purchased a used Leica M8, and a used Summilux 50/1.4 , I just love using this camera….Love this website..

  37. You have more fun than any other photography nut on the web. I’m so glad you share it with us. And that rude guy was so wrong. Bald guys are sexy. And your heads bounce light so beautifully.

  38. I have been reading your site for years, and you have been my ‘best resource’ for photo information, especially -hands on- information: I appreciate your ‘real life photo’s’ with your camera evaluations, and your TRUTH in sharing what you THINK about the camera’s you test. Your Leica bias is well founded; but I –
    like you – have a soft spot for Olympus color & tone; and after reading your OMD EM5 review – W O W !
    The X100 is a real break through too – esp. the hybrid view finder, color and tone, and in BLACK !
    I will buy any new camera products through your site, and PLEASE give all of us a link to contribute $ to directly to your site. We all want you to continue what you love and do best !
    If you ever do evaluations on medium format film cameras, new or used; please post the film scans; more importantly, please share your impressions of WHAT EACH FILM DOES BEST, with examples.
    Thank you again,

  39. Hi Steve,

    A shout out for the excellent work you are doing ! ! Am new to photography and a proud OM-D owner. This website has been a guide and almost a bible of sorts ! You also given a excellent glimpse into the world of Leica.

    Your photos are an inspiration and what I hope to develop into one day in my capacity as an amateur photographer.

    Finally, I hope to become sufficiently proficient to fully exploit a Leica rangefinder one day !

    Thank you and WIDE Open !!

  40. Dear Steve,
    I stumbled across your website last year and have really enjoyed it. Each review gets to the point.
    Currently, I own a Canon 50d and wanted to change it has I found I really was not enjoying it.
    I was interested in the Fuji X-100, read your review, but when I went to look at it I just did not like the feel and decided something better may come along. I then contemplated on getting the OM-D, but would have waited for your review.
    However on working out the cost of the camera and the price of the price of the 12mm F/2. I decided I should save up a bit and maybe own a Leica.
    That dream for me came yesterday, living in London, I managed to find a couple of shops specialising in second hand Leicas and there was an M8 in excellent condition and it was the same price as a Fuji X-100 pro body.
    You can imagine my joy, yes it has its quirks your reviews had told me this, however there was also a near mint M7, slightly a bit more but still reasonable. I have to mention that this shop was buzzing with Leica users of all ages and backgrounds and the majority of them were shooting with film, yes film is not dead and this lovely shop will also print your images.
    After asking each one of them which one to purchase they all pointed to the M7 not because of the problems of the M8, but more to do with the joy.
    Yes, digital is convenient, you can see what you have shot and if you do not like it then just delete it but in my mind I wanted to take a step back and enjoy the whole process again, sadly the 50D, was slowly taking away that enjoyment and I was deleting more photos than I was printing.
    I am now a proud owner of a M7 and in my heart I knew I had made the right choice for me and knowing that this shop will print out my images swayed me to purchase this. I am going to relish every
    Thanks Steve and keep up the good work.

    • Hi Steve, great site & thank you for all of your information, if that’s ok with you I have a question for Saron. Hi Saron, Hope that you are enjoying more then ever with your M7,I would love to pay a visit to that shop on my next stop to London, would you mind (if that’ ok with Steve) give me the address of “the Leica shop”? I live in Tashkent and like to replacing my M6 body for a M9 but just can’t do it in this part of the world, thanks


  41. Dear Steve, I’ve just joined in so let me say my thanks to you for the boost in My Photography.



  42. Hi Steve

    I’ve only recently come across your blog/webpage, but have already become addicted. The ‘no-fuss-real-life’ experience you provide of the gear you test is just plain fantastic and very good to go by.

    Keep it up, I will be sure to follow from now on.

    Best reards

  43. Hi Steve,

    I am not a photo head and never will be, but I do read product reviews for learning what I will expect from a purchase.

    Anyhow, since you have international audience ( must be, example me ) you best place a donation link using paypal or similar. I personally always donate to website or forum I find useful. I can’t shop at B&H or Amazon as I am in Indonesia. I also believe in supporting local brick & mortar shop in my own city/country, whenever I can. Margin on big names cameras are pathetic, so enough of buyers with “buy where it is cheapest mind set” already.

    Your review will save newbies lots of $$ for them to jump in into purchases without much experimental mistake or whatever.

    If say US$2 per person out of say 5% of your readers will donate, it is decent to keep the website running without readers needing to buy stuff from Amazon or B&H. The worth of the wisdom and work you put up is priceless. TWO THUMBS UP.

    Thanks and keep up the good work.

  44. I’m sure all 20,000+ visitors per day can agree that this is hands down the best photography website this side of east jesus!! Your passion is an inspiration to us all, and your hard work is very appreciated! There is no better place to visit for photography than stevehuffphoto.com.

  45. Great web site Steve and fantastic pics, you are very talented. I just picked up a Pentax k-5. I can’t recall if I read your review before buying, but I really enjoyed your review since buying my K-5.
    I have to admit, when I got the camera, I was actually afraid of it, and considered taking it back. It just seemed too much, too intimidating for an amateur like me. My wife said to just jump in and take some pics, which I did. Now I am looking forward to becoming a better photographer, not because of the camera, but in partnership with it. Although I’ve only had the K-5 for a few weeks it already feels like an old and trusted friend. Again, great web site. I’ll be looking in often

  46. Hi Steve, been stuck in Germany over the Xmas/New Year for work, German tv sucks, so the net has been my friend.
    Congrats for providing an excellent forum for photography, I even tried to get a factory tour in the Leica factory in Solms but the dude was still on holidays 🙁 I couldn’t even buy a camera or lens from the factory shop as there is a 3 months backlog. Never mind , you win some and lose some.
    Keep up the good work.
    Can’t wait to to get some warmer weather back down under.

    A Big Gidday from Dazza

  47. Hi Steve, I’ve been following you for about six months, just have to say great reviews & insights.

    Love what you are doing, more Leica reviews though please!



  48. Hi Steve !

    today I got my nex 7, and it is really A, A, AWESOME ! (triple A-status)
    I love it already and just spent a couple of minutes with it.

    When do you visit Amsterdam for some street shooting?!?



  49. Steve , your reviews are great very simple but real life related and more practical than anything else I ‘ve seen else where.

    Thanks for sharing all your great experience and photographic world.

    One question : what is the best fast lens for NEX5n or 7? I cannnot afford a real Leica so I am shooting NEX and Alpha 900 and if you can recommend me some good fast MF or AF mid to wide primes , it ‘d be great.
    Does the VM35f1.2 ,which you just reviewed here work well on a NEX7?

    By the way, I am also waiting the Zeiss 24f1.8.

  50. Hey Steve,

    Since discovering your website I have been delighted to find reviews about many camera’s of interest. I’m also quite impressed with the tone of your reviews. When looking at reviews on CNET or even DP Review, it seems as if the reviewer is spending so much time over examining the A’s and B’s of the camera that they not really enjoying the photography aspect of the whole thing. So reading your reviews is quite refreshing and never dull.

    Now, I myself am a budding enthusiast. I am currently looking to purchase a camera that will allow me to grow as an enthusiast of photography. Your review on the EP-3 really changed my opinion of the camera. I was a bit skeptical about it being that it has a smaller 12.3 MP sensor. But you helped change my view of it altogether. However, I’m a little tempted to see what kind of grade the new Panasonic Lumix GX1 gets. Are you planning on doing a review for that camera?


  51. `hi Steve!

    my name is Remy and I am from Holland, Amsterdam. I like your website, you are doing a great job. After reading your review of the nex 7, i have decided to buy this camera. Unfortunainly it is not yet to buy in Amsterdam, so i have to wait (but i can’t…;) )

    if i have one of my own, i let you know!


    Remy, Amsterdam

  52. Hello Steve,
    I’ve been viewing your site for a couple of months now. I actually came on it when I was looking for some reviews of the Sony NEX-5N and saw you in your monster mask!
    I’m an enthusiastic amateur and that’s one of the reasons I really appreciate your site. You obviously have some great gear and are a professional, but you write really interesting articles which don’t talk down to people like me, but have enough real-world information to help in making an informed choice.
    I have a mid-level DSLR (Nikon D90 with a reasonable election of lenses) and was looking for something more portable with interchangeable lenses to complement my ‘travel’ camera (a Nikon P7100). I was considering the Fujifilm X10, Olympus EP3, Pentax Q, Nikon V1 and Sony NEX-5N but have eventually gone for the NEX5N after reading your reviews, because I like the low light performance and great IQ and am prepared to compromise on ice and portability a bit to get these.
    Keep up the good work and thanks for an enjoyable and informative site.

  53. Steve, you are my role model. I’ve wanted to be a photographer all my life and seeing your photos has really inspired me to go out and follow my dreams.. I own a small $200 Canon but it’s no match to your Black M9, but I don’t have $7,000 to get it. Thank you so much for posting all your cool and interesting pictures, I hope one day I could meet you, I went to school with your son, Ha, he was a good friend. But anyways, thank you so much..

  54. Hi Steve, been following your site for +-3months looking for a replacement for my old mavica. Interested in MILC as it is easy to carry around and not intrusive to people. All things being equal, would really appreciate your thought on which one/s that can most likely give ooc stills in movie-look (color, sharpness, contrast, grain etc) with great bokeh/subject isolation? Please give me one or two options along with which lens.

  55. Steve, thanks for all your work, inspiration and guidance.

    One thing you need to seriously sort though, not least because you have an international audience… As a Brit your ad links are US co’s and whilst your top banner provides local content, you don’t give me a way to say thank you directly… Ken Rockwell has a donation button linked to Paypal. I have thanked him! Your recent article on whether the m8 is still a good choice helped sell mine ( to help fund an m9p ), so I would like to thank you too…


    • Sorry for my English.
      Excellent articles. Great experience … I am deeply impressed

      Przepraszam za mój angielski.
      Wspaniała artykuły. Wielki doświadczenie … jestem pod głębokim wrażeniem

  56. I like the opportunity to write a review for your site. I sent you a message via your contact page. Do let me know what you think.


  57. Steve great work you have, very well said on your bio. I appreciate talented individuals like yourself because in the end we as photographers can never stop learning new things. I am also passionate of my work and really enjoy it alot. Please let me know if I can add a link to your page on my site I think its a great site for friends to view. Should there be any question please do feel free to reach out to me thank you very much and may you continue to have much success.

    Jose Angel

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