The Panasonic S1 with Leica M Lenses (Canon EF as well).
The Panasonic S1 with Leica M Lenses (Canon EF as well) By Steve Huff So I shot the Panasonic S1 last night, just for one night, and what I saw made me a very happy […]
The Panasonic S1 with Leica M Lenses (Canon EF as well) By Steve Huff So I shot the Panasonic S1 last night, just for one night, and what I saw made me a very happy […]
The Leica SL at a President Trump Protest in Phoenix AZ 08/22/17 By Steve Huff Note: This is NOT a political post. I suggest watching the 8 minute video below to see what MY message […]
A Night out with the Voigtlander 35 1.2 II and Leica SL, Sony A9 By Steve Huff It’s almost Friday which means yet another weekend is almost upon us, and I am looking forward to […]
Shooting Ephemerisle 2014 with the Sony A7S and a Voigtlander 35mm f1.2 By Judd Weiss – Visit his site HERE Most places I go lately, I am the best photographer around. But I come to […]
USER REPORT: The 35mm Voigtländer Nokton f/1.2 ASPH II meets the Leica M8. By Elie Bescont Hi Steve, Opening this review section was a really good idea. I discovered very talented people here lately, like […]
USER REPORT: The Sony A7R and Voigtlander 35 1.2 by Gianmaria Veronese I spent this weekend in Paris in company of the new Sony A7R and the Voigtlander 35mm 1.2. This article will therefore be a summary of the […]
My 1st look wrap up of the Sony A7 and A7r cameras! NOTE: All images posted here are JPEGS from the cameras, NOT RAW. Hello to all and good morning on this spooky Halloween day. […]
My Leica Starter Kit by Devid Mosca Hi Steve, I know. I’m someone with a strong Gear Acquisition syndrome. I know also that even the best camera wont transform me in a good photographer. I […]
Going on World Tour with Leica, Voigtlander & Nikon By Mike Villa Earlier this year, my typically spastic lifestyle was settling into quite a nice groove. I was putting in huge amounts of time and […]