Seal Rocking In Recife, Brazil…tour report
The South American Seal tour is winding down with only two shows left in Mexico City, Mexico. To some extent this is exciting to me. Shooting the last two shows of this short tour should […]
The South American Seal tour is winding down with only two shows left in Mexico City, Mexico. To some extent this is exciting to me. Shooting the last two shows of this short tour should […]
I made it to Recife Brazil where we will be for the next four days. Finally, a full nights sleep! Woo hoo! I just went over the shots I snapped last night at the 2nd […]
I’m still recovering from Brasilia and right now as I write this I am back at the Hotel Unique in Sao Paulo where we flew back today for another show. Last night Brasilia was GREAT! […]
Just wrapped up shooting the 5th show on Seals South American tour in Belo Horizonte Brazil and it was a WILD one! The crowds seem to be getting wilder and wilder and tonight was the […]
Holy S*%T am I tired. It is 2:36AM and I have to wake up in 4 hours to go pick up my Visa so I can get into Brazil tomorrow! Crazy crazy crazy but hey, […]
I made it to Buenos Aires Argentina! 1st show tonight! Saturday, March 12th 2011 – 11AM – After 15 hours of flights and airports I made it to Buenos Aires Argentina in one piece 🙂 […]
Seal South American Tour 2011 Woohoo! Looks like I will be heading out on tour with Seal at the end of next week to join him on his three week tour of South America. I […]
YES, I AM GIVING AWAY A LEICA M9! EXCITING NEWS! If you are here reading this right now then YOU have a chance to win a black Leica M9 camera (VALUE: $6995). Yes, I said […]
Just three of my faves from tonight’s show which ended about 1 hour ago…a full report on Monday! Click any image for larger view…