Cool Saturday Links, April 24th 2010
It’s Saturday afternoon and out by me it is a gloomy rainy day. So instead of going out and shooting I decided to stay in, clean up the house and surf the web for a […]
It’s Saturday afternoon and out by me it is a gloomy rainy day. So instead of going out and shooting I decided to stay in, clean up the house and surf the web for a […]
Yes, I am on the road once again and sitting in a hotel room writing this page! Been doing a ton of traveling recently it seems but it’s always good to hit the road with […]
I know, I know…I’m late with the links! I have been busy preparing for my trip and also ended up posting that M9/M7 thing yesterday, so better late than never! So without further ado, Here […]
Another weekend is here and I am excited because it appears spring is on the way. The sun is shining and the weather is warming up! Anyway, I have some interesting links for you guys […]
TGIF…it’s been a crazy week here and I know I posted some fun links on Monday but I wanted to get back on track and post my links on Friday again! Also, Q&A Wednesday will […]
INTERESTING BLOGS/SITES/LINKS: A reader of this website started her own Leica blog after buying an M8.2! I am telling you, these Leicas are inspiring! You can check it out HERE! She was originally waiting for […]
I just had a major glitch with some plug ins on this website and have been working on them for 3 hours getting them straightened out. I had hoped to have my Zeiss 35 Biogon […]
Saturdays are great… I love Saturday. I usually wake up, grab a coffee in my awesome coffee maker, and then I sit at my desk and browse different sites and see what has been happening […]
Another weekend is upon us and I am planning on going with the family and some friends to see Avatar 3D at the local Imax. I have already seen this movie in standard 3D and […]
Man oh man! I was at the dentist today for 4 hours. Had to have some cavities filled and also had a cleaning while I was there. I hate the dentist. Now half of my […]