Is the Original Leica Monochrom still a good buy in 2019? By Dan Bar
Is the Original Leica Monochrom still a good buy in 2019? By Dan Bar I have been shooting Leica M cameras since the appearance of the Leica M8. Before that I owned a Canon 5D […]
Is the Original Leica Monochrom still a good buy in 2019? By Dan Bar I have been shooting Leica M cameras since the appearance of the Leica M8. Before that I owned a Canon 5D […]
Hi Steve Got back from southern Greece , the Peloponnese this morning, As always I took my loyal Leica M9M and my M10 + the 28 Elmarit and the 50 LUX which stayed on my M9M. […]
Going for the low light performance. What format or camera is my fave in mirrorless? By Steve Huff I am knee-deep into my Hasselblad X1D review and make NO mistake. I love it, but at the […]
The Leica Jim Marshall Limited Edition Monochome set. Only $12,995. Ahh, I knew that would get you. ONLY $12,995? Yep, coming it at about a grand more than a standard monochrome and 50 lux (retail) […]
New Leica Monochrom Typ 246, 1st Look Video & Samples NOTE: YOU MUST click on the images here to see them correctly. If you do not, you are seeing resized and resampled softer images. Click […]
2014: What was the biggest and best camera release this year TO YOU? Unless someone drops a bomb on us at Photo Plus this weekend, 2014 has been the least exciting year in camera releases […]
Jupiter 8: A cheap and lovely character lens for your Leica M or Sony A7 camera The best $30 I have ever spent? This old, beat up, tiny 50mm f/2 Jupiter 8 Russian lens. Yes, […]
Concentration Camps with the Leica Monochrom by Dan Bar Hello Steve and Brandon, It has been some time since my last photos. Anyway I spent a week in Poland intending to visit the two concentration […]
The best for me: Leica Monochrom! by Francois Roosens I think it’s the moment to send you some pictures from my Leica MM (Monochrom). Leica came into my life about 2 years ago, I sold […]
Judo Shooting..with Strobes and a Leica by Jochen Kohl The shooting took place at a Judo Dojo and the main participant was local Ving Tsun Master and a former national league Judoka. The picture showing the […]
Marriage with the Leica Monochrom by Leonardo Perugini Dear Steve, My name is Leonardo Perugini and I am a professional photographer. I work with my colleague in a photo studio in the outskirts of Florence, […]
S+M: Dream combo! By Jan Brunaes What a journey it has been! My first memory of being in awe of a camera was at the launch of the legendary Canon AE-1 some 30-odd years ago. […]
Friday Film: The Leica M Monochrom vs Leica M6 on a wedding By Joeri van der Kloet – see his website HERE Let me start with explaining what I do for a living. I am […]
The Voigtlander 21 1.8 Lens Review by Steve Huff Thanks to new site sponsor CameraQuest for loaning me this lens and viewfinder for review. Hello to all who lurk here on stevehuffphoto.com! It is once […]
Look what came in! The Voigtlander 21 1.8 Lens! A first look at this M mount wide angle. Happy Monday to all! Hope you all had a great weekend, mine was sort of a lazy […]