Friday Film: Contax 645 and Leica M7 by John Tuckey
Friday Film: Contax 645 and Leica M7 by John Tuckey Hi All, another film Friday offering for you to love or hate as you like 😉 These images are all from a shoot last weekend. […]
Friday Film: Contax 645 and Leica M7 by John Tuckey Hi All, another film Friday offering for you to love or hate as you like 😉 These images are all from a shoot last weekend. […]
Friday Film: My 1st roll of film in a Nikon FM2 by Huss Hardan Hi Steve! Thanks for providing such a great site and forum. I love shooting film and I love shooting digital. The […]
Friday Film: One lens, One roll by Ibraar Hussain Hi Steve, It’s been a good year, 2013 has almost rushed past and Christmas is on its way now, so need to get the shopping done […]
Friday Film: An ode to Agfa Ultra 100 and Goodbye Summer By Ibraar Hussain Dear Steve, it’s been a long time since I have written to you and a long time since I have submitted […]
Friday Film Part 2: Olympus OM-1 by Sharjeel Javaid Hello Steve It’s no surprise that photography has become a mainstream affair, everyone wants to be a photographer of some sort. And the most mainstream type […]
Friday Film! The Voigtlander Ultron 35mm f1.7 Aspherical: The secret little gem by Mattia Giovanni Hi Steve, Thank you for your great work of divulgation about photography! My adventure with range finders began unexpectedly in […]
The Friday “Late Night” Film with the Leica CL, Diana, and the Bronica 645. Its Friday, it’s 10PM and I’m sitting at home in my office going through some film scans that I picked up […]
A quick look at the Contax G2 Camera System by Steve Huff TGIFF! Yes, this means THANK GOD ITS FILM FRIDAY! I am out with my family on vacation right now but through the magic […]