Some first samples from the Fuji GF670…
THE FUJI GF670. My review of this cool camera will be up by this weekend but until then I wanted to share a couple of samples that came back today in my first roll. I […]
THE FUJI GF670. My review of this cool camera will be up by this weekend but until then I wanted to share a couple of samples that came back today in my first roll. I […]
I was sitting her tonight after a long day of packing boxes and I started to fiddle with some Leica M9 files. YES, LEICA M9! My old buddy! After shooting film pretty much exclusively over […]
Hey guys! It’s Friday and I have some new film shots for ya! I had a roll of Fuji Velvia 100 processed through Dwayne’s in KS and realized that I did not ask for scans, […]
Someone e-mailed this to me today. It appears NCPS, one of the largest and most popular labs to send your film to for processing and scanning is in need of help! Check out their HELP […]
The Leica MP Camera Review – Film is NOT dead! By Steve Huff Well, it’s Friday and many have been on the look out for the “Friday Film” update. Well, today I have a VERY […]
Max is Back! Yes, the stevehuffphoto.com “film guru” as I now call him is here again with a great little article on a film that many of you know and love, Kodachrome! It’s no longer […]
Happy Monday to all! But is there such a thing as a Happy Monday?!?! Still been shooting film with a little digital thrown in but yes, I love my Leica MP 🙂 After a few […]
It’s Friday and the weekend is almost here. I think I am finally settled back into my routine because I just spent a couple of hours scanning a bunch of B&W film and answering some […]
Received it today! This is the best film RF camera ever. Full review coming soon! For now, here is a video I did right after it arrived. Enjoy! Come back tomorrow for “Film Friday”!
I’m out in Arizona today and will be back home in IL on Tuesday with more reviews but for now a “just for fun” post. Last week I shot some Fuji Reala film and had […]
Refreshed, Re-Inspired and Re-Loaded! By Steve Huff It happens after a while to ALL of us. For one reason or another, we can lose our creativity. We can lose some passion, and even get burned […]
I have had several emails asking me about loading film in a Leica M6 or Leica M7. Instead of writing about it I figured “why not show it”??? Here is a short but sweet video […]
Low Speed Film, Fast Lenses by Max Marinucci I don’t know if I am the only one to sense this but I believe that film, for the rest of us, has been making a tremendous […]
Leica M6 with Portra 160NC Film scanned on the Epson V500 Scanner – 50 Cron at F2 – NO PP, straight scan. WOW. Since I am really into film right now I thought I would […]
I’m back at home and hard at work processing images from the Olympus E-Pl1, the Leica M9 and even scanning some film! I bought an EL-CHEAPO scanner to try out, the Epson V500. My thought […]