A Filmstrip…”Visit To Moms” with the E-P2
Yes I know, I have been shooting quite a bit with my “wifes” Olympus E-P2 but truth be told, my Leica M9 is away at Leica getting a check up. I sent it in with […]
Yes I know, I have been shooting quite a bit with my “wifes” Olympus E-P2 but truth be told, my Leica M9 is away at Leica getting a check up. I sent it in with […]
Been shooting the Olympus E-P2 for the past 2 days with the Panasonic 20 1.7 and I have to say it again…this is a must own lens if you have a M4/3 camera! So light, […]
Since posting the just for fun “Quick Shots” yesterday I noticed many of you were looking for a better comparison between the Leica M9 and Olympus E-P2. I had a few e-mails asking me all […]
Was out today in the bitter cold and stopped by my Mother’s house to see how she was doing. I had my M9 with one of Leicas most affordable lenses, the 35 Summarit 2.5 lens attached. […]
Was out today getting a few last shots with the Leica X1 (sending it back tomorrow) and shot this with the Olympus E-P2 and Kit Zoom. I have shot this house with a Leica M8 […]
IN STOCK ALERT! This hard to find in stock MUST OWN lens for any Panasonic GF1 or Olympus E-P1/E-P2 shooter is now in stock at B&H photo for $399.95. Get one while you can! It’s […]
Here you go! I have been having so much fun with the X1 and E-P2 I had to post an image here. Also, since I have been breaking my back shooting with the Nikon D3s […]
Happy New Years Eve! It is almost 2010 and I can hardly believe it. Time is just flying by lately isn’t it? But hey, I am having a blast. Just yesterday I was out in the […]
OLYMPUS E-P2 Review – Hey there, hi there, ho there! It’s 6 am and I am once again sitting down at my stoop with my cup of joe and the snuggy I got for Christmas […]
NOTE: This is just a quick-n-dirty first look. My full review of the Olympus E-P2 will be coming soon! I want to thank B&H Photo for getting me this Olympus E-P2 before Christmas! They came […]