Pic for the Day – A B&W with the M9/Zeiss 35 C-Biogon
I snapped this image today using the M9 and Zeiss C-Biogon 2.8 lens. I am hoping to have the review up later today or tomorrow at the latest. Until then, here is one that will […]
I snapped this image today using the M9 and Zeiss C-Biogon 2.8 lens. I am hoping to have the review up later today or tomorrow at the latest. Until then, here is one that will […]
Leica Lenses and their names. ELMAR – ELMARIT – SUMMARIT – SUMMICRON – SUMMILUX – NOCTILUX – What do they mean? I see many Leica newbies to this site and I get asked quite often […]
Some days are good 🙂 Just got this VERY cool Thumbs up in the mail and it was sent from a reader who “donated” it to me because he decided on a black M9 instead […]
Was just browsing an external Hard Drive with about 15000 images on it and came across an old Canon 5D 50 1.4 image from the AZ State Fair in 2006. I remember standing at the […]
I have many new reviews on the horizon and this week I am taking delivery of FOUR cameras to review and various lenses. First, FINALLY I will be getting a Leica X1 to review! I […]
Here you go! The new price list of Leica lenses which take effect Jan 01 2010. Get them now while you can. Many have sold out already! These are USA price changes BTW and are […]
UPDATED 2013: A new look at this lens on the Leica M 240 and Monochrom is HERE Zeiss ZM 50 Planar Review: Well its about time! You guys have been asking for more Zeiss ZM […]
I know the Canon 7D and its video capabilities are old news to many, but I have a Canon 7D on the way for review and am getting pretty excited about the very cool videos […]
The Best Leica glass for your Leica M I have been getting quite a few e-mails recently with many of them asking me which lenses to buy for the Leica M8 and M9. After answering […]
Being so close to the Holidays I came up with a new twist on the classic. I am sure many of you can relate, and hey, maybe it will give you an idea of what […]
Some Leica Q&A – Switching from a DSLR to Leica Rangefinder – Your e-mails answered! My inbox has been getting jammed lately with many questions from those who have never shot with a rangefinder and […]
UPDATE: 12/15 – Leica pulled the firmware update due to a minor bus in the French version. It should be back up in the next day or two. I updated mine and it was perfect, […]
The Leica Noctilux 0.95 Review: Disclaimer and Thanks: I am truly excited to write about this Noctilux. The original F1 version is one of my favorite lenses EVER, for any camera system. When I had […]
I am back home after spending 32 hours in New York and am realizing it is getting crazy close to Christmas! Seeing all of the hustle, bustle, and action of NY reminded me that I […]
Man, it has been a HECTIC 24 hours. I have been on the move NON STOP and am now sitting in a hotel room in New York City writing this post. I flew out to […]