Impact Small Digital Lighthouse Kit Review
Impact Digital Lighthouse Kit Review: Hey guys! It’s Christmas Eve and here I am typing away with pouring rain pounding on my roof like mad. No snow this year, just a flood 🙂 Being indoors […]
Impact Digital Lighthouse Kit Review: Hey guys! It’s Christmas Eve and here I am typing away with pouring rain pounding on my roof like mad. No snow this year, just a flood 🙂 Being indoors […]
I fell in love with this photo submitted by Togan Gokbakar. It was shot with a Canon 5D MKII and the lovely 50 1.2L lens at 1.2. Thanks for the inspiration Togan!
Camera porn time! I had a few people ask mew for a picture of the Leica X1 with its grip and halfcase. So here you go! I also included a side by side with the […]
Today I proudly present a photo by a guy whose photography I have been following for quite a while. His street shooting skills are top notch and I am a huge fan. His website/blog with […]
Ok guys, I am in a hotel room right now editing photos. The family is asleep and I am checking out photos from the X1, E-P2 and M9. I seriously can not wait to write […]
Todays daily photo is from Mongkol in Thailand. It was shot with a Leica M9 and Noctilux Classic at F1. Ahhhh, I see the magic and am inspired! It is amazing how the Noctilux rendered […]
Received the Leica X1 today in its ful packaging and let me tell you that if a camera was judged on packaging and looks alone, this X1 would be the most amazing camera ever made. […]
YES! There is still time to get these for Christmas! B&H Photo is offering FREE NEXT DAY GUARANTEED OVERNIGHT shipping on all Canon cameras and also free NEXT DAY OVERNIGHT shipping on all Nikon cameras! […]
First of all, I want to thank ALL of you who have submitted images so far for my pic of the day posts. The images coming in have been so beautiful I decided to rename […]
NOTE: This is just a quick-n-dirty first look. My full review of the Olympus E-P2 will be coming soon! I want to thank B&H Photo for getting me this Olympus E-P2 before Christmas! They came […]
With the release of the Leica M9, there seems to be quite a few new users to Leica and rangefinder cameras. I have been getting e-mails for the past three months with questions related to […]
I have been posting images every few days or so as my “Pic of the Day” but today I decided “Hey! Why not start taking image submissions from readers of the site”? Starting NOW, I […]
Leica  released this new major firmware update for the Leica D-Lux 4 a few days ago and then pulled it. Well, its back and you can download it direct HERE! To see the list of improvements […]
Shot with the Noctilux and M9 comnbo at F1. Guessed focus, set self timer and I got the shot. I do one of these every year and have for the last 13-14 years. It is […]
Zeiss Zm 35 C-Biogon 2.8 Lens Review – Wow, it seems like it was just a couple of days ago that I posted my Zeiss ZM 50 Planar review (see it here). Wait, that WAS […]