14 Days To Save The World. Gallery is now up!
The photo contest “14 days to save the world” that was started by Thorsten Overgaard a few weeks back is now in full swing. The submissions have been presented in a gallery at his website […]
The photo contest “14 days to save the world” that was started by Thorsten Overgaard a few weeks back is now in full swing. The submissions have been presented in a gallery at his website […]
– – I had a few comments posted in my Leica 35 summarit lens review (see that review here) and 6 e-mails asking me for a comparison against the Zeiss ZM 35 Biogon F2 lens. […]
Today I am posting TWO images from Lorenzo Moscia as I could not decide which to post. They are both amazing photographs. You can visit Lorenzos web site HERE where you will see amazing reportage […]
I thought I would sit down tonight and write a “flashback” article of sorts about a camera that was so good in its time that I bought it twice! This will not be a “review” […]
Here is a photo that really does it for me. I am a fan of the desaturated look and this shot is very striking with its subtle tones and color. I love the way this […]
Many people placed order with Amazon for the M9 on 1/16 when they started taking pre-orders. Also, some of those people had their order canceled by Amazon a few days later. NOW Amazon is saying […]
Leica 35 Summarit Lens Review – Since I live in the midwest and it just so happens to be January, I have been un-inspired lately to get out and look for things to photograph. On […]
Well, as of a few minutes ago Amazon is once again accepting pre-orders for the Leica M9 (See the direct links below to pre-order). Get your order in quick! I know some people ordered last […]
Last year I started a photo project where I wanted to search for and photograph abandoned buildings and homes. I find these locations very interesting and decided that I wanted to seek out and photograph […]
My response to “An Open Letter To Leica” – This week the Leica community has become all riled up in heated discussions about an “open letter to Leica” posted on The Luminous Landscape website. The […]
Another day, another inspiration! Today, I also wanted to take this space to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been submitting images! I already have a folder with hundreds of images and it’s my […]
The Novoflex M to m4/3 adapter just arrived! Yep, I shelled out $240 (damn, that seems crazy) for this Novoflex adapter that will allow me to use my Leica M lenses on the Olympus E-P2. […]
Yes I know these crazy comparisons are kind of silly but they are a way to pass the time on nasty wet winter days and besides, my M9 was MIA last time 🙂 This time […]
A new lens just arrived via Fed Ex for review and it is a beauty. The Zeiss ZM 85 Sonnar F2 (see this lens at Amazon) is absolutely gorgeous. One of two ZM lenses made in […]
Here is a great street shot taken in San Francisco by Mario Sixtus. He shot it with a Leica M8 and Voigtlander 35 F1.2 lens. I always love these types of images and wish I […]