USED DEAL ALERT! Leica 35 Summilux ASPH.
WOW, well this sold within 4 minutes! Amazing. Now sold…This will go FAST!! B&H Has a used Leica 35 Summilux ASPH for $2,699. This is a STEAL and its in 9+ condition with case. Click […]
WOW, well this sold within 4 minutes! Amazing. Now sold…This will go FAST!! B&H Has a used Leica 35 Summilux ASPH for $2,699. This is a STEAL and its in 9+ condition with case. Click […]
You just gotta love images from a Hasselblad. Today’s photos come from Wolfgang Spekner and what can I say? They are GORGEOUS. From Wolfgang: “Hey Steve, first of all thank you very much for your […]
One question that I get asked quite often (about 8-12 times per day on some days) is “If you could buy only one lens for the M9, what would it be?” Well, I wanted to […]
Wow, this was a TOUGH one. Over 200 entries and so many of them were soooooo good. It was VERY tough for my wife Mina to go through and choose the top 10. She is […]
The Leica MP Camera Review – Film is NOT dead! By Steve Huff Well, it’s Friday and many have been on the look out for the “Friday Film” update. Well, today I have a VERY […]
It’s Friday so get ready for the Friday film later on today! Also, this weekend a GREAT user review and comparison of the Samsung NX10 and Oly E-PL1 submitted by a reader of the site. […]
My thoughts on the Zeiss 8X56 Victory T* FL Binocular You know, I was never too much of a binocular guy up until I reviewed the Nikon Monarch sets a few weeks ago. I was […]
Here is a trio of fine images by Daniel Gautreau that he calls “Threesomes”. What is very cool here is that he shot these with little P&S Panasonic cameras! Goes to show that you do […]
Max is Back! Yes, the stevehuffphoto.com “film guru” as I now call him is here again with a great little article on a film that many of you know and love, Kodachrome! It’s no longer […]
How about some cool Leica M9 abandoned building kind of stuff? Right up my alley! Today I am happy to publish a few shots from Mr. Frank Apertur. Here is the e-mail he sent with […]
Happy Monday to all! But is there such a thing as a Happy Monday?!?! Still been shooting film with a little digital thrown in but yes, I love my Leica MP 🙂 After a few […]
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I should have some cool stuff up tomorrow so for now enjoy DI # 92 by Rick Kwan. These were shot on film using a Leica M7 and […]
It’s Saturday afternoon and out by me it is a gloomy rainy day. So instead of going out and shooting I decided to stay in, clean up the house and surf the web for a […]
How about some M9 love from Jordan Dickinson today? Well, here you go! These are shot with: Leica M9 Leica Summilux 50mm f1.4 E46 From Jordan: The photo I sent to you is simply the […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW: Leica Camera offers firmware update for the LEICA S2 Solms, Germany (April 23, 2010) – Leica Camera AG is pleased to announce the latest firmware update for the LEICA S2. Users […]