Fun Friday Links! June 4th 2010
Fun Friday Links, June 4th 2010 Wow, it’s already Friday. This week flew by but that was probably because I have been busy morning till night getting settled in our new house. Yep, I am […]
Fun Friday Links, June 4th 2010 Wow, it’s already Friday. This week flew by but that was probably because I have been busy morning till night getting settled in our new house. Yep, I am […]
I recently wrote an article over at the B&H Photo Blog about the Leica D-Lux 4 and decided to also bring that article here as well. I recently shot a few frames with the D-Lux […]
Happy Thursday! Time for #110 submitted by Nacho Pello. Love these images!! Hi there Steve, Im Nacho Pello an Argentinian guy living in Spain, this is my second chance to be in daily inspiration. First […]
Press Release Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2010 Jens Olof Lasthein Wins for his Portfolio ‘Waiting for the future – pictures from Abkhazia’ Solms, Germany (June 2, 2010) – The first prize in this year’s highly […]
The Fuji GF670 Arrives! Just arrived! The UPS guy just dropped off this baby and WOW, it’s bigger than I thought! Still, the Fuji GF670 is pretty cool. Here is a very quick first look […]
Today I welcome Tom Di Maggio who has written a nice little article that asks the questions “Color or Black & White for Concert Photography?” – Tom has provided plenty of real world samples here […]
Here is a really great shot submitted by Adam Marelli along with the story behind the shot…enjoy! “Hey Steve, Hope your move went well, just did the same thing myself. Still trying to remember where […]
My two favorite Digital Cameras ever! By Steve Huff A question: Isn’t photography meant to be enjoyable and fun? These days I see so many frustrated photographers shooting, chimping, (previewing their images immediately after taking […]
Happy Saturday! Today I have some killer concert shots from Pete Willing who used an Olympus E-P1 at ISO 3200 with AWESOME results. You can see more of Pete’s work at his website, the 37th […]
It’s about time for another travel article and who better to give it to us thank Ashwin Rao? This time he takes us on his “American Southwest” vacation, in words and images. Thanks Ashwin! Traveling […]
Some Olympus E-PL1 love for #107 by Will Storr…. Hi Steve, Please find attached a submission for your Daily Inspiration. I recently came across your site when looking up info on the EPL-1 I’d just […]
Just got a tip on this. B&H has some AGFA Scala 200 135-36 exposure B&W film IN STOCK. Wasn’t this discontinued a while ago? Anyway, get it while you can!
This past Monday was my son’s 8th grade graduation and just wanted to say how proud I am of him and that I love him! He reads this site every day or two 🙂 Congrats Brandon! […]
Hey guys, just wanted to drop a note saying that I will be leaving today for my big move from IL to AZ. I will be on the road for 3 days and may not […]
Happy Monday! I am getting ready to leave this morning for my 3 day drive so I may not be able to post much between now and then BUT one thing is for certain, the […]