Daily Inspiration #121 by Eric Pepin
Another Monday is upon us and it is time for another set of images to he;p inspire us to get out there and shoot! Today’s set is from Eric Pepin and he brings us three […]
Another Monday is upon us and it is time for another set of images to he;p inspire us to get out there and shoot! Today’s set is from Eric Pepin and he brings us three […]
From Steve: I always get asked by photographers if a Leica M camera could be used professionally, mainly for wedding work. Many feel that because of its manual focus design it can not be done […]
Just In Case You Missed Them! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I have been super busy running here and there shooting with the Pentax Kx, A Bronica 645 and a little Diana 120 […]
Happy Friday guys! Today I bring you some cool film shots from Michael Morris and his Leica M6. “Mr. Huff Found your site while looking for info on the “probably-forever-out-of-my-reach” Noctilux 0.95. I enjoyed the […]
Here is a guest post from a guy who loves to shoot, and this is what this website is all about! We should all enjoy photography with a passion so enjoy this guest article by […]
Some Leica 50 Summilux ASPH Love… It’s hump day so I figured I would take us up and over the hump with some shots from the Leica M9 and 50 Summilux ASPH at 1.4. I […]
I always love when you guys send me these film images. They are always so classic and so real. I love the grit, the texture and the moments captured. Today I have a few that […]
The Leica 90 Elmarit M f/2.8 Lens Review By Steve Huff Wow, this review has been 6 months in the making! Not that it has taken me 6 months to write it, but it has […]
New reviews on the way! Hey guys! Been out all day with my Leica M9 and a new lens that just arrived this morning. Well, TWO lenses that just arrived. One is the Leica 50 […]
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I want to start this Monday off with three very nice shots from Steve Gosling. These were shot on film in a very unique way. Read on to find […]
Today I want to welcome Martin Herrera who submitted his first guest article about his travels to Havana with his Leica M9, 35 Lux and his iPad. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks Martin! Three days […]
Happy Friday! Today I wanted to post a nice daily inspiration from a guy who bought his first Leica camera recently, the Leica CL. He has been enjoying it and sent in some images which […]
The Fuji GF670 Medium Format Film Camera Review By Steve Huff Wow, I am on a roll! Three reviews THIS WEEK alone! Holy cow. I am waiting for that moment where I get writers block […]
It’s been a while since I did a deals post and while working on my Fuji GA670 review I took a break to browse around to see if there were any deals to be found. […]
The Leica V-Lux 20 Review By Steve Huff About 10 years ago I was sitting in my office saying to myself “Imagine if someone would create a digital camera with a 28-300 zoom lens built […]