Havana, Cuba, sept 2014. Portrait of a man named Coki of 80 years old wich in a few days will go to U.S.A and for the first time in is life he will leave Cuba. In recent years, Raul Castro has made several economic measures for the people of the island. Cubans can now buy and sell apartments or cars, can stay in hotels on the island and can travel abroad with minor difficulties. Most of the global economists believe that these changes are moving in the right direction but its positive effects on people are very slow. Cubans continue to struggle daily through the streets of Havana with humor and zest for life. En los ultimos años Raul Castro ha realizado varias medidas economicas para el pueblo de la isla. Ahora los cubanos pueden comprar y vender departamentos o coches, pueden alojarse en hoteles de la isla y pueden viajar al extranjero con menores dificultades. La mayor parte de los economistas mundiales consideren que estos cambios se mueven en la justa direccion pero sus efectos positivos sobre la gente son muy lentos. Los cubanos siguen luchando a diario por las calles de La Habana con humorismo y ganas de vivir.
Cubans portraits

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