Daily Inspiration #11 by Glendyn Ivin
What a lovely amazing image. Submitted by Glendyn Ivin, this one was shot with a Leica M8 and 28 Summicron at F8. He really nailed this one as the light, timing and composition are superb! […]
What a lovely amazing image. Submitted by Glendyn Ivin, this one was shot with a Leica M8 and 28 Summicron at F8. He really nailed this one as the light, timing and composition are superb! […]
Today’s submission comes to us from Stafano Mattia who shot this with a Leica M6 and a very old 50 Summicron lens. I love this image as it seems to have soul and feeling. Something […]
What a lovely portrait, and look at those eyes! This girl is going to grow up and break a lot of hearts, that is for sure! Blake Freeman submitted this and he shot it with […]
I spotted this image in my folder full of submissions and it popped out so I took a closer look. The e-mail stated this was shot with an original Canon 1D. Yep, the 4.1 mega […]
It has been tough choosing the images for this daily post because there are so many great images coming in. Today I want to share with you an image by Roger Paperno taken with a […]
Today’s image was submitted by Arkossy Zsolt and wow, is it beautiful. Zsolt wrote: “Despite living in a noisy and energetic city my pictures usually reveal the opposite: silence. This gives me a challange to […]
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I received this submission from Herbert Piel and thought it would make a great image for Christmas! He shot this years ago with a Leica M6 and he thinks a 75 1.4. You […]
Today I proudly present a photo by a guy whose photography I have been following for quite a while. His street shooting skills are top notch and I am a huge fan. His website/blog with […]
Todays daily photo is from Mongkol in Thailand. It was shot with a Leica M9 and Noctilux Classic at F1. Ahhhh, I see the magic and am inspired! It is amazing how the Noctilux rendered […]
First of all, I want to thank ALL of you who have submitted images so far for my pic of the day posts. The images coming in have been so beautiful I decided to rename […]
Shot with the Noctilux and M9 comnbo at F1. Guessed focus, set self timer and I got the shot. I do one of these every year and have for the last 13-14 years. It is […]
I snapped this image today using the M9 and Zeiss C-Biogon 2.8 lens. I am hoping to have the review up later today or tomorrow at the latest. Until then, here is one that will […]
Shot this with the Zeiss Planar 50 at F2. I still have been shooting with these Zeiss lenses and reviews will be in the works soon. I saw this doll for sale at a neighborhood […]
On my way taking my son to School I noticed my car, house and rose bushes were covered with frost. I ran in, picked up the Leica D-Lux 4 and shot a few macros of […]
Snapped this of my cat today with the Noctilux at F1.