Using the Sony NEX-5 with Leica Lenses by Paul Barclay
From Steve: Yet another cool Guest contribution! I have been down and out the last two days (sick) so these guest articles have been a huge help. By the end of the week I should […]
From Steve: Yet another cool Guest contribution! I have been down and out the last two days (sick) so these guest articles have been a huge help. By the end of the week I should […]
The Leicva M8 and Zeiss Biogon 2/35 does Tyrolia By Felix Esser Today, I would like to tell you about my experience with the Zeiss Biogon T* 2/35 ZM on the Leica M8. As you […]
B&H Photo has just released some refurb Zeiss glass in the ZM mount (for your Leica M mount). They even have my fave, the 50 Sonnar. Here is what is available and the direct links […]
My thoughts on the Zeiss 8X56 Victory T* FL Binocular You know, I was never too much of a binocular guy up until I reviewed the Nikon Monarch sets a few weeks ago. I was […]
Happy Wednesday! I was out ALL DAY yesterday with the wife doing some shopping and it turned into a much longer trip than I had planned for. So, this update that was meant for yesterday, […]
The Zeiss ZM 35 Biogon Lens Review Hello to all! I am back again with yet another lens review for the Leica M mount! Today I will be writing about and reviewing the Zeiss 35 […]
The Zeiss Biogon 35 F2 and the Leica 35 Summarit F2.5. Both great lenses and two that I have been shooting side by side on the Leica M9. I know, I know…I put up a […]
– – I had a few comments posted in my Leica 35 summarit lens review (see that review here) and 6 e-mails asking me for a comparison against the Zeiss ZM 35 Biogon F2 lens. […]
A new lens just arrived via Fed Ex for review and it is a beauty. The Zeiss ZM 85 Sonnar F2 (see this lens at Amazon) is absolutely gorgeous. One of two ZM lenses made in […]
Zeiss Zm 35 C-Biogon 2.8 Lens Review – Wow, it seems like it was just a couple of days ago that I posted my Zeiss ZM 50 Planar review (see it here). Wait, that WAS […]
I snapped this image today using the M9 and Zeiss C-Biogon 2.8 lens. I am hoping to have the review up later today or tomorrow at the latest. Until then, here is one that will […]
UPDATED 2013: A new look at this lens on the Leica M 240 and Monochrom is HERE Zeiss ZM 50 Planar Review: Well its about time! You guys have been asking for more Zeiss ZM […]
Shot this with the Zeiss Planar 50 at F2. I still have been shooting with these Zeiss lenses and reviews will be in the works soon. I saw this doll for sale at a neighborhood […]