The Leica M9 – Travel Camera Extraordinaire by Ashwin Rao
I am totally psyched to write this article for Steve’s site, in hopes of showing you what a wonderful tool the Leica M9 can be in travel photography. I have been thrilled to see Steve’s […]
I am totally psyched to write this article for Steve’s site, in hopes of showing you what a wonderful tool the Leica M9 can be in travel photography. I have been thrilled to see Steve’s […]
– – I was going through my Leica X1 images (Pre-Order at Amazon) on my hard drive and found a few more I could post. These are various ISO’s and some have been converted to black […]
Since posting the just for fun “Quick Shots” yesterday I noticed many of you were looking for a better comparison between the Leica M9 and Olympus E-P2. I had a few e-mails asking me all […]
Was out today in the bitter cold and stopped by my Mother’s house to see how she was doing. I had my M9 with one of Leicas most affordable lenses, the 35 Summarit 2.5 lens attached. […]
I’ve marveled as I’ve watched Steve’s dynamic new site grow in popularity and importance over the past several months. He brings with him a photographer-based perspective on reviewing gear that is candid, refreshing and enthusiastic. […]
MY LEICA X1 REVIEW IS HERE! IS THIS THE BEST COMPACT DIGITAL CAMERA EVER? NEW – Update June 2012 – My Leica X2 review is HERE OH MY GOODNESS! The last 3 weeks have been […]
Since I have a Nikon D3s low light monster here I decided to do a silly experiment. As you all know I shoot with a Leica M9 and a 50 Noctilux F1 lens. The M9 […]
Magic. A word that gets thrown around quite a bit in the Leica world and the Leica Noctilux F1 lens is one of the reasons why. Over the past few months, I have written a […]
With all of the talk of the Leica X1 and its poor AF performance I decided to throw together a quick video showing you how fast it is. No, it is not close to a […]
Received the Leica X1 today in its ful packaging and let me tell you that if a camera was judged on packaging and looks alone, this X1 would be the most amazing camera ever made. […]
With the release of the Leica M9, there seems to be quite a few new users to Leica and rangefinder cameras. I have been getting e-mails for the past three months with questions related to […]
Zeiss Zm 35 C-Biogon 2.8 Lens Review – Wow, it seems like it was just a couple of days ago that I posted my Zeiss ZM 50 Planar review (see it here). Wait, that WAS […]
I snapped this image today using the M9 and Zeiss C-Biogon 2.8 lens. I am hoping to have the review up later today or tomorrow at the latest. Until then, here is one that will […]
Leica Lenses and their names. ELMAR – ELMARIT – SUMMARIT – SUMMICRON – SUMMILUX – NOCTILUX – What do they mean? I see many Leica newbies to this site and I get asked quite often […]
Some days are good 🙂 Just got this VERY cool Thumbs up in the mail and it was sent from a reader who “donated” it to me because he decided on a black M9 instead […]