Down Mexico way with a M9, 50 and 28 by Christian Herzog
Down Mexico way with a M9, 50 and 28 by Christian Herzog A few days ago, prompted by all the talk about the Mayan calendar ending (and a sweet, good-looking woman 😉 ) I filled […]
Down Mexico way with a M9, 50 and 28 by Christian Herzog A few days ago, prompted by all the talk about the Mayan calendar ending (and a sweet, good-looking woman 😉 ) I filled […]
What is to come on May 10th from Leica? I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you… So speculation is running wild about the May 10th announcement coming from Leica. I was […]
Have $30k to spend? Then snag up this White Limited Edition M9-P and Silver 50 Noctilux ASPH! Looks like Leica is up to their old tricks, this time with special edition M9-P’s. They usually do […]
A really quick comparison of the Canon G1x and Leica M9 – What?!?! by George Sutton (From Steve – This was sent in by George last week and figured I would post, as crazy as […]
Traveling in South America with the Sony NEX-7 & Leica glass By Ashwin Rao – See his Blog HERE Sony NEX-7, Zeiss 24 mm f/1.8 Sonnar Hi everyone, recently I had the good luck […]
Are you guys ready for a new Leica announcement/Event? On May 10-11th in Berlin we will find out what Leica has in store for us in 2012. Exciting! My guess as to what is to […]
Shooting wide open in the sunlight with fast glass So you went out and bought that Leica Noctilux ASPH or SLR Magic Hyperprime T0.95 for your Leica M8 or M9 and you are one of […]
Goodbye DSLR’s, traveling light with the Leica M9, Panasonic G3 and Olympus E-P3 by Neil Buchan-Grant – Visit his site HERE Last year I was commissioned to shoot a travel guide covering the island of […]
Leica needs a grand slam camera announcement in 2012 – will they deliver? It has now been just about 2 1/2 years since Leica had their big event to announce the full frame M9. FINALLY […]
Travel + Your Camera = Living By Scotty Graham Steve has had a great deal of travel articles on his site lately, so thought one more wouldn’t hurt. This is not a review of the Leica M9…just a fun article about […]
PRESS RELEASE LEICA D-LUX 5 TITANIUM SET HONORED AS “BEST CAMERA” IN 2012 TRAVEL + LEISURE DESIGN AWARDS Leica Camera selected as one of 19 winners in the eighth annual competition recognizing standout hotels, museums, […]
Quick Comparison: SLR Magic 50 T0.95 vs Voigtlander 50 f/1.1 on the Leica M9 So today I received in the mail, courtesy of LensRentals.com (they rent almost ALL Leica glass and cameras), a Voigtlander 50 f/1.1 […]
What is it about new cameras that make us crazy? It’s called G.A.S. by Steve Huff 2012 – It’s madness, it’s mayhem, it’s one of the most exciting years in digital camera releases EVER and […]
Shooting with the Leica 75 Summilux f/1.4 Lens on the Leica M9P by Steve Huff Hello to all! It’s time for another Leica write up here at the site and I am pretty excited about […]
Hello to all! Hope you are having a great weekend. As I sit here at midnight on a Friday night/Saturday morning I am flabbergasted at the amount of information that has amassed here at this […]