Leica needs an “X3” by Utku Oguz
Leica needs an “X3” by Utku Oguz From Steve…I get many submissions from users and I post about 80% of them, and yes, I will post good with the bad when it comes to others […]
Leica needs an “X3” by Utku Oguz From Steve…I get many submissions from users and I post about 80% of them, and yes, I will post good with the bad when it comes to others […]
Using a simple prop in your photos can make it fun and interesting “The Glasses” – A start of a new portrait series Since I had a couple of days free this past weekend I […]
The Fuji X-20 vs the Leica D-Lux 5 by Rudiger Wolf Steve, For years I have searched for the perfect camera. Of course there is no single camera that fits that bill. But there are […]
A new look at the Zeiss 50mm C Sonnar T 1.5 Lens By Steve Huff Note: all images in this post were shot with the Zeiss Sonnar 1.5 ZM lens and the Leica M 240 […]
A new look at the Zeiss ZM 50mm Planar f/2 Lens This is not a lens review, just a refresher of a lens I reviewed a few years back. The Zeiss Planar has been with […]
Sylvester Stallones Leica M9 and 35 Summarit Lens (sort of) for sale.. Had a few e-mails informing of this e-bay auction for a Leica M9 used ONCE in the film “Expendables II” by Sylvester Stallone. […]
Leica Monochrom Detail Capabilities and more..take a look Really? More on the Monochrom? The Leica Monochrom has been written about many times on this site not only from me, but from many other owners who […]
Two new videos…Leica M 50’s and an M 240 Video with the Noctilux Just realized I have not posted these here though they have been on my youtube channel for a week or two. The […]
The Leica Monochrom vs the M 240 for B&W Photography, both rock it! So I shot all day yesterday in my own backyard trying to figure out how the M 240 stacks up against […]
Just for fun Part 2: Spot the Monochrom! If you missed part 1, it is happening HERE. That post featured a shot of a wall in daylight using the same lens, same aperture and same […]
Just for fun: Can you spot which image is from the Monochrom? Thought I would have some fun today and play a little game. I have a Leica M and Monochrom here and took one […]
What does it mean, to you? By Mark Ivkovic – See his blog HERE I’ve taken this quote word for word from a man who has photography to thank for a lot in his life […]
More Leica in Asia photos by George Sutton I recently had an opportunity to travel to Myanmar. It is just opening to tourists after being essentially closed since WWII. The military has governed (using that […]
Leica M Monochrom in New Zealand by Chaiporn Vithessonthi Hello Steve, I’ve been thinking of whether to send you my images to be posted in your “daily inspiration” section for a long time. It was […]
The Leica Monochrom is IN STOCK The Leica Monochrom is a special camera, plain and simple. It is the only camera in the world that is dedicated to B&W photography. Simplicity, Beauty and that CCD […]