Daily Inspiration #83 by Rick Moscola
Since the site has been on a film kick recently I thought I would post another film shot today! This one is from Rick Moscola and he shot this with his Leica M6TTL and 28 […]
Since the site has been on a film kick recently I thought I would post another film shot today! This one is from Rick Moscola and he shot this with his Leica M6TTL and 28 […]
Let’s get back to some Daily Inspiration! Today we have a submission by Elaine Dudzinski! You can check out her Leica M8.2 blog HERE. Thanks Elaine! I would like to submit these really old B&W […]
Hey! I’m back! Well, I am still on the road but nestled comfortably in a kind size hotel bed getting ready to get some sleep. I decided that since I had wireless internet, what better […]
Todays image comes from Justin Johns and yes, it was shot on film 🙂 You can see Justin’s website HERE. Thanks Justin! Hey Steve, This photo was made with a Minolta CLE and a Voigtlander […]
Today a daily inspiration via the Leica M9 and a Zeiss 35 from Mattia Zaldini! Thanks for the great image! “Hi Steve, how are you? This Time I would send you a new kind of photo. […]
Happy Wednesday morning! I figured I would make the first post of the day a Daily Inspiration and am going to get back to posting these EVERY day at 6am! Todays images are from Aaron […]
Today we have a dreamy image submitted by Emily Godwin. She shot this with her M9 and 50 Summitar! Lovely! Thanks Emily! “Fairie Escape” When I switched from a D200 to a Leica M9 (your […]
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning so today I wanted to share THREE beautiful images for the daily inspiration. Submitted by Paul Shammasian. Here is what he sent in: Hi Steve, Last year I was in […]
It’s that time again! More inspiration! Todays image comes from Benny Wu and he shot it with his Panasonic LX3 🙂 Looks like he is having fun. Thanks Benny! From Benny: Hola! Been following your […]
Here is another great set of images, this time they were submitted by Simon Calleia. Also, congrats to Simon! Image #3 won 2nd place in the DPreview Leica challenge! Awesome and well deserved! Thank you […]
Ok guys, this is a great story. First, check out these two images submitted by Franz-Georg Wand. Then, read his email and story. THEN, check out what his M9 and 18 Super Elmar lens looked […]
Since we had some out of camera M9 B&W as well as some cat images this weekend I thought this would make a great Monday morning image! Hugo shot this with a Leica M9 and […]
What a lovely portrait! Submitted by Per Nicolaisen and shot with his Leica M9 and 90 Elmarit (Great lens). Thanks for the submission Per! I love it! “Mr. Asser Singertat on a snowy East Greenlandic […]
Here is one from January submitted by Cedric Thual. This was shot on film with a Leica M6 and a 35 Summicron. Love the composition here. You can see more of Cedric’s work at http://www.thual.net […]
Here is one that I wanted to post back in December but somehow overlooked it. Yes, this was e-mailed to me on December 19th 2009! Sorry for the delay Joshlty! This was taken with a […]