Daily Inspiration #347 by Rajiv Majumdar
Dear Steve Long time follower and lurker here. I’m an architect and hobbyist photographer from Bangalore, and have been shooting with intent for the last year or so. A few days ago, I took a road trip […]
Dear Steve Long time follower and lurker here. I’m an architect and hobbyist photographer from Bangalore, and have been shooting with intent for the last year or so. A few days ago, I took a road trip […]
B&W FILM Dear Steve, I’ve noticed an increased interest in black and white photography on your site. I’m not sure if it’s because of the arrival of the new Leica M Monochrom, or because of […]
Mr. Huff 🙂 Hi Steve hope all is well with you and yours. I know with each year your site has been growing to da max. You deserve all the acolades and credit for this. […]
Dear Steve, As a loyal reader of your site, I’d like to offer my thoughts on a digital vintage – The Leica M8. We consumers/photo enthusiasts have the tough job of chasing the latest camera […]
Dear Steve, I am writing to see if you would care to consider the following content for one of your daily inspiration pages: My name is Simon and I live in England. I have recently […]
I have always seen the beauty in abandonment, buildings with a soul. It’s like you step into another time, as if time is standing still. With that said, I have for a long time seen Chernobyl […]
Hi Steve, I’ve been reading your blog for quite a while and find it really interesting, I like the informal and honest way in which you write as well as the guest posts that are […]
My Little Road Trip by Illya Reddy I’ve never been film lover neither film hater. I just couldn’t understand why people spend extra time and cash for it. I loved digital and didn’t want to […]
The Sony RX100 Shoots Seal in Concert! By Barry Burris Steve, I finally got a chance to catch Seal in concert on August 1st, in Tulsa, Oklahoma at The Brady Theater. I have been a […]
Hello Steve, I’ve been following your site for a longtime now. I think you have a very well-built idea on the internet cause it focus on everything an amateur photographer could want. Good photos and […]
Dear Steve, I came across your site some months ago when I was researching the Fuji x100 and found your review very helpful. I’ve been a fan of your site ever since and it is […]
Hi Steve, Love the site. I’m a daily reader. Usually several times per day 🙂 Keep up the great work! Just wanted to let you know that I drank the RX100 Kool-Aid. Partly because I’ve been […]
Hi Steve, Last time I sent you pictures was last winter and I was still using my old Panasonic GF1 back then. I loved that camera but since then I’ve acquired an OM-D. Wow! My GF1 […]
David VS Goliath Hi Steve, In my long search for a compact high quality alternative to the bulky 5DmkII, I have passed through Sony Nex5, Ricoh GXR-M+35mm zeiss (published by you), Panasonic GX1 and now […]
Get the film look by Anand Asar I have a lot of respect and love for Steve’s site. I have been inspired every time with the daily inspirations – and particularly Khunya Pan’s one, which […]