Shooting with a Damaged Kit lens with Fungus in Suzhou, China
by Jason Nutter
With all the great cameras coming out of late, it’s easy to worry more about the tool rather than the act of creating.
I have been taking a rest from digital photography ever since I sold my Fuji x100 3 or 4 years ago. I was shocked at the speed of technological development and the correlated depreciation of anything new and digital. One gets worried about making a purchase, knowing it would become ‘obsolete’ even before wear and tear can start to take its toll. I have been shooting my trusty m2 since, her build and lasting charm growing with the passing of time.
I decided to dabble in the digital world once again two weeks ago, and bought myself a second hand Olympus Ep5 for my business trip to China. The kit lens I had with me (14-42 ii) was seriously damaged by fungus but I little choice and gave it a go any way. I had a great day, and it was invigorating to get back into the flow again. There was little pressure as I was using an ‘old’ camera that most don’t even remember now 😉 with a fungussed lowly kit lens. The pictures I got really surprised. I can’t wait to get my hands on some decent primes to see what this tiny thing can do.
Hope everyone enjoys the pictures! Thank you for the forum and this site Steve. Keep the posts coming!
Regards from Suzhou, China.
Website: www.picturing1000words.wordpress.com
I think many of us are so worried about getting the best quality that we want to shoot with the best equipment. silly of me I already knew but a friend of mine and I were talking and most of the photographs that we see today are on monitors or on small hand-held devices. I recently bought a 4/3 sensor camera to carry with me. my first job was as a newspaper photographer, and I am always unhappy with myself when I leave the house without a camera in my pocket or over my shoulder. good luck , keep shooting , great pictures from China. JY
nice photos!!!