Tech is moving ahead full steam (as always) and RED has recently announced a new smartphone/media device that is promised to be like nothing else ever created. When you read about it, the cloud of mystery is there but I was so intrigued by it, I went to place an order but held off for now after taking a breath. Now, this is not shipping until sometime in 2018 but from what I am seeing this could be one hell of a media device.
What is “Hydrogen”. Well…
It is a standalone, full featured, unlocked multi-band smartphone operating on Android OS. It features MULTI DIMENSIONAL content. No glasses or headsets needed and this is not old tech that has been tried before. Nope, RED says this is new and like nothing we have experienced before. They say we will experience “look around depth” in the palm of our hand with no accessories required.
The HYDROGEN has a 5.7″ Hydrogen Holographic Display. It can show off 2D, 3D, and Holographic RED Hydrogen 4-View content. (HV4). Also, VR, AR and MR.
This also features expansive multidimensional audio that RED says is so good, that it alone could justify the purchase. It is also integrate into the pro RED camera program, working with Scarlet, EPIC and Weapon as a user interface and display.
Also will have cameras for your photos or selfies ; )
The HYDROGEN is not shipping until 1st quarter 2018 and comes in at $1195 for aluminum and $1595 for Titanium. See more or order at RED here.
David Fincher and Brad Pitt checking out the working prototype
Wow, that is one expensive device. Very niche. But it could be the start of the next generation of smartphones.
Hi Steve, I just wanted to point out a correction: That photo at the end of the article is of David Fincher and Brad Pitt. This is what Jared Land looks like:http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kESvwjmfTm8/Tp7IwD6EUyI/AAAAAAAAADw/8kzmXWoTXTU/s1600/Jarred+Land.jpg
Also he tags this picture on his FB page as #David Fincher #Brad Pitt
My mistake, will fix that, thank you.
I’ve been following this teaser for quite awhile now. The promise is now lethargic. I wish that HYDROGEN would have kept this news quiet until they had an actual product to test. By the way, how to you trademark the common word HYDROGEN? I can’t imagine the trademark would stand up in a court of law.