The Leica Jim Marshall Limited Edition Monochome set. Only $12,995.
Ahh, I knew that would get you. ONLY $12,995? Yep, coming it at about a grand more than a standard monochrome and 50 lux (retail) this Jim Marshall set is a beauty. Now, I could not spend $13k on a set like this but if I had it I would. This may be the coolest, nicest set I have seen from Leica in quite some time when it comes to social limited editions. Only available at Leica stores and boutiques and limited to 50 sets. You can pre order this at the Leica Store in Miami.
I actually knew Jim back in the day in San Francisco and while he might have secretly been flattered by this tribute, as he was definitely identified with Leica, he also probably would have had some choice things to say about the steep cost, no doubt with a heavy sprinkling of 4-letter words.
Jim Marshall was himself a ROCKSTAR and a lifelong LEICA shooter.
I LOVE that Leica recognizes him with this beautiful set, book and print. And while they certainly ARE a luxury brand these days, I’m happy to seem them remember their roots and artists who did great such great things with the tools Leica created.
RIP Jim. Keep remembering Leica!
Really? “This camera has nothing, only a high price. A pity. A shame when more and more people ate more and more poor. And a very very uggly camera.”
Such class envy, wealth jealousy, bad analogies . . . how unfortunate. Jim’s estate is finally marketing him as a signature brand and icon, much like Ralph Lauren, not just as a photographer with well-worn Leica cameras. Yes, the vast majority of buyers will stuff the entire value-added purchase into a corner, then track resales, much like the folks who buy the 2017 Ford GT. The camera is cool, actually a pretty funny idea that actually made it into production: a brass-finished Leica: No paint wear necessary. A digi-M2P, batteries not included.
Basically it’s a collectors item that will hopefully appreciate in value because of the limited quantity produced.
I feel that cameras such as this damage Leica’s reputation.
It is shown against a camera worn to the bare metal from use, skilled use. In contrast this will be owned by a rich man who probably hardly knows how to use a camera but likes to flaunt his wealth. The chances of it ever showing signs of wear are negligible. If it is never going to be used it hardly matters what model it is so Leica clear stocks of an old model at a premium.
Love your website Steve but don’t love this camera. It’s vulgar, ostentatious and cynical .
I disagree. A camera ca not be vulgar. It is what it is, a Monochrome in brass (not a replicated worn in look but smooth brass) and it is gorgeous. I would buy it just for the look and color, though I wouldn’t if they simulated it being used or worn in, which they have not done. In fact, no one would think this was a used or worn in camera. So no, it is not vulgar. For $1k more than a standard MM and 50 Lux, I would but the in a nanosecond over the standard, but the problem is, I do not have $12k to spare these days so it will never happen. But I love the look, and for me, it’s one of the better Leica Limited Editions they have put out. If you want a worn in M, check out the Lenny Kravitz special edition where they did simulate the wearing down of the brass.
Tr totally agree with you. This camera has nothing, only a high price. A pity. A shame when more and more people ate more and more poor. And a very very uggly camera.
Leica never cease to amaze at rip off /premium they expect that red dot (though not appearing on all current models and the less than junk metal prices owners of any.R system equipment may foolishly dream they may receive for any bodies, lens etc).
That said will never sell my mint M3 and 50/2 lens.
Even the great Jim Marshall himself did not wear all the back paint from his M4.
But what a nice move to convert unsold inventory of aging hardware into instant collectors’ items with a modest premium on top of list price rather than sell them at a discount. Apart from the extra bit of cash it generates free advertisement on many websites, forums and magazines.
Honestly said this is the most disgusting camera I have ever seen.
really? already forgot about some of the other limited editions by Leica (rubber coating)? or the famous Hasselblad Sony-clones?
Which one is the most beautiful?
I have a M3 black lack 1965. It is so beautiful. It was Leica glory. Now this is a luxury brand this uggly expensive Leica is for people who dont respect a lot of things!
$1000 more for camera and lens compared to the regular version actually is a really good deal. People pay that much to get regular Ms and lenses repainted (Kanto etc), while this is a unique finish from the factory, with an even more unique lens. It’s actually worth it just for the lens in that build and finish.
disclaimer – I prefer the stock gear.
Prefer to wait for a M10 Monochrom…
What a beauty ! The perfect set !