Nagra HiFi Gear. For Music Lovers or a muse for the Rich?

Nagra HiFi Gear. For Music Lovers or a muse for the Rich?

By Steve Huff

I remember when Nagra launched their Classic line back in 2015-2016 and I was instantly drawn to each piece for the design/style as well as the premium build and parts. Nagra is indeed my #1 top tier fantasy dream brand in all of high end audio. It is Nagra that I would buy if I won the lottery, at least this is what I have said for many years to myself and others. Nagra brings a very transparent, open and sweet almost seductive type of sound. One with immediate details being brought forward but in a seductive human kind of way vs etched or analytical. There is just enough warmth to make it all feel just right. Immersive. Three Dimensional. Spatial. These are the characters I attribute to the Nagra sound. Bass is controlled and never too much or too little. The mids are gorgeous with vocals being as real as I have heard from any system. Nagra doesn’t do slow, puffy or bloated but rather they excel at bringing forth details that were truly never noticed before within recorded music, almost at a granular level.

The oddly shaped Nagra Classic Amp. It’s not the standard looking plain box that is the norm with amps. This one has style, class and some pizzaz though it should for the $19,500 price tag on this little 100 WPC beauty. VFS base adds another $2750 so expect to pay $22k for the amp and base. Nagra is made in Switzerland. 

Some out there in audio land say this brand is just a muse for the rich. Well maybe… but there is also more to Nagra than this talking point. To me, Nagra makes some of the most incredible audio products available today and while they may cost a lot of dough, to those willing to take the leap, you are in for a real audible treat. 

I personally knew going in that this brand was more than“HiFi for the Rich” because I have heard Nagra setups on many occasions. I have heard full blown Classic setups at dealers as well as HD setups at the same dealers. I have now heard both Classic and HD in my own home and space and can say they are extraordinary not only in price but in performance as well. So yes, the prices here are indeed for those who have some healthy cash flow but these pieces are not just for the rich as the stats of those who buy a lot of high end audio may tell a different story.

While I could never have the ability to really ever afford a full blown Nagra setup to own outright, free and clear, I have experienced what they offer more than a few times now. When I was listening to these gorgeous Nagra systems at dealers I didn’t come away angry, outraged or jealous due to the cost of entry. Oh yes, I am aware that I can get amazing haunting gorgeous sound for much less cash outlay but I am not the jealous or angry type. For me, this brand has always been something to dream about.

Also, at this level I feel it’s much more than sound quality that attracts one to a piece of audio gear. It is also the heritage, design, style, vibe and quality of build that attract some to a certain brand. Nagra has a unique design for sure and that design to guys like me is stunning. Parts inside are made by Nagra themselves in Switzerland to their own specs and these pieces are a masterclass in design and execution.

Instead of listening to these fantasy pieces at dealers over the years and getting depressed about not being able to afford them I rather set a goal in my mind that would repeat on autopilot in the background of my brain for years to come…to experience a Nagra HD setup in my own home one day or maybe somehow, own a piece or two that I could keep longer term. 

I have a couple of friends (who have more cash flow than me) who would be considered upper middle class by today’s standards and even they own Nagra setups. While these setups are within the classic range, a classic system of Preamp, Amp and DAC would set someone back a cool $60-$100k if paying retail cost, depending on the DAC chosen or if two amps were picked vs one. These classic amps can be used as stereo amps or mono amps for those who want to double up on the power.

My 2025 Nagra Setup (video)

My friends who jumped to Nagra are not what I would call wealthy or rich. Just normal guys who love music and audio systems. They sacrifice in other areas of life to be able to afford these audio systems and that is the trick for them. This means no vacations and no big spending on other things in their life.

I also used to have quite a few friends who only would buy and own Leica cameras, heck I still do! They weren’t/aren’t “rich” either but instead they were more like me, passionate about the craft and found Leica to feel the nicest, be the finest made and produce stunning colors with a unique look and experience. Unique is what I love. 

It’s not just the rich that buys gear like what Nagra offers, it’s also passionate music lovers who put a priority on their audio systems above all else. In fact, according to some dealers, most high end gear is sold to folks like this who are not “wealthy” but doing ok and prefer to spend on what they enjoy in life. I would rather own a Nagra Classic setup over a new fancy car or truck. If I had the choice between a $100k vehicle or a $100k stereo system, I would take the stereo every time without hesitation.

A few years back I was able to get a classic amp, classic pre and classic DAC in the house for a listen. These were bought very well used, by me, from a shop that sells used gear that they test and examine before selling. I was able to get this Classic trio, in its most basic form (without VFS plates) well used, for about 50% off of what a new set would cost. I knew this setup would cost someone $60k+ new but I managed to snag all three for quite a bit less than half back then though they were not all in perfect shape.

I kept these pieces in my system just for a few months and that was how I planned it from the start. Why so short? Well, I bought these knowing I would sell them down the road as I could not afford to just spend this much on audio in one fell swoop. I knew I could buy to try for a while, to experience it all, but I knew 100% they would have to be sold to recoup my funds. Like a rental of sorts and this is how I am able to listen to some of this exotic gear. It’s like an audio education for me sometimes and well worth the effort. I lost about $500 on this sale but see it as a “rental” fee for getting to experience these wonderful pieces of audio gear. If I bought new, I would have to keep them as I would lose too much reselling,  but buying used allowed me to “borrow” them for a while.

When I had this Nagra Classic setup in and  powering my then Fleetwood Deville speakers I was in audio heaven. It was without question the finest I have heard those speakers sound and the experience was very holistic, ethereal and clean. It also brought some body, immense 3D images and a slight warmth that touched the heart. It was thrilling at times, very awesome and quite the experience. I even had a guy email me and he told me he bought a Nagra Classic system based on a sound demo I did, using my phone at the time!

The Nagra Tube DAC. Small, Cute and Expensive. The sound is glorious. 

When I sold that setup I missed it for the next two years and mo matter what gear I put in its place I just could not get back to that experience when the Nagra gear was in place. Not in the sound, the silence and not in the immersive nature that I really enjoy. Even so, I kept those memories of that Nagra gear in my head and never let them go. I figured if it was meant to be then one day I would hear it again or maybe be able to keep the gear for longer.

It wasn’t that long ago that I wrote a piece here on the Nagra Tube DAC, which is a DAC that came out in 2018 and is still a current model today. If one were to purchase the Tube DAC today it would cost them $48k retail with the Classic PSU required to operate the Tube DAC to its full potential. The Tube DAC cannot just take a power cord to the back as it needs an external power supply to power the 37 power supplies that lay inside of the DAC, so beware of those selling an HD or Tube DAC without a power supply as it would be useless without one and yes, I see them for sale like this from time to time. The Tube DAC was the top of the line DAC from Nagra until they released the HD DAC X in late 2018 going into 2019. The HD DAC X is also current and in the lineup as of 2025.

The Nagra TUBE DAC brought a complete change to my system, just by placing in that sole DAC. I could not believe the sound as it grew much larger and richer vs any DAC I had in prior. There was warmth, glow and details emerging from a black hole like space void. It was magic but again, I had to sell to pay the debt I acquired when I bought it. I knew, again, I would be selling it after 2-3 months so I did just that and again, sold it for what I had in it right here on my “used gear for sale page”.

This is the page where I list why used audio gear for sale when I have something to offer. I almost always give great deals on my lightly used gear so bookmark it and check back from time to time if you like. If I ever let the Nagra gear I have now go to a new home, this is where it will be listed.

The Nagra HD DAC X in the system with its power supply to the left. This $70k DAC is quite the analog experience. I mean, this is a DAC that for me bests big vinyl rigs without question. Never heard digital so refined, rich and fluid. Makes any amp or speakers I use with it sound heavenly. This is sitting as the “heart” of my system right now. More so than the amp and pre!

After that tube DAC sold I was supposed to pay off the debt I had accrued when I bought it  but of course there was a mishap of sorts along the way. This mishap took me off course big time and I am not so sure it was the smartest move.

I happened to find a used Nagra HD DAC X for sale in my state and for just a little bit more than I paid for the used Tube DAC. This HD DAC X was one I never really expected to hear as the price of this piece new is absurd to me at a pain inducing $70k+. Even so, this audiophile dude was selling his like new 10/10 HD DAC X for a small fraction of the new price. I also offered him a trade that he accepted making my total cost in cash less than I paid for the Tube DAC and less than what I see Tube DACs being sold on the used market for. Much less than any HD DAC X I have seen listed. It was a bonafide deal and you know how FOMO goes…I knew I would never ever get this chance again. 

I had to go for it so I drove to his place which took me almost 5 hours one way to check it all out. It was well worth it in the end.

After I saw his immaculate system comprised of CH precision amps, Nagra HD amps, Accuphase amps and preamps along with all kinds of of exotic gear (that was all very well taken care of) he showed me the HD DAC X, which he had boxed up for the last two years, not even using it. It looked brand new and appeared as it was not even ever used (it was). He had all of the OG boxes with it as well and one new box that housed brand new spare tubes direct from Nagra. He also gave me his dealers info, where he bought it new. It really looked new but was built in 2019. After a while I bought it and drove it home.

When I installed this piece in my system I was once again….in disbelief.

What I heard from the Nagra Tube DAC was amazing but this HD DAC X was adding another 15-20% of this magic to the sound and it had me uber addicted. I was listening non stop, into the night. My wife joined in and was blown away by what she heard. She is not an audiophile but she even appreciated and heard the transformation that this one sole DAC made. Her exact words after sitting in the sweet spot and hearing three of her fave songs was “OMG this sounds FLIPPING AMAZING” and she had excitement in her voice (and she didn’t say “flipping”). She stated I never had ANYTHING in here that sounded like this, or close to it and she is right. We enjoyed the sounds for a couple of more hours into the night. The sound was more detailed and crystalline vs the Tube DAC, which was mellower yet the X still sounded analog, rich, grain and digital free as it gets. It’s quite the achievement but again, I look at the new price and my stomach starts to hurt.

The HD DAC X is more transparent, more open, more layered and less warm than the Tube DAC. At the same time, it presents each instrument with beauty and class and houses tubes itself so it still has some of that Tube glow and beauty but only a little bit. The way this DAC recreates the room, studio or venue where the artist recorded the song can also remarkable with some recordings as everything just sounds surreal yet very real. We can hear everything, nothing can hide and still there is body and a natural way the music is presented. It’s haunting and excels with any Genre of music. I am listening to Jeff Goldblum right now with the track “little man you’ve had a busy day” and I am entranced and enthralled at the same time. It’s so real and such a gorgeous presentation of the soundstage. Ahh, I could go on and on.

At this point I had the HD DAC X hooked up to the mighty impressive T+A PA 3100 HV integrated amp, which is another amazing piece. I also tested it with the newer Chord Ultima Integrated that I have here for review. Again, gorgeous sound that I would be thrilled to live the rest of my days with. Yea, I love the T+A and the Chord is pretty freaking cool, unique as well as gorgeous with a smooth big bold sound. I can hear the differences as we scale down the price ladder when it comes to the amplifiers. More on this below.

Things then got dangerous as I started to wonder what a Nagra HD PRE and Classic Amp would add to the setup and my wife was egging me on rather than talking me out of it!

The speakers I am using and own are the Pure Audio Project Duet 15’s and after hearing speakers in all price ranges, up to $75k, I have settled on these beauties for a while to enjoy their open baffle sounds. They sound like nothing else I have had here. Big, open, and very very immersive. They are not as juicy or kicking as a big box speaker but they offer the realism and a natural real kind of sound that brings the goosebumps to me often. They sound like music. I am not giving up box speakers and I have a few sets on the way this year for review, and I expect I will really enjoy a couple of them. More on those soon ; )

Bottom line, these open baffle speakers from PAP can sit in any system, of any cost. They would even do well in a million dollar system, and these cost $7k.


A Rare Opportunity for Me

So as I was enjoying my time with the Nagra HD DAC X I received communication from a full fledged Nagra Dealer who was interested in maybe placing an ad on my website for a long term placement. In late 2024 I started to accept dealer ads here as they offer up a variety of brands and gear and sometimes they help with review units (getting me connected with a brand) and I had to find a way to make some money here, as I was making nothing. I also love to help out really great dealers who are honest and are trying to get the word out about their business. This could be a win/win for me, the dealer and my audience here who reads what I write.

This particular dealer sells some top level exotic gear from brands like Nagra, Playback Designs, Borresen, Aavik, Chord and others. After we talked a while I bought a Nagra Streamer from them and loved it so much it replaced my 15 month long termer HiFi Rose RS130. I say why in my Nagra Streamer review but the Nagra costs the same as the Rose in this case and this little streamer has shown its worth no matter the DAC it feeds. It is remarkable for such a small little thing, it really is. I will never need another streamer as long as this one keeps working. It’s that good and comes in at under $5k.

So the Nagra streamer was in and now playing with the HD DAC X very well and with an even greater dose of magic than the HiFi Rose RS130 was. Even streaming Spotify sounded as good as any high res streaming that I have heard. I was close to audio heaven but little did I know I still had an itch to scratch and I found a way to get it done.

After working out a long term ad deal with Unveiled Audio I soon took delivery of a Nagra HD Preamp and Classic Amp with VFS base, all brand new.

Yes, I bought this setup by selling off quite a bit of old gear I had in the closet to help fund some of this new balance but yea, I still had to pay dearly for this gear. I just had to hear a Nagra HD Pre and HD DAC X together. While I could not swing a set of HD amps (nor do I have the space for them) I was thrilled to reunite with the Nagra Classic AMP as my memories of it never left. The Classic AMP is one of the finest amplifiers I have heard when it comes to focus, transparency, details, spatial rendering and it has a heart touching soul inside of that box. I was thrilled to have it back again. If I did not sell off a bunch of old gear sitting in boxes in my closet I would have never ever been able to do this and while I probably should not have done this, I figured “What the hell, let’s just do it”. Life is truly very short my friends and my wife and I live a very simple and basic life outside of all of this, so why not?

It’s now been weeks since this has all been sitting in my system and I have not heard anything quite like this setup before.

I have heard million dollar systems a few times and usually they ended up leaving me cold but this was a long time ago and things in HiFi have changed since then for sure. This setup with the Nagra HD DAC and PRE and CLASSIC AMP has a retail cost of close to $200k in its entirety if I include speakers, cables, power distribution, etc. That is absolutely nuts to me but I am not a typical Nagra buyer. Owning this gear makes me nervous and I feel it outclasses ME, as it truly does.

I’ve never had gear like this in my room, so much of it at once, but I must say that I was really enjoying this setup but who wouldn’t? I am aware that I am a lucky guy and always appreciate when the universe helps me out with my goals as it did here but I am also a realist. I know this setup is “too much” for me and my small space yet I do not say this when I listen to it all, rather it is quite the opposite. The sound is simply untouched by anything else I have heard to date. Damn the rules!

I do still have the T+A PA 3100 HV here as well as that Chord Ultima Integrated. I will admit, swapping the HD PRE and Classic AMP for either of these does not really bring a lowered or devalued sound quality here, just differences. The T+A sounds more electric and powerful with a “juice” that seems to never quit. The Chord is more warm and fluid with beautiful smooth vocals and instruments and the Nagra HD Pre and Classic Amp combo sounds the cleanest and most realistic of the three with a much bigger stage, 3D space and details being more “present”. Even so, I could easily live with the T+A for my power but the Nagra is more transparent and has a deeper, taller and more immersive stage. For me, the HD DAC X is the star of the show in this system as it is what makes it all sound so analog and special. I mean, if I move the HD DAC X to the $25k T+A Integrated the sound is downright spooky good, much better than other DACs I have around here when in the same spot. The HD Pre is crazy good as well but that DAC is for me, the heart of the system.

The Tube DAC, Streamer and a set of $1400 Mono Class A/B Amps from Singxer. 

Stranger in the House

I recently had my internet guy here to add a better mesh system to my audio room. He just had to hear the Nagra setup after he saw it all sitting there looking like it does. He said he never saw anything like this and he was very curious as to what it sounded like. He loved music and audio but has just never experienced anything like this kind of setup, speakers and all. When he listened he was blown away and said he will never in his life forget what he heard here that day. He asked me what it costs and when I told him he said “its worth it” and that blew me away as he was another guy just like me who doesn’t have riches but he appreciated the way the Nagra gear spoke to him.

The Nagra Streamer was my fave streamer released in 2024 so I bought it as my main streamer, replacing my HF Rose RS130 after a 15 month run. 

So now I have a dilemma. Do I keep the Nagra setup and make monthly payments and pay interest for a few years or keep it for just a little while (3-12 months), and then sell it all to someone who will not stress about owning such high end gear due to the money aspect? We shall see but I suspect I will have this setup here for most of 2025 at least, …maybe. I know one thing, I will never “upgrade” from these as anything I do, within my price range, will be a downgrade for sure.

I achieved my goal though, the one I set a while back. I was able to bring in a Nagra HD pre and DAC as well as a Classic AMP to experience it all for myself. It’s a sound I will never ever forget and will always reference back to in the future when I remember the “best sound I have ever heard in my life” for my tastes. As always, just because this is my fave sound will not mean it is yours but this is some mighty fine soul stirring HiFi.

Yes, I feel Nagra delivers a special kind of audio magic over most other Exotic brands I have heard but I also personally love the Nagra aesthetic and flavor of sound so that may lead me to have some bias here, I admit it. I have a thing for the way they design their gear but I honestly feel the Classic line is cooler looking than the HD line, which is bigger, more blinged out even. My wife says the Classic line looks “cute’ and the HD line she describes as “blingy”.  Let’s face it, both look simply awesome.

The Nagra HD Preamp HV. This preamp is considered one of the finest in the world. It is “World Class” without question but what does this bring to the table? Well, 10/10 build and design as well as sound that is crystalline and like an open window to the music and all that lies within it. This one is more analytical than the Classic Pre but still injects some warmth and humanity which are traits of Nagra. Honestly? I may prefer the Classic Pre in style and size and even in some aspects of the sound but this is perfect for anyone looking for a pure audiophile preamp that will be precise, clean, and have stunning measurements. It’s pretty incredible and the finest I have experienced in 35+ years of being into audio. 

This Nagra setup has brought me closer to the music, deeper within it I should say. It has already enriched my overall mind, body and soul. It’s like a prescription for stress, worry and doubt. As I experience more and more brands and gear I understand more what these differences are as well as why some may choose brand A over brand B, and vice versa.

Nagra is the real deal my friends and while the cost can make a stomach turn, and it has for me, I can not refute the quality or say that the cost is not worth it as to some it will be well worth the cost. This is HiFi gear designed with a cost no object goal and to make the best there can be. I truly believe the Nagra HD Preamp is the finest preamp in the world but hey, I haven’t heard them all so I will say “the finest for my tastes” as others will bring small differences, that is all. 

These pieces do indeed have prices that say they are for the rich, sure. At the same time there are many normal folks who buy Nagra and deal with payments or sacrifice other things (jewelry, fancy cars, trips) to obtain their dream audio setup. Nagra is for sure in the “Dream” category when it comes to price but they walk the walk and the performance matches the looks and price.

Nagra delivers  a sound that is very transparent, open, very 3D and spatial and with a deep layered soundstage that also reveals textures to the instruments and sound. This setup lets you hear everything. There is body to the music as well but not “big juicy body” and the bass is holistic and very well controlled with an almost surreal sense of being fully immersed in the music. It’s magic to these ears and a sound I will never ever forget.

My wife tells me to keep this setup forever as long as I can pay for it. My heart says the same, to keep it and find a way to make it work but in all reality I will most likely have to let go of the DAC to pay for the rest. We shall see how this goes but anything is possible. What I know right now is that I am one lucky man. I am sitting here listening to a Nagra HD Preamp, a Nagra Classic Amp and the Nagra HD DAC X and am really living in this moment right now because I know it may not always be here. Anyone with a healthy audio budget looking for your “last” system, you need to audition Nagra. Really, you do.

FYI: I was not paid for this article nor am I paid for my reviews. I do this from passion, from the heart and for my love of audio as well as to share my experiences with those who are interested.

Unveiled Audio is a top tier Nagra Dealer and site Sponsor. You can see their website HERE. They also are a dealer for Chord.


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