My Favorite HiFi of 2024 from Budget to Exotic!
By Steve Huff
First let’s catch up! It’s that time again! Wow! We are almost to 2025 and to me, this is crazy. This last year flew by for me as I have been listening, talking, writing and filming all year. I guess when busy the time just flows on by. Right now I am listening to Etta James “I just want to make love to you”.
It’s a simple Spotify stream (no high res needed here) going through the brand new Nagra Streamer (Thanks Unveiled Audio) into the newest Weiss DAC, the semi exotic 501 MKII that retails for $12k (Thanks Bluebird Music). Even Spotify sounds sublime though this setup and when I switch to some high res on Tidal it still sounds sublime but really…I usually prefer the Spotify streams these days. I’ve never been enamored with “high res” streaming and feel there is a lot of hype about high res streaming over nothing. I’ll talk more on this at a different time though.
For the power section today I am listening to the legendary and exotic all German designed (and made) T+A PA 3100 HV (stands for HIGH VOLTAGE) integrated amp that is an all out power and current monster. The big T+A aims to emulate that “tube sound” but with high power and drive, yes, this was a goal in the design. This amp is the definition of muscle and finesse. Thanks to Jaguar Audio for setting up this review unit for me with T+A. It’s without question the finest all analog integrated amp (this is not an all in one) I have ever experienced in life…EVER.
Review will be coming down the road in very early 2025 as I must have quality time with this unit before I do the review.
For speakers, right now I am listening to the wide open sounds of the Pure Audio Project Duet 15’s.
Just as I can not believe how quickly 2024 has flown by I sit and think of old Etta James as her voice emits through my speakers at this moment in time. Her song that is playing now was recorded 64+ years ago and yet it still sounds as fresh as the hour it was recorded. That is the beauty of a hifi setup. When done right it can be like a time machine of sorts, bringing those artists back to life, but in your own space. It can be pretty spooky at times but to get to this level of playback it takes a lot of thought into what will go into the system.
In setting up a system, first you need the space, and this is very important. You need the gear. The amp, the streamer, the dac, the turntable if so desired which means you will need a phono stage, more cables, etc. You also need all of this to pair well together with your space. You can also go with an all in one setup or system that has the speakers, amp, dac and streaming all in one setup, like the recently reviewed Triangle Capella.
In 2024 we may have had the biggest selection of audio gear to choose from…ever.
The Video Version!
As we enter 2025 soon I look back and realize I had quite a few faves this year and not only in the pricey fancy stuff, but also in the budget category. This list below will be my personal fave HiFi gear from what I have heard in 2024. I have not heard it all of course so I can only recommend or comment on what I have heard, experienced and loved most of all for the last year. So much new gear gets released all year long. Some of it is pretty amazing, some of it not so much. Some stand the test of time as I also have faves here that are many years old and NOT new for 2024, just new to ME. To those who do not know yet, I only do reviews of gear I love but even out of the get I love I do have my faves and preferences. So here we go!
Wiim. Really Good Audio on the Cheap.
Yes, Wiim is my top #1 pick for anyone looking to get into audio, maybe the one who wants to try all of this stuff out before jumping into the deep end of crazy prices.
While Wiim doesn’t make top level “audiophile” gear in regards to build or even sound quality, what it does make works and works very well. We need a really good affordable range within this hobby and Wiim seems to be the ones who are bringing it. This is (partly) what brings in new people to the HiFi world and the hobby needs this so for Wiim and you/me, it’s a win/win. Affordable gear that sounds great and leaves room for upgrades down the road for those who stay in the hobby.
The sound quality is pretty damn good from Wiim as well these days. The design of their Wiim Ultra Streamer and DAC is super cool. One could set up an entire digital streaming system from Wiim on the cheap just by using their $329 Wiim Ultra or even the Wiim amp which comes in at $299. Just add some Elac DB63 speakers for $450 along with these speaker cables and you can have a system that sounds big, punchy, fun and alive for $600-$1000 depending on your options.
Wiim has jumped into the realm of HiFi but instead of making exotic designs that sell for tens of thousands of dollars they have shown what can be done for a few hundred dollars. It is impressive indeed and while I would never swap out my reference amps and streamers for a Wiim, if I were on a strict limited budget or new to the hobby (me 39 years ago) I would be thrilled to be in the Wiim camp.
No, you will not get the 3D holographic sounds of a $25k system but you will get warmth and a smooth sound that has kick, punch and dynamics. Stream from Spotify direct to the Wiim Ultra and you will have so much music at your beck and call. These are some crazy good products for the money spent. Also, build quality is much lower than pieces that sets us back thousands but this is OK as well because the build from Wiim is also decent. It just works.
So for me, Wiim has exploded in 2024 as the BUDGET KINGS of HiFi. Here are my fave pieces from them.
- Wiim Ultra – $329 – This little box is pretty spectacular for the money and then some. It’s a streamer with a built in display that shows cover art, info, etc. It’s a DAC as well, and a pretty good one at that. Just hook this up to any amplifier and guess what? It’s a preamp as well. This box does three things and does them very well for $329. It’s a preamp, a streamer and a DAC, Just add amp, speakers and cables. Nothing fancy here, no balanced outs or thick metal casing. Rather it’s designed to be easy to use and set up and sound great. Buy one HERE!
- Wiim Amp – This is a crazy piece as it’s also a streamer and DAC but this one has an amp built in. It’s not the most powerful or resolute amp on the market but for $300? A great way to start a small budget system and much better than the cheapie brands on Amazon selling amps for $100 (that do not sound good). No display here but we trade that for the amp section. I think the Ultra’s DAC sounds better and also think the Ultra looks nicer but the Wiim Amp has an amp, so all that is needed is a set of speakers. Add the Elac DB63’s and you have a system for $600 that will sound very nice. Buy one Here.
- Wiim Pro Plus. If you just need a streamer and DAC this small tiny and light box does the job very well for around $219 with voice activated remote. You will need an integrated amp to plug this into but the Pro + handles all streaming music with ease, for very little money. Again, these pieces do not sound like the big money stuff but they make music, and great music at that. It allows one to try out the audio game without spending a fortune. Buy it on Amazon HERE.
I will split these into budget and the mid/high level.
My pick for 2024 in the budget area are the Elac Debut 3.0 DB63 speakers. These sell on Amazon, via Prime, for $449 but sound like a $1500 speaker. Seriously, I have not heard a better speaker anywhere near this price point. To me, these are the budget kings of 2024 in the speaker arena. While they are under $500 in price they sound much better than this price would dictate. See my review HERE. They are also nice to look at and you can check them out or buy them at Amazon HERE.
Runner up is the Galion Voyager TL which bring warmth, an analog smoothness with punch and an old school vibe for under $1200. See my review HERE or you can buy a set HERE. These go great with the Galion TSA 75 power amp as well.
I did not cover many mid tier speakers this year in the $5k range but did do some just above the mid pricing area under $10k. So here we go!
- Pure Audio Project Duet 15 – Comes in around $7k depending on options. These knocked me out on so many levels. See my review here. While these sound nothing like any exotic speakers I have heard (Wilson, Magico, Focal) they also do not sound like any mid or budget speakers I have ever heard. These are a whole new sound for me and one that was instantly welcomed. When fitted with the Voxactiv 1.6 driver these bring some warmth and glow but they also have a way of dealing with details that is remarkable. These, being open baffle, do not load the room in the way a box speaker does. This can bring cures to issues such as bass boom and room issues. The sound from these boxless wonders is immersive, human and quite lovely. My fave sound of 2024 without question and if you love and seek immersion, these are a must hear. Made a HUGE believer out of me in the Open Baffle area.
- Triangle 40th Anniversary Duetto Magellan, around $7500 retail. These touched my heart. When run with a nice refined amp the sound from these speakers is magical. While not open baffle these have a clarity in the treble that is so so sweet. Like those cymbal hits to stand out? These will do that but never with any sort of dryness or lean nature. These are never bright but very neutral. They allow your amp and source to shine and bring a wide stage, high resolution and a live feel with some excitement on tap. Some of the finest bookshelf speakers I have heard in life. See my review HERE.
- Pearl Sibelius – Around $6k – I was so close to buying a set of these but couldn’t swing the $$$ at the time. While I wasn’t a fan of the metal stands these can be bought with, the speakers were and are quite special. These are one driver speakers with real wooden enclosures. It’s amazing what a small single driver can do in the right cabinet and these offered up a magic in the vocals, a sweetness and projection that was borderline ethereal at times. The bass was sweet and plentiful, the top end magical. These are not head banging speakers but rather works of audio art that sound more like an instrument than a speaker. See my review HERE.
Streaming has gained steam over the last few years and for good reason. I have already spoken of these reasons above. The music discovery is so wonderful when you stream with one of the big three (Spotify, Qobuz and Tidal). Also, never let anyone tell you that you should just listen to only high res when streaming as this is nonsense. I listen to Spotify streams 80% of the time, Total 15% and Qobuz 5%. All sound equally as musical and lovely when used with a really good streamer. Not all streamers can do this with Spotify as some sound squashed with this streaming service. The ones below did NOT do this and sounded amazing with all services. While I enjoyed all I reviewed in 2024, these are my fave picks for STREAMING out of all I heard this year.
Wiim Ultra – $329 no brainer for getting into HiFi. (Buy Here/Ships Now). I already talked about this one above at the top in the overall best of budget category. If your budget is tight, Wiim is here to save the audio day for you! Review HERE.
Eversolo DMP A10 Streamer and DAC at $3600. This is the best streamer and DAC Eversolo has made, period. They started out with the A6 and A8 with the A8 besting the A6 in all ways. Now the A10 bests the A8 with a nicer enclosure, design, improved DAC and streaming. This one is pretty sweet and while $3600 seems pricey, this is a quality device that can also work as a high quality preamp. See my review HERE.
Nagra Streamer. This one is brand new for 2024 and comes in at around $5k. It is a small silver metal box with just two outputs. An N Link fiber out for connecting to Nagra DACs (Tube, HD and Classic II) and a COAX out for all other DAC connections. Nope, no I2S or USB but I found these were not needed, at all. In fact, this is one box I would switch to as my reference if I was not a reviewer. At times I may need that USB out or even an I2S out as I evaluate new gear that comes in. If I did not this would be my reference streamer and I would just hide it out of the way. It is 100% glitch and freeze free as well.
Using it with the N Link to a Nagra Tube DAC is magic, pure organic and soulful magic. Connecting it via COAX to the Weiss 501 MKII DAC brings an amazing sound. I think what is working for the Nagra streamer here is the simplicity. No big screens, no fancy features, no place to store SSD drives, no remote and not even an app! No, Nagra doesn’t make an app for their streamer!
This steamer seems as if it were made just for me (haha) and while $5k seems like a rip off for a small metal box at first glance the sound quality, stability and simplicity is what makes this my fave streamer of 2024 in the high end realm.
This will be Roon ready, but it is not just yet as of December 2024. It works with Spotify connect, Tidal connect and you can use Qobuz if you download the MConnect app, as it will work with this streamer.
The SQ here wether I use optical or COAX is stunning and sits with the $5-8k streamers in this area. Review is coming soon but I may have just spoiled it with my words here! If you want one, you can buy one from where mine came from. Unveiled Audio has them HERE.
Oh, and it can also be powered by the Nagra Classic PSU which further elevates its performance with even more refinement!
HiFi Rose RS130 Streaming Transport. I have had the RS130 for 14 months now as my reference steamer. It’s lasted more than a year here?!? Yes! That’s amazing all in itself. I love the RS130 as it has one job to do, and it does it with pizzaz and brings ultimate sound quality as well. Yes, streamers do sound different and I have never heard any streamer over $3500 sound exactly the same .With that said, the HiFi Rose is still my fave streamer due to the looks, design, build quality, features and sound quality. It offers so much for the money and if it were made in Germany by another brand this would cost us $15k.
This South Korean made beauty is a full featured tour de force yet it only does streaming as it has no DAC on board. This means a nice DAC will be needed for use with this one just like with the Nagra. With the 130 we get the amazing large touch display and it sits in a large and hefty casing with little jewels as the buttons up top, which adds a bit of class. It also comes with a nice metal/plastic remote and fully featured app.
You can add an SSD drive underneath to serve music as well. This one also has its own clock, special USB out made for music (and it sounds amazing) as well as being built to an exotic level. It can do the fiber connections as well. I’ve had streamers in the $20k range that were not as well made as the Rose RS130.
While I now have a slight preference for the Nagra Streamer in some ways due to it’s SQ and simplicity as well as offering Tidal connect, the Rose 130 is still my #1 recommendation for most users (unless you own an N Link capable Nagra DAC, then the Nagra is 100% the ONE) as the better of the two on offer due to the features. As for sound quality vs the Nagra? The Rose is a touch more muscular and defines images within the soundstage with more gusto. The Nagra is a bit more natural and stays with the Nagra sound which is indeed natural/organic and extremely musical.The HiFi Rose RS 130 gets my highest recommendation if you are in the market for a high end stream machine for a high end system. My review is HERE.
It’s funny as I adore the pairing of Nagra DAC and Nagra Streamer. I also love the pairing of the Rose with the Weiss DAC 501 MKII, Two different presentations but both are end game territory for me with the edge going to the Nagra. I would be thrilled to live with either forever.
MY FAVE DACs of 2024
When it comes to a box that coverts a digital signal to analog, there are countless options and choices out there. With that said, here are my fave DACs for 2024, or what I have heard.
Topping D90 III for $999. This for me is “budget” when it comes to the DAC for a nice system, and this one is excellent. I have a few DACs here though, with the lowest cost model coming in at $12. It sucks, bad. Yes, I said 12 bucks. I find most DAC’s under $1k to sound very similar. I find when we move up to the $2-3k range we can get some differences and there are some killer DACs in this price range right now. Going up to the exotic range of DAC brings more refinement, more analog like sound, lower noise and larger soundstage with enhanced imaging/immersiveness as well as nicer build and parts quality.
I tried and tested the previous Topping D90 models and thought they were great but nothing special. More of a vanilla DAC to be honest. Nothing that made me say “wow, I have to have this”. They measured well but this goes to show that gear that measures really well doesn’t always sound the best to all of us. I have heard gear that measured perfectly yet the sound was not to my liking so I always judge with my ears, as we all should when it comes to audio. While the OG Topping DACs measured well, for me, the sound was a little digital sounding with some digital hash being inserted, also a tad flat. Meh.
The newest D90 from Topping is the MKIII and I have one here now and how times have changed. It sounds fantastic and at just under $1k I would easily recommend this DAC for those in the $2k budget area. Yes, this one is quite nice in sound and sounds more relaxed yet delivers great resolution and timbre with less of the digital nasties. You can also buy this one via Amazon which is always nice. Review sometime in early 2025 but an easy recommend in theist under $1k price point.
I have two DACs in this category which is the under $5k section.
First up, the LAIV Harmony DAC! When I did the review of this DAC earlier in the year I loved it, and stated it reminded me a bit of the $14k Chord DAVE in the way it relayed energy and details. While not as sophisticated or refined as the Chord DAVE, if one is looking for a nice looking DAC with energy, balls and lit up details, the LAIV Harmony is one to check out. It has a way of free flowing the music and converting digital signals into music that excites and energizes. See my review HERE.
Denafrips Pontus 15th. I have been a fan of the Pontus since the early versions yet the 15th anniversary edition is different from the Pontus models of the past. This one may look similar but it has more energy in the details. Instead of being a bit laid back and warm, the 15th brings details out front in a nice way, sometimes a way that startles but in a good way. It’s a heavy R2R DAC and weighs in at 2-3 times that of the Laiv. This is a serous DAC and sounds fantastic with great detail and body. A much darker than the Laiv. See my review HERE.
In this range that goes up to say $200k, DACs get more and more refined, have less and less noise to the point of being non existent and deliver a rich, full bodied sound with depth and life. These are my faves of what I heard in 2024 in the EXOTIC territory. Keep in mind, I did not hear any DAC priced above $48k in my space so there are many out there I have yet to hear. In any case, here are my favorites from this year.
Weiss 501 MKII – $12k. Now this is a DAC but so much more than that. It also serves as a preamp if needed, a Roon endpoint with its own Roon mode and this box also contains some pretty powerful DSP features. These DSP features can be defeated or activated all using the touch screen of the 501 MKII or even remote control. Vinyl Emulation anyone? Oh, it’s also a decent headphone amp.
What’s new in the MKII vs the OG MKI? This is now a DAC that uses four reference DAC chips from Sabre, two per channel for a total of four. The OG 501 used two older DAC chips. Does this bring enhanced sound quality? Why yes it does. In fact, this $12k box is one I love just about as much as the $48k Nagra Tube DAC (almost) I also have on hand here. They are quite different from each other though with the Nagra being all about humanity and an organic natural layered sound. The Weiss is about that “in the studio” vibe and is clean, punchy, impactful and spatial yet the MKII now has some of that organic flair and a beauty I do not remember from the MKI. This DAC brings a palpable quality to vocals and instruments that have me reaching out to touch them.
The 501 MKII looks exactly like the MKI. It also comes with the same remote control, which is nice. I tried the Vinyl Emulation in the MKII and it works just the same as it does in the MKI. This brings a more analog vibe, more subdued imaging and a nicer flow…warmer even. Even so, I much prefer this 501 MKII used solely as a DAC (no DSP for me) and here it excels. I love that we can change the output level over four choices, which comes in handy for low gain preamps or integrated amps. I love the beefy sound and in this area of bass I have never heard a DAC do such great things to the bass drivers of my speakers. Yes, never heard the bass performance on this level come from ANY DAC. This one is special for bass and will wake up those speakers that seem light footed. On the flip side, if you have massive bass now, adding a 501 MKII will enhance it further.
The Weiss 501 MKII is never fatiguing or bright as it offers up a luscious and almost “wet” sound, It is very refined and rich sounding as well. What would one expect from Daniel Weiss? He won a grammy a few years ago for his work in sound. While I have been able to hear DACs in the $20-$50k range, the Weiss 501 MKII sits among the finest I have experienced and for much less than some of the other exotic DACs that have been in my life. Make no mistake, this one is “exotic” in sound and yes, pricey at $12k. Even so, one may take this over more expensive DACs to save that cash for other things because the 501 MKII is that good. You may need nothing “better” in sound than this but it does have a house sound, the Weiss house sound. Again, this sound is ultimate refinement, full bodied and yet clear as a bell with stunning heft and punch. Dynamics are here as well but this box will never produce bright, lean, warm or dull sound. Just music that sounds right and what the artist wanted you to hear.
Does the $48k Nagra Tube DAC below blow the Weiss 501 MKII out of the water? Well, it sure sounds different so I guess it depends on your preferences.
This was and is a Dream DAC for me. It has the Nagra Classic PSU with it as well. Retail as you see it? $48k, phew. I bought mine used for a fraction of that but even at the $18K I paid (credit card) it’s enough to stress me each month. Then I sit down and listen and that stress melts away and a voice tells me “you lost so much buying and selling audio over the last 28 years, if you keep this, you lose no more” and this is true. This is an end game piece if you can afford it and one you will not want to let go of. It can end the hunt for some out there. For those that like what this DAC does.
The Nagra sound here is natural and organic. It doesn’t really wow you out of the gate so much and in fact may sound “boring” at first listen. Over time though this will change and you will soon learn that this is a pure end game DAC, even in 2024. It’s not a new model and a few years old now but still current and in the lineup above the Classic II. In any case, it’s incredible and should be for the cost. With the PSU and VFL plate this is a near $50k investment. Audio is never an investment financially of course, but rather in an inner peace and happiness (for me). We deal here with electronics that go down in value much like a car does but what price does one put on peace, happiness and enjoyment? Is this the finest DAC I have heard? Yes.
There is another option I was told about by Jonathan over at Unveiled Audio (Who sent me the Nagra Streamer for review). You can cut down the cost of this DAC dramatically by dropping the Classic PSU (just plug in the DAC itself to the wall) and if you do this the pice drops to around $29,500. There is also another power option that costs less and lifts the performance like the Classic PSU does for $32k. Email Jonathan over at Unveiled Audio for info if you are interested in a Tube DAC from Nagra. He has many options for you but this is a DAC for high end well tuned systems. It’s a serious piece.
While I love and adore the Weiss 501 MKII, the Nagra is a different sounding DAC. One that doesn’t bring the sizzle but rather it sounds like you are playing a very well mastered album on a $75k vinyl rig. Effortless flow and well, sounds like real music. The best I have heard, again, can be found at Unveiled Audio who is a current Nagra dealer.
I’ve had my share of Integrated Amplifiers here over the last year. All shapes and sizes and in various price brackets. While one of these made a lifelong impression on me, others also carved places out in my brain so I remember them as well. Here is my list of my fave picks in the Integrated realm for 2024.
Black Ice FX10 Tube Integrated. This little guy is pretty cool. Sounds great, is tiny and looks the part all for $799. Comes with tubes, remote and also has subwoofer outs. While not high power, its sings with easy to drive speakers and also has some current itself. This may be lower power but has more get up and go than you would ever think! Would make an awesome Xmas gift for the music lover in your life as well. $799 is a great buy here for something so unique in the tube amp world. Just add source and speakers. Something like a Wiim Ultra into the FX10H which could then power whatever speakers you choose. It does run a bit hot though. See my review HERE.
Advance Paris A12 Classic. This amp shocked me! At $3700 I could not believe the features and function of the A12 classic. It looks stunning with the electric blue VU meters and lit up tubes in the front window display. This one does it all, and at $3700 is a hefty gorgeous piece that takes on the likes of McIntosh, Luxman and Yamaha. It does this with authority as well, all while costing so much less. You can find the entire line over at Dedicated Audio, one of my fave dealers of audio!
I have owned many of the exotic integrated amps from Luxman, Aavik and a couple from McIntosh as well. The Advance Paris, when it comes to looks and sound, really doesn’t give up much of anything (if anything) to those. Just differences really. The A12 has some warmth, body and impact but also has some pretty delicious ways it deals with details. It’s a sweet amp in looks and will impress anyone coming into your space. Yes, these are made in China but distributed in the USA through a nice dealer network. Highly recommend the AP A12 if your budget is under $5k for an integrated amp that also has a DAC and Phono stage.
T+A PA 3100 HV “HIGH VOLTAGE” Beast!
This integrated is already legendary in some high end circles. Many who sit in the exotic land of audio claim this to be one the best three integrated amps EVER made, and for good reason. First of all, it is $26k retail in cost, and T+A Dealers do not always discount. It is rare to find this on the used market, and when you do they usually sit in the $14-$18k range, depending on features added. Even so, it can be a waiting game indeed to find one used. Oh, you can add a dedicated external power supply to it as well as add a phono stage and EQ with room correction. As it is stock though it is just a pure analog integrated amp that looks and sounds like a million bucks.
T+A is really truly much more like the Leica of HiFi than even Nagra is as T+A is made in Germany like Leica. They use the finest parts, design and focus is on the end result vs meeting a price point. This is quality stuff right here and one of the very few “the best of the best” companies and products that are out there in the audio world right now.
The PA 3100 HV started life as a PA 3000 HV and in 2017 T+A updated the older 3000 to this 3100. It’s not a new amp, wasn’t made in 2024, but it’s an amp that is new to me for 2024 as it’s the first time I had it in house for any length of time. Think about it, a seven year old integrated is the best I have heard, ever. That’s one more secret to HiFi. Newer is not always better as many rehash the same old designs and repackage them year after year. T+A releases new products when they can actually better them vs trying to sell you something new each year.
Thanks to JaguarAudio.com for setting this review up with T+A as it’s an amp I have always wanted to experience only due to the fact that I love the design, and have for years. I also love that this integrated is very “High Voltage”. See, T+A made this Class A and A/B solid state amp in a way like no others makes their amps, at least from my bank of audio knowledge.
These have the voltage rails running high and hot like a full on tube amp, which is much higher than SS usually runs. T+A feels that this is what makes the tube sound and they did this here, with the 3100, so it sounded more like high energy and high power amplification but more of the tube flavor. To me this means full bodied (check), immersive (check), sweet top end with extension and air (check), big wide soundstage with depth (check) and just a soulful kind of sound (check). The 3100 is also clean, clear and packs a punch with its energy and output yet it has a pinch of beauty within that midrange that is very sweet.
This is a special piece, and even at its retail price of $26k stock bare bones it is worth it if you have the funds and budget for something like this. The build is second to none, period. Everything is made in house by T+A in Germany. These are not made elsewhere and then “assembled” in Germany. Nope, these are made from the ground up, using tech created by T+A.
Oh, did I tell you that the first 30-35 watts is pure class A? When I listen with this amp using my Duet 15’s I use around 1-4 watts per channel as per the VU meter. Lovely.
The sound is remarkable at all and any volume but the first thing that comes to mind is “force, power and finesse”.
Yes it has the grunt but also can be as delicate as a honey bee on a dewey flower on a spring morning. This is also what makes this amp special. Some amps sound soft. Some sound hard. Some sound bright. Some sound warm. Some sound exciting, some are dull. An amps sound depends on many factors such as parts quality, engineering and even the way it’s tuned to sound. I think T+A set out to make a cost no object design in an integrated and this was the result. I do not personally feel it gets any “better” in the realm of the integrated amp in build, looks or sound. Yes, this sounds like a mega powered tube amp (with its finesse and transparency) mixed with an all out high voltage vibe to the sound. It does all of the usual things we expect like big stage in depth as well as width and a nice natural way of imaging. Nothing is ever in your face but a tad polite but again, with brute force power behind it.
The sound is forceful and you can hear the power exuding from the speakers. You can almost envision the amp shooting out lightning bolts. At the same time, it has finesse and a sweetness that reminds me more of a SET amp at times. The transparency is remarkable, as is the non existent noise floor. The way the imaging is done from side to side and front to back is also pretty fantastic. I have never been more impressed with an integrated amp, truly.
The PA 3100 HV sounds like what you would expect $50k separates to sound like. Truly. This is why it’s not overpriced. Sure, I enjoy music immensely with my $3k and $7k amp but this one goes up a quite a few levels from my reference, which is below. It’s a bonafide “lifer” and a true desert island dream piece for these ears and eyes. I will continue to dream : )
Review in early 2025.
Electrcocompaniet ECI 6DXII
I love this integrated amp and it was the first one that arrived in 2024 that made me realize other integrated amps were falling short when it came to finesse, power and all out sound quality that was special. The sound here is pure EC and that sound is also powerful and oh so sweet. It has a punchy vibe with amazing bass that fleshes everything out while keeping the details out and in the room. It’s not as refined as the T+A above. It’s not as quiet as the T+A above nor is it as “WOW” in appearance or build but for the $7500 price tag it is an amp that is also quite remarkable. The sound quality is the star of the EC show but it is not a super flashy amp. No big knobs, just buttons. No VU meters either.
Even with the T+A in my life right now I will still say that the EC 6DXII is still my favorite ALL IN ONE integrated pick as this also has a streamer and DAC inside, and they are excellent ; )
Let me just say that I spent countless nights listening to the ECI and it never left me wanting for more during those sessions. I am a huge EC fan as I love the solidified sound signature on offer. I’m allergic to lean amps or amps that sound dry or etched. I prefer some humanity, warmth and yet I still want gobs of information to be exposed. The EC sound brings this and while not quite as refined as the T+A, there are some similarities here. High power, current and a big bold, but sweet sound.
Honorable mentions:
Verum II Headphones – My fave and my ref for head fi when listening to music deep into the night. So comfortable, so rich in sound and so light but yet affordable.
MEZE 109 Pro – What I wear to edit videos, listen to music on my phone, etc. These are truly a fantastic buy and sound pretty lit up and expansive (and expensive) for their price, which is pretty nice. See them HERE.
HiFi Rose RA 280 Integrated. Big class D power and awesome design at $3k. Sounds great and at this price, a superb option for power. My review is HERE.
Singxer SA-90 Monoblock Class A/B power Amps – $1400 for BOTH! These came to me from Kitsune Audio HERE. These are flat out unreal for the money. A legit pair of well made mono amps, using Class A/B power at 100 WPC for $1400 a set. Yes, made in China but they have big bass, lean warm and have big punchy kick. Not too big in the details nor are they super transparent but even so, at this price they are way better than they have a right to be. Review soon!
While I use 13 year old Nordost Valhalla speaker and IC cables in my main system I do not recommend any particular pricey speaker cables in general these days as cables are things that should “finish off” your system, if need be. Cables are a personal choice I feel and I always have gravitated right back to Nordost for the way they do spatial rendering and help with the imaging. From Red Dawn to my used Valhallas I have always enjoyed the sound of Nordost, and yes, they are the real deal and even made in the USA for those who care about this kind of thing.
Very good cables can make a dramatic difference in a well planned out system but to start? I recommend THESE $39 cables from Amazon for any of you who are starting into HiFi. I have tested countless affordable cables and these stood out on top vs all of them, even up to $150. You can get a 12 foot pair for under $40 right here on Amazon.
Thank you for your infectious enthusiasm and for focusing on all budget levels. Love these EOY review summaries. Fuel for audio GAS. Keep on rocking!