The WiiM Ultra Review. Unreal HiFi Value, for REAL!

The WiiM Ultra Review. Unreal HiFi Value, FOR REAL!

By Steve Huff

Buy the WiiM Ultra at Amazon via Prime HERE!

DISCLAIMER: I was not paid for this review nor did I get a free unit. This review is not sponsored. I bought mine for full price from Amazon and did not take a freebie in exchange for a review. These words are my honest thoughts as always! 

As I start to write this review it is currently 6:36 AM. I woke up a little bit early this morning due to some raccoons causing some trouble on my front porch. As soon as I felt what a nice morning it was outside today (with a cool 61 degree temperature) I decided to sit outside and start this review. With my hot coffee in hand, still in my PJs, I settled in for a few hours of writing.

It was just last night that I was in my audio room listening to a new piece of “budget” entry level HiFi that has blew my mind to pieces and has me pondering some life choices I have made, lol.

I mean, this one really has me excited just due to the crazy extreme value it brings.

I am talking of the new WiiM Ultra which is a brand new piece from WiiM and I feel it is the best thing they have come out with yet and for reference it is now July 2024. I have previously reviewed the WiiM Pro + and the WiiM Amp and talked about the value those pieces bring as well. Even so, the Ultra is their best HiFi creation yet IMO. I will talk about why in this review.

My Video Review of the ULTRA

$329 for all of this? HOW?!?!

Being deep into high end audio for close to 40 years I have experienced pieces that sit in the absurdly high price points as well as products that are more in the budget category. Also, I have been blessed to hear the middle ground and everything in between. I have experienced high end pieces that are phenomenal as well as high end pieces that were awful. Same goes for the budget category though I admit, there is a ton of junk in the budget category. It can be tough to find the hidden jewels, though they do sometimes exist.

I try my best to find balance…get to the good stuff but without the need to spend exotic money or even close to it…yet have a system that I enjoy as much or even more than those uber exotic systems that cost as much as a house sometimes. I feel I have accomplished this a few times in life and even recently with the amazing Qualio IQ speakers that have literally been on non stop since their arrival. They are expensive but among the best I have heard, regardless of cost. They are $11k but I enjoy them more than some $50k speakers I have had in here. That’s the balance I try to find.

WiiM is trying to buck this crazy price trend in HiFi as they price their gear UNDER what they are worth if you ask me.

This is something different within audio, charging LESS for really fantastic and useful gear! How about that! This tells me WiiM means business and are serious about offering products with superb value and well thought out designs. But you say “Steve, WiiM makes cheap stuff that sounds cheap”! Not so, not true and in the case of the Ultra not even close to being factual. In fact, this little guy shocked me more than any other budget piece ever has in regards to what it does but it still is a budget piece at its core, so take that for what it is worth.

Yes indeed the WiiM products are made in China (with a USA office) but I have not had any bad experiences with their products. They have all been reliable for me and just as reliable as my USA made products. The benefit here is the huge savings. If this were made in the USA I would expect the price to be $$1299-$1899,00.

My Reference 

My USA made reference pre-amp and two mono amps from AGD retail for close to $20k as they are configured. The Alto II with DAC along with the DUET mono amps, which are truly remarkable are end game for this 55 year old.

Imagine if the Ultra by WiiM could get even 85% of my reference streamer and preamp (RS130 and Alto II) for $14,000 less? Wow, imagine.

My IQ Ultra speakers and AGD gear come in at a combined $30k so what business does a $329 digital front end have being involved in this kind of system?

I mean, there is NO way it can hang with those amps and speakers, right?

Well, that is what I thought as well as the Ultra is really meant to be an Entry Level into good HiFi. 

When I saw the WiiM Ultra which is a streamer, a DAC and a preamp all in one for $329 I said to myself there is no way this could be of high quality or hang with my system. Not that I thought it was bad, as many will be looking at this in the context of using it in a normal system vs a high dollar system.

I knew if it could hang with $12k speakers and $12k amps then it would be also be amazing with lower cost gear. Usually pairing a piece like this with a higher end system would lead to a big mismatch. I was curious but also doubtful.

To put this into context my streamer (which is all it does) simply streams as a digital transport without a DAC or preamp within it and this piece set me back over $5k. The HiFi Rose RS130 is a streamer I have owned since launch and to date I have not found anything that has bested it for my tastes and likes when it comes to streaming digital tunes. It has an analog heart I feel, with all digital brains that RS130. It’s fast, lag free and has a gorgeous display.

The WiiM Ultra on the other hand that comes in at $4800 less can be used solely as a streamer (and I have), as a streamer and DAC (tested this way as well) and a full blown control system for your hi-fi as a preamp. I have mostly been listening to the WiiM Ultra in this way as I feel it is how most will use it, as a full blown front end for digital streaming direct to an amp or set of powered speakers. 

So yes, for all of what the Ultra offers (in its aluminum casing and glass front panel) the cost of $329 seems crazy low. I was about to take out $15k worth of gear and replace it with $329 worth of gear.

Could the handsome WiiM Ultra get close to my $15k digital front end? As I asked myself that I also answered myself within my own head saying “There is no way, but let’s see what it can do”.

So What can this ULTRA do? 

Before I get to the sound impressions vs my big money stack let me say that this box does an awful lot for the money regardless of how it hangs with high end gear. I mean just look at what this “entry” piece brings us for $329….

  1. It can stream from most streaming services like Spotify connect, tidal connect, etc.
  2. You can use the WiiM app, which is nice or the services native apps like I do.
  3. It has an analog in for something like a CD player.
  4. There is a built in Phono preamp as well, for your record player (and it sounds good).
  5. There is a built in Sabre DAC that sounds spacious and full (slightly warm, rich).
  6. There is a headphone amp with a connection on the front (not for hard to drive headphones)
  7. The USB port can be used for music stored on a stick or to a USB DAC!
  8. The WiiM Ultra has a nice display with glass covering, and it looks fantastic though it’s simple.
  9. It is also a full digital preamp and works with any amp you connect to it or even powered speakers.
  10. Comes with a voice activated remote control that is medium sized.
  11. Has a built in EQ, a subwoofer output and all kinds of digital ins and outs (USB, COAX, OPTICAL, HDMI ARC).

All of this for $329, and it’s crazy. But how does it perform?


When I turned on the WiiM ultra I first had it set up as a full preamp, streamer and DAC. I attached my AGD Duet amps and away I went. Loading up Tidal Connect I started playing some familiar tracks and while I heard the character of the WiiM instantly I was almost not believing what I was hearing. The one word that kept popping up was “how”?

It was quiet using the Ethernet input. No noise. Many lower end pieces have static or noise or grunge somewhere in the chain, but not here with the Ultra. It was silent and almost as noise free as my reference preamp.

No noise, no clicking, no snaps, crackles or pops. How about lag?

One thing I noticed when using Tidal Connect is the tracks would have a little lag when skipping track to track. For example, say a song comes on and I do not want to hear that one. I skip it and there would be a lag of about 1 second, sometimes less, sometimes a little more. High res tracks seemed to have the most lag.

I have seen this in almost every low to mid priced streamer but with higher end streamers like the HiFi Rose RS130 there is zero lag. Same with streamers from Lumin, no lag. Almost every other streamer I have tested has this lag so it’s not abnormal as I have seen it in even $1500 streamers. It also happens in the WiiM Amp and WiiM pro + when streaming high res tracks.

It’s not a dealbreaker for me, just something I noticed. The reference quality HiFi Rose has a dedicated SSD drive that is used as a buffer so there is zero lag. That is one reason that piece costs much more in addition to the premium parts and unique features it has over other streamers.


After getting used to using the WiiM Ultra and seeing it all up to my liking I started to listen more critically. I wanted to see what the extra $14k was getting me with my fancier boxes and I did find out. 

I was listening to many piano tracks to see if the weight was there with the WiiM and yes, it was. The sound was gorgeous, full and weighty indeed.

A track by Anna Leone came on called “All That I Ever Did”. While not some fancy audiophile track Anna’s voice was very rich, large and had some solidity to it as it came out dead center. I noticed the detail retrieval was much different from my pricey Alto II preamp and AGD DAC. The AGD was more analytical, not in a negative way, but a beautiful open and crystaline way. The WiiM was a tad more closed in but only by a little bit. The WiiM was more “rubbery” sounding vs the wide open crystal like stage of the AGD Alto II powering the same amps.

When I say “rubbery” I mean the sound from the WiiM is thicker, more together (vs every instrument separated to the maximum) and not as holographic but I’ll be damned if the WiiM wasn’t musical as all get out. It was a little softer in presentation vs my reference but it was sounding warmer and had more of a bass beat going on. More of a meaty backbone but it also did imaging though in a softer way. 

Yes, the WiiM’s bass is excellent though not as tightly controlled as the AGD Alto II. This Ultra is not embarrassed by partnering high dollar equipment to it.

At the end of the day, listening to the WiiM vs my Reference I was truly blown away by what the WiiM was doing for $14k less cash outlay.

No, it didn’t reach the all out detail, resolution or instrument separation of the AGD/ROSE setup but it shouldn’t. It’s a much more affordable product. With that said, the more I listened to the WiiM the more I appreciated what it was doing for such little money. The more I was enjoying it in my system. Really enjoying it. 

It was musical, full, fluid and rich. It did imaging, but not “hyper” imaging. It did some of the 3D stuff as well but not hyper 3D. See where I am going here? I am comparing a $329 piece to the finest I have ever personally heard and the $329 piece, the WiiM Ultra was not being embarrassed. It was not being kicked to the curb. It was instead, sounding AWESOME and had my body moving and rocking.

It was messing with my mind as I started to wonder what WiiM would do in the next few years with future products. Yes, I feel WiiM is just getting started and that the high end should be getting a little nervous or worried here.

Diminshing Returns

Sure, there will always be those who want to buy “the best” and spend a fortune but there are many more who want an awesome HiFi experience but do not want to spend their kids college funds to do so. I think there are many more in the category for sure. Why do we have to spend so much for quality sound? The answer to that is we do not, but some choose to do so, even me. 

It’s called “diminishing returns” and this means that even though I may have spent well over $14k for my reference digital front end it will not be that much better (in dollars) to the WiiM. In HiFi we get incremental improvements for the dollars spent.

That $15k digital front end may be 15% better in detail retrieval, imaging and soundstage..resolution vs the $329 WiiM so small jumps in quality cost a lot of cash within the realm of high end audio. It will not sound $15k “better” but it will sound more refined and better in the areas I spoke of, if those things constitute “better” for you of course. The big difference will be in build, parts quality, how long the product will last, etc.

I enjoy the high end gear as I enjoy seeing how far audio can go for the dollars spent. I also love artistic pieces such as the AGD amps that look stunning and sound just as stunning. This doesn’t mean I can not enjoy music with “lesser” gear as I am enjoying my system tremendously with the WiiM at the forefront. Crazy.

It sounds really beautiful in the system and when in, I am not sitting here thinking about how much better my reference streamer and preamp are, rather I just want to keep listening and that’s a good sign. I give credit to the AGD Duet amps though, as they are fantastic with any preamp I have tested them with, so far. Love these amps and they allow the character of the pre to be heard quite easily.

Again, the Ultra is making gorgeous music and it fits right in to my reference setup but offers a beefier sound with less detail and air but with just as much musical enjoyment. In the past some reviewers would call this sound from the WiiM as more analog, more soul stirring where the higher end pieces are more revealing, refined and outspoken ; )

Again, I am using nice amps so take that for what it’s worth.


The WiiM Ultra as of now, July 2024, is my #1 pick for product of the year 2024.

This is not because it killed my reference, it didn’t.

It’s not because it’s affordable, though it is.

The reason this is my 2024 Product of the year SO FAR is because it is so amazing for the money. It has created a new level of value within audio as it does so much for so little and what it does, it does very well. I could buy over 40 WiiM Ultras for the cost of my current reference digital front end. I would never need 40 of them but that sounds nuts, right?

VS Wiim Pro + as a steamer? 

As a streamer it’s better than the WiiM Pro + that cost $219 and is a small plastic box. I also prefer it to any of the Bluesound Node products which I always have loved for THEIR value. I tested the streamer only of the Ultra into my AGD Alto II with DAC after a viewer asked about it and to me the Ultra has a richer, bigger sound when used solely as a streamer vs the Pro +, but it’s close. Not everyone may notice and this will depend on your overall system as if you will hear a difference here. The DAC inside of the Ultra is for me, a better sounding DAC as well vs the Pro +. This is a DAC I could use and be happy with ; ) The one in the Pro + I could not as to me it was a bit on the edgy side but could be implementation that has improved as well.

As a DAC it sounds so much better than the SABRE chips of the years past. It has a richness and offers a beautiful musical soundstage. I enjoy this DAC as it’s the first SABRE DAC I have heard that sounds mellow, warm and musical. Could be my AGD Duet amps also helping with this as they have a SET like vibe about them. It has this same character when using the Galion A20 Class A Amp, with slightly more warmth in the mids.

As a Pre-Amp it brings some warmth, some juiciness and just sounds organic and human. It doesn’t bring hyper detail or resolution but sometimes those things are over rated. The Ultra doesn’t compete with a high end preamp in build, design or parts used but as a preamp it does very well and is superbly musical. Something like the Eversolo A8 will be more detailed and lean vs the WiiM Ultra.

As a package it’s remarkable and it’s how I have been listening to it after the initial tests. I have been listening daily and honestly, truthfully…have not been in a hurry to place the $15k stack back in, even though they do bring more of the audiophile tricks such as the way they do space, imaging and the wow factor. Here is the thing though, the WiiM also brings its own set of tricks like ease of use, affordable to acquire and performance that hits way way above the price.

It can scale to the heights of my reference amps and speakers, without a problem. It even brings a bit more mid bass to the Qualio IQ’s as the preamp function does add a little warmth and beauty here, again, all without noise or issues.

Yes, this WiiM has messed with my mind as I sit and wonder if I need my $15k stack with the WiiM installed and sounding so good. All that matters within audio is if YOU love what you are hearing from your system at any given time. I love my system with the Rose and AGD Alto II/DAC but heck, I love it with the WiiM at the helm as well.

Let me state again that in regards to build/parts quality the WiiM in not in the same universe as the HiFi Rose RS130 or my Alto II preamp. Different leagues, different universe as it should be as this wasn’t made to compete with audiophile pieces but I discovered it can hang with them. Just brings a different kind of vibe and sound.

This is one tine where a budget piece has really WOWED me in a big way and while it did not dethrone my reference gear, it made me seriously think about using the WiiM as my main source, and saving some serious cash.

That decision will take more time as I do not want any regrets but the fact that I am thinking about it should tell you just how good this WiiM is for the money. You can’t beat it for $329 period and for me, in my system it fit right in with $11k amps and $12k speakers. Wow.

It offers so much more than the competitors for less, a no brainer in HIFi. The WiiM Ultra is ENTRY LEVEL but it also goes beyond that. When a 40 year audiophile is happy listening to it day in and out within his reference system (me) that should tell you something about how it sounds and how it performs. For the money it’s a downright silly value but also a terrific performer. This piece may shake things up and I predict it will be a huge seller for WiiM.

If you are looking for a digital hub, digital source and a great DAC for under $350 the WiiM Ultra is the only piece I can or will recommend in this price bracket and even up to about $1k. To jump up from this would be with the Eversolo DMP A8 which costs 5X+ more than the WiiM (or close to it). Does the Eversolo kill the WiiM? No, it brings a couple of extra features (like hard drive space for music, larger screen, filters, heavier chassis, slicker design) but sound wise they are both excellent but different. 

Nothing else even close to the price of the Ultra competes with it. I feel WiiM under priced this piece buy a couple hundred bucks at least but that’s a change isn’t it? Usually audio companies try to squeeze as much out of us as they can and here we have WiiM who seems to be “giving” us something more for our money.

This Ultra and even the WiiM Amp can bring a lot of people into the world of HiFi and at the end of the day this is a good thing.


You can buy the Wiim Ultra at Amazon via Prime RIGHT HERE. 



  1. Hey Steve. Great review I’m considering buying this to use with my vintage Rotel 611, amp section (using the Wiim as pre-amp/streamer. The amp is functioning fine. I had it cleaned and serviced recently. I don’t think there will be issues. Would you be kind enough to give me your thoughts? If that does not work I could get a Monolith M2100X 2×90 Watts Per Channel amp.
    Look forward to hearing back from you.

    • This should work out wonderfully. I tested it as a pre/stream/DAC and it did well. It has a bit of warmth, detail and sounds great. It’s not audiophile or hyper hi fi but that’s not really “better” just different. Id say give it a go! Enjoy!

  2. Hi Steve,
    Super review! I have a budget setup = Genelec G3 speakers and use NVIDIA Shield pro (2019) as streamer and a Topping DX3 Pro+ as DAC and preamp.
    Would it make sense to use the latter one in combi with the WiiM Ultra or does this give similar output, soundwise by itself…?

    • I wouldn’t use it with the Topping as what is in the Ultra may be better DAC wise, in fact, I would bet on it. The Ultra will best what you have as both a streamer and a DAC, that’s my guess.

  3. Hey Steve, Fellow Phonecian here (bet you don’t miss the summers). I was considering pairing this with the Galion TS A75 and use it as a preamp and streamer. I’m not looking to spend a lot on a preamp at this time. I have a large CD collection so I’m streaming or listening to CDs. I was considering the Geshelli Labs Archel Pro 3 headphone/preamp (with sparkos OP Amps). I am driving floor standers which are rated at 94 efficiency. The Archel Pro 3 is considered an above average headphone amp which Thomas said I should try it as a preamp as others have been plugging into his amp with just a DAC with volume control and having great results. Do you see any concerns with either choice. (Now I see Schiit just released the new Saga 2 preamp / headphone amp). Too many choices…..
    Thanks, David

    • Give it a try! If you do not enjoy it, return it. Amazon allows for refunds within 30 days for any reason. I 100% use it when I do not like gear I buy from Amazon. It should work very well indeed. I would skip the Schiit piece. The WiiM is a streamer, DAC and pre. The others are just preamps, correct? The Schiit is not a streamer or DAC. With the WiiM you can use all it offers with the TSA 75 and it will sound wonderful. Do not discount it due to price, it’s really 80-85% of the sound of much more pricey pieces. Build is OK, not the best but if just put in place and left it should not be an issue.

  4. Hi Steve! Incredible reviews here to Wiim Ultra and to Eversolo A8. I have a sytem Oppo 205 -> Vac Avatar tube integrated amplifier -> Harbeth 30.1 . I think to replace my Oppo 205 with Wiim Ultra or Eversolo A8 to send the signal via RCA to Vac – Hifi Rose 150 may would be better but I think too expensive. As you have try both of them, could you give me an idea which of them would make me more happy in overal music satisfaction as I like a warm sound (female voices important) but with great soundstage. Sorry for my english.

    • The Eversolo would be more detailed and open soudning. The WiiM a bit more subdued and warmer. The Eversolo is built to a much better standard as well. The Rose is awesome but you pay for the build, display and features above else. The sound would be a bit more refined than the A8 but more different than better.

  5. Hi Steve, very interesting and thoughtful review!
    I have the Wiim Amp for several months now and am quite so happy with it. I bought it as a temporary solution, being a bit short on cash and overwhelmed by actual offerings.
    The market is moving pretty fast as I understand and I am also torn between vintage amps with streamer and fully integrated solutions…
    I’ve been searching whether someone tried to connect the ultra and the amp together. Is this even possible?

    • You can hook up the Ultra to the amp, at least it seems so but prob not a great idea. Maybe for the display? The DAC of the Ultra is also better than the one in the amp but it’s not going to be a huge difference. But yes just take the ultra RCA outs to the RCA in of the Amp and set to that input!

  6. Steve, this review of the WiiM Ultra is incredible! Your detailed comparison with high-end gear really highlights the exceptional value of the $329 Ultra. It’s impressive how it holds its own against much pricier equipment. Your insights make a compelling case for the Ultra as a top choice in its price range. Thanks for the thorough review!

  7. Thanks for the detailed review, Steve! The WiiM Ultra sounds like an impressive piece of gear, especially for its price. It’s exciting to hear that it can hold its own against much more expensive equipment. The blend of features, performance, and value you described makes it a standout choice for anyone looking to get into high-quality audio without breaking the bank. Your insights on its performance and comparison with higher-end gear are particularly helpful. I’m definitely considering giving the WiiM Ultra a try based on your recommendation!

    • As I stated, the WiiM does not meet or best the big money equipment. For the money though, it is remarkable. It’s a superb starter streamer or for those who do not want to spend big. It will be warmer, less detailed and less open vs a more pricey streamer. No big 3D soundscapes but rather a great product, at a great price and one that offers high performance for that price. With that said, the build is no where near as good as the pricer brands. I just had the coax input break on me when I plugged in a cable to it. Just pushed all the way in and came loose from whatever was holding it there. Never had that happen, ever. So build is no where near the high end. If one just sets it and forgets it then the Ultra will be just fine. I am listening to a $8k digital front end now as I type this but last week I was listening to the Ultra as I wrote. I enjoy both and the Ultra had me enjoying the music as well. So performance is superb for the cash but build is about on par with the price it seems.

  8. Hi Steve, I bought the Eversolo A6 after watching your review. I love the unit. Now, I am thinking of this WiiM Ultra. I have an Audiolab A6000 transport, use a PrimaLuna pre-amp and a Threshold T-50 power amp to drive a pair of Celestion SL600 speakers. Do you think the WiiM will improve over Eversolo? Can it even replace and improve over the PrimaLuna pre-amp? Thanks.

    • Hello, no the WiiM does not better the Eversolo. The WiiM is amazing for the price point but is built to a lower standard (cheaper) and sounds less detailed and open, not by a huge amount, but it is noticeable. For those who prefer smooth the WiiM may be preffered. As a whole though it will not best the A6 in build, parts quality and the sound will just be different vs better or worse as that depends on what you like. It can replace any preamp, but again, will sound different and not be made nearly as well as a prima luna. This is for those who want something awesome for $300, of those starting out or downsizing. For those who just want to add streaming in the easiest way and yes it is better than the streaming and DAC in the WiiM Amp and much better than the Pro Plus but it’s still budget and the build quality is about what you would expect at this price. Function is remarkable for $300 though. If I were you and curious I would order one, try it and see what it does for you. If it doesn’t work out, return it. Easy ; )

  9. Thanks for the review! I’m really looking for something that will stream from my NAS – and have a UI that’s not folder based… Will the Ultra fit that bill?

    Thanks much in advance!

    • Me too! I’ve got my music collection on a networked NAS box that I would like to access. Preferably through cover art rather than a folder structure, but I could live with that if it’s all it has.

    • I am not one who enjoys downloading any kind of beta software. I think I would rather use COAX anyway (and am). I currently have this hooked up to the LAIV Harmony DAC going direct to my AGD Amps. It sits with these high dollar products very well.

  10. Hello, I am writing to you from the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean.

    If the headphone amplifier is not great, would you recommend pairing it with a dedicated headphone amplifier coupled to this streamer?

    Is concert playback gapless?



    • The head amp is OK, just not for high dollar ($1500-$12,000) headphones. For lower end, lower cost headphones they will do great. As long as they are easy to drive. If you value headphone listening and own audiophile headphones this is not the device for you ; )

  11. Hi! Great review. I have now Wiim Mini and for like 60$ it’s great, and stable, but as I bought KEF R3 and CXA81 I will need also a better streamer 🙂 What would You choose between Wiim Ultra and Eversolo DMP-A6 if I want use it as streamer, DAC and preamp?

    • While the DMP A8 would be a nice improvement vs the A6 you will gain a higher quality build, casing, display and parts on the Eversolo. The Eversolo sound signature is more tipped up in the treble and the Wiim seems, at least in my room, to be a warmer kind of sound. Full bodied and plenty of detail but some warmth in the mids. The better made unit will be from Eversolo but it costs quite a bit more as well. Sound wise, depends on your likes. I have to say that I still have the Ultra in my system with my AGD amps and it’s not a mismatch, somehow. For the price, cant get better but you can get “better” if you spend more. The Ultra is lightweight and while better made than the plastic box streamers (aluminum case) it’s still very lightweight. I think the Ultra has charm on its side in looks and sound.

      • Thanks for response. From my perspective Wiim description sounds better. My goal will be balance bright nature of CXA81, but I will anyway test it on my own. I heard DMP-A6 and CXA81 and it sounds superb for me, so if Ultra will sound as good as that combo for even not half of DMP-A6 price for me choose is simple 🙂

    • Great review. Can I use the WiiM ultra with my Bose soundbar 700 connected to bass module 500 plus virtual surround speakers?

  12. Great review thank you Steve. I have a great DAC & am wanting to get a Streamer to connect to it. Have you compared the Wiim Ultra (& Pro/pro Plus) against your HiFi Rose i.e as a ‘Transport’ only streamer into your DAC & if so how do they compare using COAX SPDIF output ?
    I ask because Wiim claim they produce a ‘Bit-Perfect’ digital output so if that really is the case I can see no reason to spend more – but numbers don’t always tell the whole story. (In fact I think they claim ALL their streamers produce a bit perfect digital output).
    N.B. You need to set them to fixed output & EQ OFF for this.
    many Thanks

    • Oh the Rose is more refined, richer, has more depth, etc. All when used as a streamer only. Is it $5k “better”? Prob not but depends on the person. The Rose was built from the ground up to do only one thing, stream. Without a DAC or preamp it just streams and it has an SSD buffer for zero lag (WiiM will have some lag with high res music) and the build is maybe 50 levels higher on the Rose (no joke). I expect the Rose would last forever if one wanted it to where the WiiM, no idea. So with the Rose one pays for design, parts quality, build quality, the display, the buffer, the ability to add a SSD drive for music and a real USB connection made for music. The WiiM sounds awesome in my system and nothing will best it for $329 but it can be bested as a streamer only. The question is? Do you need all of that extra or do you care about design, build, etc? I personally could live with the WiiM as my streamer, DAC and Preamp but I know I would have regrets if I sold my Rose. I just love that piece.

      • Many Thank for your reply Steve, very much appreciated. I have just tried the Wiim Pro plus & though decent, on Qobuz it sounds worse than streaming direct from my Laptop using the Qobuz app (with very good USB cables). I suspect the Ultra wouldn’t be much better so I think it’s the HiFi Rose or similar for me as yes it matters (a lot) to me. May I ask if you have tried any of the Auralics as a comparison to the HiFi Rose, as I know they have had good reviews too.
        If this is the wrong place to continue this thread please let me know as I realise I am veering off a bit now !
        Once again – many thanks
        (btw my kit is Vintage but High End Audiophile including ProAc Studio 3 EBS speakers/Beard P100 Valve Power Amps in Monoblock config with custom built Passion passive volume pots, Siltech cables etc)

        • The WiiM pro + is not the Ultra. I would not be happy with a Pro + and it’s built in DAC. The Pro+ is a $200 streamer, which does the job but will not ever sound like a $5k streamer. The Ultra has a much better DAC than the +, is built better, sounds better. has less lag and if using a top tier amp or even DAC will sound fantastic. I have the WiiM Ultra ($329) going into a LAIV Harmony DAC ($2700) to the AGD Duets ($11k) and the sound is stunning with the Qualio IQ speakers ($12k). I have an Auralic S1 with its dedicated power supply here now as well but am in my very early listening stages with it. For me, nothing has bested the Rose 130 as a pure dedicated streamer (I prefer it to the almost 3X the price Grimm MU1) but I could easily live with the WiiM going into a LAIV Harmony and my AGD Amps (that’s what I have installed now). I will have a review of the S1 soon as it is a streamer and a DAC as well as a simple preamp much like the WiiM (but costs thousands more).

      • Steve – since you always rave about the RS130 (I own one as well) I wanted to share that adding an audiophile router (LHY SW-6) with fiber optical cable to the RS130 made a big difference in my system. Hugely increased clarity without being hash, also much more distinct instrument placement. At first I thought I was crazy spending $600 on this thing, but it was the upgrade with the biggest impact lately. LAN cable from the router goes into the isolated port, NAS or Roon Rock or similar into one of the other ports, and then fiber optical cable (you need two adapters, one on each end) into the Hifi Rose. It’s made for that and you can tell. If you want parts details, ping me.

  13. Good morning, thank you very much for your review. I live in Brazil and I just received my Wiim Ultra today, which came with my daughter who lives in Miami. I haven’t called yet, but I would like to know her experience with the Phono input, I read some comments about possible noise, but as this is very difficult to evaluate. I would like your opinion on whether you used it and what you thought of the quality of this product. I’m going to connect my Rega Planar 3 to the Wiim and the Wiim output (analog) is connected directly to my McIntosh 6800, over 30 years old, which plays perfectly. And two box BW 804s. I’m not an audiophile, I just like good music. Thanks.

    • Nothing about the WiiM Ultra is Audiophile but it is a great music maker. The headphone amp isn’t great but the streamer, dac and preamp function are superb for the money and then some. The Phono input is on par with most $150-200 stand alone units IME. Also, I find the streamer functions with DAC to best the Node, which costs more. For the money, I do not feel you can do better.

  14. I’ve been wanting a decent streamer for a few years and the Blusound was almost reachable. The screen of the WiiM Ultra caught my attention, this review sold it for me. I rearranged my audio space just for this component. Now the wait for delivery.

  15. Hi Steve
    Since you have reviewed them all, how would the Wimm stack up against a Bluesound node streamer and Ares dac combo?

    • Well a Bluesound Streamer with Areas 12-1 is a $1600 expense. The Ultra is $329. A fair comparison would be an Ultra with Ares and a Bluesound with Ares. I’d take the WiiM for its larger size, screen/display and preamp feature. Some may prefer the Node for its advanced Airplay features vs the WiiM. Sound differences would really depend on the system they are installed in. The room, speakers, amp, etc.

  16. I’m still hoping for a basic primer on all of this technology for a guy who grew up with a turntable, then got a Walkman, then a CD player, now has a computer and iTunes…LOL!
    Can you write a piece that just explains all of this for morons. What is a DAC? Better yet, how do I just play my iTunes music from my laptop or iPhone through a great sound system? What do I need to get?

    • A DAC is a Digital to Analog converter and some are dirt cheap but some are not. There are DACs alone that sell for over $50,000 in this hobby. There are integrated amps that are “all in one” and have a streamer, dac and amp like the Wiim Amp. The WiiM amp is an entry level streamer, DAC and amp. Just add speakers. You can then stream from your phone using Spotify, Tidal, Etc. There are streamers that do much more but cost much more. The Ultra is a streamer, DAC and preamp that will need an amp or powered speakers. An amp like the Yamaha RN2000 I reviewed a while back does it all, and is pretty awesome (just add speakers). Many steps above the WiiM Amp but will set one back $3-$4k.

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