Borresen X2 Speaker Review. Outta this world Sound.
By Steve Huff
This written review was done one week after the video review. I have more thoughts!
My Video Review! The words here on this page are merely more thoughts on the X2 but watch the video first!
Sure, I have heard and owned and currently own some gorgeous 2 way speakers that sit on stands but the memory of the X1 stayed with me for a long while after they left.
In fact starting in Feb of 2024 I was going over my gear and starting to plan a major overhaul on my system after something threw a wrench into my already laid down plans. Due to a piece in my system that I paid a lot of money for breaking down, twice, I had to make a change yet again and find a new amp and speakers. So the search started yet again but this time I decided to do it right.
I wanted to keep and own three sets of speakers for not only to use for comparisons in future reviews but to change it up here, for my personal use from time to time. I know many who own several systems in their home, and they seem to enjoy listening to different systems on different days. I just wanted to have a few on hand, not for three systems, but to cycle in and out. It’s also beneficial for those times you just want to hear something new. With another set of speakers on hand, one can do this anytime.
While I did not buy the X1’s, I ended up buying a different set of two way speakers as my wife loved the looks (Triangle 40th Duetto) and in their own way, they sound just as fantastic as the Borresen X1, just different so both are remarkable. The 40th looks more old school with the wood striped finish and fit into the room nicely. The Duettos are not inferior to the X1’s in any way but the do not have the same sound signature. The Triangles are about being open, airy and very clear and clean. The X1’s excelled in bass power, deep inner resolution and could really fill a room without breaking a sweat. Both stuck with me.
What I found interesting about the X1 is that it could sound completely different depending on the amp used. With the Axxess Forte 1 the sound was an all out assault with detail, bass power, resolution and impact. Easily allowed me to dissect the sound without any hardness or fatigue. Was quite an amazing thing to hear these detailed 3D images and bass impact from such a small speaker when used with the Axxess Forte 1, which has a tipped up nature and is sort of matched to the X line I feel.
With a Yamaha A-S 3200 they were warmer, more fluid and not so worried about each and every detail being organized perfectly. With Pass Labs, they were glowing from within and let out a gorgeous detailed textured presentation.
When I sent the X1’s back I wondered if I would miss them, and I did. Even though I own other speakers, I missed what the X1’s could do and enjoyed how they sounded so different with different amps. None of the other speakers I have dug as deep into a recording.
Enter the Borresen X2
It wasn’t long before the guys over at Next Level HiFi asked me if I wanted to review the Borresen X2’s which are floor standers that have a very slim profile. They also bring along and extra bass driver for more punch and depth vs the X1. So bigger, taller cabinet and one more driver.
I was worried the X2’s would be too much for my 13X18 room after realizing how powerful the X1’s sounded. To be clear, I preferred the X1’s without a sub, that’s how much bass I was getting in room with them and their small very fast driver. In any case, a few days later a truck with a huge pallet arrived. Two large boxes were attached and before long I had them opened and set up in may room. Before this I was listening to my wonderful OGY and BOB combo as well as the Triangle Duetto 40th. I did this so I would immediately hear the difference with the X2 vs those others.
When the X2’s were first powered up it was with the Axxess Forte 1 integrated amp. This integrated is interesting and I did a review of it a while back. It has a streamer, a DAC and a Class D amp inside that powers these speakers with authority, speed and sizzle. I mentioned in my video review that the Forte has a way of exposing all details and bringing them forward with the X1 and X2. I feel the Forte is great with the X series speakers but I struggled to enjoy it with my Trinagles or OGY/BOB as it seems the bass is a bit light with the Forte 1. I think they voiced it with the X speakers so they are perfect with the X1, X2, etc. Maybe not for every other speaker.
When I moved the Forte out and replaced it with a set of AGD Duet amps and an AGD Alto II preamp (these are not made by Audio Group Denmark, but a company in California called AGD) I was taken to a whole new world with the X2 that I favored to the Forte (though you may prefer the Forte for it’s more energetic approach).
The speakers lost the edge they had with the Forte 1 and mellowed out some. I was hearing music that sounded like music and honestly, it was sounding like the X2’s were being powered by a high power SET amp. The mids were gorgeous, full and detailed. The highs were smooth as velvet and yet extended, bringing much of that Forte 3D experience but in a softer more refined way. The Bass? I do not know how they do it but these little drivers are pretty remarkable for bringing powerful and tight bass to the room. I mean, remarkable. Who says we need big 8-12″ drivers to bring proper bass? With the X2’s we do not. I can only imagine how amazing the bass of the X3 is so for bigger spaces I would look in that direction.
In fact, I started to think my fears were coming to fruition. The bass, when turned up to a louder volume, would almost be too much for the room with some tracks. The bass is low, full, present and can kick! These speakers, even in my 13X18 space, provided almost too much bass. So much so it was starting to obscure the mids and treble, again, only when turned up loud. I had to fix this (and did).
OK, back to set up.
I moved them further apart as Borresen recommends. I also toed them in more dramatically. When I did this the bass was not really overwhelming anymore but with some tracks that are bass heavy (Try Lana Del Rey Hugh By The Beach as it overloads the Bass), they still could be if turned up loud. At low volume these were pure magic, some of the finest…NO these are the finest low volume speakers I have heard as far back as my memory goes these days anyway.
A huge amount of detail, flesh and emotion still pours from the X2 with the Duet amps even at very low volume levels. These do not need to be turned up to give you their best as many speakers do.
After I posted my video review of the X2, the guys over at Next Level HiFi write to me and told me that they may have a solution to the bass issue in my room with the X2. They sent me over two sets of the new Axxess Noir to try out. The Noir are resonance control devices that act as feet for any of your audio gear. Place them under your electronics or even better, your speakers. I was told there was a good chance these would do the trick as the bass issue could be a vibration issue. I didn’t believe it at all, but said I would try them and see. I even told them I would not make a video about them but if they worked I would mention them sometime.
Lo and behold, the Noirs worked some kind of voodoo magic here and the bass issue was 100% gone. I could now blast EDM or bass heavy music as loud as I could stand yet the sound was always composed, tight, smooth, 3D and almost felt like I had a night club in my room. No bass boom, nothing overwhelming. I was so excited by this that I ended up making a video anyway, as they worked so I wanted to share the story.
My video on the Noir
I figured hey, maybe the Noir are just lifting the speakers from the floor (which is wood, covered by a thick area rug) and making the bass cleaner? Well, when placed on my wooden platforms the bass still rumbled more than it should. It’s not the speakers, rather it’s my room size and shape or some kind of vibration that the wood platform can not deal with. When not on the Noir, it feels as if the speakers are too much for the room. When on the Noir, they sound as if they were made for the room. I do not understand how something so simple can work so well. Again, my bass issue was borderline though, not anything massive.
In fact, these X2 were ready to go back to Next Level HiFi but when I heard them with the Noir I told them I must keep them and add them to my reference stable. This would complete my three reference speakers I have here for review purposes, and of course, personal enjoyment. I made a deal with Next Level and now own the X2’s and two sets of the Noir feet.
I will be buying two more sets of Noir down the road for my preamp and streamer as I noticed some things when using them there as well, things I liked. I do not recommend these Noir to everyone as they are for the more picky audiophile crowd (like me). They did wonders for the X2 in my space and made me a believer. Maybe I am a fool but hey, I know what I hear and it was night and day in this experience due to the bass being fixed. My wife was even shocked they they did the trick.
As I sit and listen I feel grateful and blessed to now have three sets of speakers to choose from, each different, but each pretty freaking amazing in what they can do. It’s interesting but all three sets I now own (X2, OGY/BOB, Duetto 40th), all three are in the same price bracket yet if I was forced to pick a fave at this point I could not do so. I love them all as they are all different and bring something unique to the listening experience. I do not like to call anything “The Best” as I have no idea what the “best” is. This is because “the best” doesn’t exist in reality. There may be a best for you, for me, for the next person but there is no best for all.
When I say these are among the finest I have heard, I mean for me, my tastes and my likes that they sit among the finest I have heard ; )
A Sound Demo with the Duet amps!
My favorite amplification with the X2’s is surprisingly not the Forte 1 but rather the AGD Duet/Alto II pairing. These amps are jaw dropping good and when paired with the X2 they have an instant ability to just pour out sweet music that is filled with emotion and good vibes. There is an analog vibe here and it takes me back to the memories of the best times of listening to music. These amps are true end game for me. I have not had many mono block amps but of the few I had (one was class A) none sounded like the Duets.
The simple fact is that Borresen is making some of the worlds best speakers today in 2024. They go up to $550k in price for their flagship M6 and their M1 bookshelf costs a whopping $100k. These models are insanely priced for the filthy rich but hey, to each their own.
These M1 and M6 speakers are truly on another level from what 99% of us have heard (I have heard the M1 not the M6) and the cool thing is that a lot of that tech and design of those big money brands have indeed trickled down into the X line.
While I would never spend that kind of cash on audio ($500k) because I will never have that kind of disposable cash, the X2 at $8800 is in reality a downright steal and that is something many more of us can do.
A bargain. Just as the X1 is at $5500 the X2 is even more so at $8800. I would not, in my 13X18 enclosed room, move up to the X3 as I get the right bass quality and quantity from the X2. I want for nothing in bass or midrange purity and punch. I want for nothing in the treble which is refined and smooth yet has so much resolution that it digs out in such a unique way. Remember, I am usually a bookshelf two way kind of guy but the X2’s have certainly seduced me with their warm glow and high resolution.
If you have a larger room than I do, the X3 may be the one to look at. They all seem to have a similar signature to the sound, you just get more of it as you go up the line.
With that said, if you want floaty highs and a more tipped up presentation other speakers will do that better. My Triangles do it better as do the OGY and BOB but those can not do all that the X2 does.
This page was not really meant to be a full tech review of the X2, just some extra thoughts to go with the video review at the top of this page. More thoughts and ramblings really. I wanted to make this page as people need to know that the speakers in the Borresen X line are not “Flavors of the Month” but rather some of the finest speakers made today. They deliver on all fronts and are the real deal just as those old Tannoys, Revel and other old school brands are. They know how to design a speaker and they do it in a remarkable way.
In fact, I am having a tough time moving the X2’s out of the system to listen to others because every morning when I wake at 5:30 AM I sit in my listening room and listen for an hour or two as I watch the deer out of my window. I check emails, write some and enjoy the vibe at lower volumes. The X2’s have been speaking to me in the language of music when powered with these AGD Duet amps and in a gorgeous way during these early AM listening sessions.
Oh, I also just received a new amp in for review by Galion. The Galion A20 is the passion project from Thomas (of Thomas and Stereo) and he spared no expense to create one hell of a made in Canada pure Class A amp. With the Alto II pre the A20 brought a more velvet like grip on the speakers and also had an amazing ability to dig out those details yet it does so with even more warmth than the Duets. The A20 provides yet another superb listening experience with the X2’s. Don’t worry about the 20 watts, the A20 can power most speakers without an issue. Review soon on the A20.
Memories are being made…
I know that when I am 70 in about 15 years (and it will come fast) I will have fond memories of these times, these days, these early morning sessions. I will remember the X2’s with a fondness, as I do today with a few other speakers I have owned in life such as those from Sonus Faber, Fleetwood Sound and others that have carved a warm memory into my heart.
X2 does some things very well.
- I listen a lot at low volume and these provide the full spectrum of sound wether they are low or high and they never sound thin and never sound ragged, no matter how loud you go. A lot of speakers need juice to sound their best.
- The bass performance is remarkable. Tight but not so tight that they sound lean or too fast. There is body here, fullness yet the mids are so clean and with texture. This is due to the bass performance of these small drivers.
- The resolution (different from detail) is among the finest I have heard for my tastes. It’s floaty, smooth, refined. You get the resolution and inner details coming at you in a way that is smooth and realistic.
- The design is modern and very nicely done. The build is spectacular.
- All inside parts (drivers, crossover, ribbon tweeter) made in Denmark and you can tell as the quality is very high.
- The soundstage is deep and wide, these create a huge stage and imaging is natural and realistic vs etched (though the Forte 1 amp can make the imaging more precise).
- There is some warmth which I love in a speaker. I cant stand lean or dry speakers. These are not dry or lean ; ) These are actually a bit laid back with some amps, a bit “juicy” which I like vs dry.
- I can play any music with them and they just deliver the goods. Jazz, Vocals, Bluegrass, Rock, Metal, EDM, whatever. They handle it all.
- They just sound like music. Especially with the AGD Duet amps. They also sound fabulous with the new Galion A20 Class A power amp.
The Borresen X2’s are fantastic and if you seek big, full, powerful, effortless, tight full bass that pressurizes the room and has some warmth in the mids to flesh them out, these may be right up your alley. They can also play as loud as you can stand, and they never ever sound strained, rough, ragged or bright. At high volume they are just as composed, smooth and refined as they are at low volume. Impressive indeed.
What about the cons?
OK, they are 88lbs so not lightweight. They have a modern industrial style, which may not be to everyones tastes. They cost $8800 which is more than nothing if you do not buy them. That’s about it.
I recently reviewed the new Qualio IQ Ultras which cost more than these do and they are so vastly different than the X2’s. The Qualio excel in holographic imaging and soundstage as well as a clean very clear presentation, with body. I prefer the IQ Ultras for $3k more but they are $3k more. With that said, you may prefer the X2’s as they have more punch, more mid bass weight and a more mellow fluid like treble. The IQ deliver stark realism and energy that will ignite the senses where the X2’s may seduce. Take your pick as either sit with the finest I have heard. Yes, there are many speakers that are kick ass that are made today and I love hearing as many as I can.
You can read more about the Borresen X2’s at Next Level HiFi which is where these came from. ; )
Hi Steve,
Thanks a lot for your review, I’m sure the Borrensen speakers are amazing, just like you say.
By the way, I bought the Micca speaker cables you recommended a while ago (sold under the name LONPOO in Spain) and they are incredibly good.
I have cables from several brands, more expensive ones, and the LONPOO (MICCA) are the ones I like the best by far. Thanks a lot for that too.
Receive a warm greeting from Barcelona.