Daniel Hertz AMBER HiFi System Review. Outta this WORLD!
By Steve Huff
My Video Review! It’s a long one at around 30 minutes.
In the mid 1970s I really enjoyed listening to my moms 45’s on a “toy” record player (that actually played them) that I received as a Christmas present. I would sit in our dining room and listen to song after song, many from the 60’s. Little did she know I was probably trashing those 45’s with my horrible quality “all in one” players cheap stylus!
One of those old 45’s I would play as a kid was Lightning Strikes by Lou Christie
While at that very young age (around 7) I never would have even known about serious audio gear or the benefits that come to us by spending just a little time each day to listen to beautiful tunes. Yes, benefits. Things like stress reduction is one of them. For me, listening daily has taken my stress to just about zero. While I do not see a therapist in life I consider my audio system to be doing that duty for me. It calms my mind and my brain. It keeps me happy and stress free.
I tend to listen to music at night when the house is quiet and these listening sessions often bring me to another place while in the dead silence of night. I have done this for so long I can not imagine being without an audio system.
The Amber System in my Listening Space
My Three Personal Requirements for a Long Term System. 1 – 2 – 3!
- One of my personal requirements for owning a nice music system is that it must sound good at lower volumes during those night time listening sessions. There are some speakers and systems out there that need more juice on the volume to come alive and while that is all well and good, these systems, when played at low volume, often tend to sound flat and lifeless.
- I also need a system that is dead quiet because any noise such as humming or buzzing can really make it hard to really soak in the experience from the music.
- Finally the system must do well with all genres and music types.
I am writing this at 11:40 at night right now as I sit in my listening seat discovering new music on this Amber system that I never heard before, yet I find myself enjoying it. It’s raw, has energy and also has some balls. It’s a live recording from a band called “Lindeman” and the album is “Live in Moscow”. It’s wild and heavy and new to me but after this I will listen to some quiet piano music to prepare me for sleep.
I enjoy all kinds of music from jazz, vocals, standards, metal, rock, bluegrass, EDM and Ambient stuff. I really do enjoy it all though it is never easy to find a system that can reproduce all kinds of music with beauty. Some sound good with classical and jazz and others do well with punchy music.
The Amber System is providing the raw power, energy and flesh of the Linderman album yet they retain refinement and class at the same time for me to enjoy smoky jazz vocals or intimate piano music. With that live album it sounds like I am in the 1st few rows out in the audience, in the middle of the chaos. It’s exhilarating.
A Blessing
I have been blessed over the years to be able to try out a vast number of audio systems in all price ranges.
I have enjoyed my daily ritual with bass heavy and boomy $500 systems as well as refined as all get out $100k systems (which is crazy really). It’s easy to get carried away in this hobby as its seems many of us always look for that extra bit of performance, or “Magic”, myself included.
For me, it was always about the music and the gear. Today, after hearing so many pieces of gear at so many price levels I now fully understand I just need a system that takes me to that place, does it without noise or issues and allows me to close my eyes and be one with the music. The simpler the better.
I say I am blessed as I am not or not even close to being a wealthy guy. We just focus on things in life that enrich our lives. Audio is one of those things. I live in the poorest county in our state as the things that I used to feel were important no longer are to us. Today we live a simple quiet life, away from cities and the rat race. We own a small cabin of 1200 SQ ft, get our water from a well and are surrounded by peace, quiet and nature. The audio system for us is an important part of life as music does and can touch our souls and fill us with ease.
It’s about the music my friends. That’s the key. Gear chasing for me has now stopped but reviews will continue of course.
To be 100% transparent and honest I didn’t get into audio reviews to do it as a business (for me it is no way a money maker), I did it for my own curiosities and the fact that I could possibly (eventually) get review units sent to me to test rather than buying them. This way I can hear the gear I lust after and see if it really is what I imagine it is.
Imagine being an audio nut and wanting to try all of the gear you think will bring you audio nirvana, yet you can’t afford it! As a reviewer I can hear these pieces without having to afford them do to a thing called review units. This is wonderful. I get to test all kinds of gear without spending what I do not even have and in turn satisfy my curiosities as well as squash my fantasies about what a piece of gear may or may not do for me.
Just so happens that reviewing gear has taught me so much more about the audio industry as well as the products and the companies within it. This is knowledge that is useful and can be passed on within these pages and words for whoever cares to read them, so this is a win/win for all.
I get to test all of the gear I have wanted to try out and you guys get to read all about those experiences here. It also helps those who manufacture the gear I review by spreading the word about them and therefore it may or may not create buzz or sales for them. BTW, I only write about what I absolutely love and would recommend 100% so the companies I speak of deserve the attention.
Daniel Hertz Systems. Could this tech be the future of high end audio?
Daniel Hertz was started well over 10 years ago by Mark Levinson. I thought it was new as honestly I never heard of this company until I was asked if I would like to review the starter EVA system about 3 months ago. When I went to the website I saw “Mark Levinson’s NEW COMPANY is Daniel Hertz”. Well, they are not new but they have recently overhauled their lineup and made some changes. So they do have new stuff, and I have never experienced anything quite like it within this audio hobby of mine.
Ever since I have received the small but beautiful Daniel Hertz EVA system I reviewed not so long ago I have been addicted to the sound of that small, light and very simple system. I enjoyed it so much, it replaced $75k worth of gear and I just about prefer it to what I had…for $60k+ less cost. I found that to be crazy, absolutely insane. How can this be?
I can hear some of you now saying “Yea Right Steve, NO WAY that little Eva system was better sounding than your big reference system that costs so much more”.
There were may be one or two things my mega system did better, sure. Things such as scale and all out slam/dynamics were there in the big system, at a higher level than the much smaller Eva system. Even so, the tonality and the way the Eva Maria system created the musical space in my room was above extraordinary for the price point and did best that system in that area. For me, at least these days, it’s about the emotion a system can deliver (remember the therapy) rather than the special effects created by some systems.
The Eva system touched my heart, my big system wowed me but that wow wears off over time. The systems that reach our heart never do grow old.
But let me be clear! I am not saying the Eva system is “The Best” audio system ever as there is no such thing as that in audio, or the camera world. Same goes for cars, houses, or anything we buy. The best is not anything that can ever exist as we all have varying tastes and this relates to sound as well. There may be a best for me or for you, but not for all. She buy for looks, some buy for the name, some buy for the value, some buy for the sound only and that sound varies wildly by speaker, amp, dac, etc.
With that said, for my tastes I have truly never heard a system quite like the Daniel Hertz EVA setup and if you missed my review you can see it HERE.
Little did I know when I wrote that review that I would soon hear the next level up from the Eva system, which is the brand new Amber system from Daniel Hertz. The Amber system uses the same integrated amp (the Maria 50) but the speakers come with the Amber name and they are one of the very few “very special” speakers I have heard in life.
After that Maria/Eva review Mark Levinson (who is the man behind Daniel Hertz) himself told me that I really should hear the new Amber speakers with the Maria 50 amp. I said “OK, I would love to”! After a few weeks a big FedEx truck arrived in my yard with a pallet full of Daniel Hertz goodies. They were shipped from Venice Italy which is where Daniel Hertz is located today. I was told that the Maria amps are hand made in Italy by Artisans who care about the quality of work they do.
We live on 20 acres in the woods in a pretty small and cozy cabin in the midwest USA and we are sort of hidden away from pretty much everything. Even so the big semi truck found us after a few phone calls asking for help to guide him in.
Once that truck made it down the long drive it got stuck in our yard (see the review video for footage) but only after the driver unloaded the Daniel Hertz Amber System. He did manage to get out after some time, and after tearing up our yard and grass. I wasn’t angry at all though as I understood the issue. The grass will always grow back next year : )
When I started to unpack the Amber system I noticed Mark also sent a brand new Maria 50 amp. This was the newest version of the Maria 50 and had some updates from the one I had here (which was 6-7 months old) both inside and out. Both looked exactly the same in every way besides a few differences in the back with speaker connectors, etc. There is also more power in the 50 now. Mark gave out some numbers like 300, 400 WPC, etc.
Either way, all that maters to me is the sound because I know I love the build, design and tech inside of this very unique integrated amp. I also love the beauty and simplicity. The amp is a powerhouse but one that wears a velvet glove with its refinement.
It can power any speaker on the planet, that is my guess. It’s a powerhouse Class D amp with all of the Daniel Hertz tech inside like the Mighty Cat chip that uses C Wave technology, all created by Mark Levinson for Daniel Hertz. It’s a preamp, amp and DAC all in one though it doesn’t even have a dac chip. It’s all part of the Mighty Cat tech and what a stunning music maker it is.
Class D Sucks
I still hear people say that Class D is not very good for amplification. I used to be one of those guys but these days there are some class D designs that sound so much better than Class A or A/B designs.
So do not be scared off by that “Class D” thing. I used to dislike Class D and could never live with one for long. This has now changed as to me modern day well done Class D can sound even better than Class A and A/B yet there is no heat, heavy weight or big electric bills.
The Maria 50 is one of the good guys in the Class D realm and what a sound it brings. Class D has arrived, finally. There is none of that Class D sheen, grayness or hardness that plagued early designs in the Maria at all. Instead it has depth, life, clarity, dynamic range up the wazoo, and it does the spatial thing very well. It can go from airy and delicate to all out balls to the wall power and punch depending on what you play through it.
I am now a Class D guy as I have seen and heard what can be done with it when done right.
The Maria 50 is gorgeous.
The Maria 50 integrated amp is made in Venice Italy and the entire system shipped to me direct from Italy. After unboxing the speakers I wasn’t let down as the Amber speakers are drop dead gorgeous in the flesh. They sent me the maple versions which have a remarkable maple veneer on the sides with a flawless piano black finish on the front top and back. My wife Debby walked in as I was unboxing and said “wow, these are beautiful” and she is right. I could find not one flaw in the construction (not always the case).
The top is also curved and the speaker also has a slight slant that leans them back a bit which makes these stand out from a traditional box speaker. They are gorgeous, look high end and are made to high end standards. This is a system that looks as if it were made by an Artist. The entire system has that vibe.
The Ambers are what some may call “source point speakers”, using a concentric driver. I’d put these in the same company as Tannoy and we all know that Tannoy makes some drop dead gorgeous speakers.
There is one large bass/mid 10″ driver along with the tweeter and waveguide in the middle of the bass/mid driver. This ensures the sound all emanates from one source point. This means the Amber speakers make the music sound as if it all comes from one single driver and everything is cohesive and time aligned.
In this video I talk about the differences between three types of speakers.
These are not just a “Tannoy Copy” but they can stand on their own easily. These are world class speakers all the way and offer up a more modern look over Tannoy. Dare I say they sound a bit sweeter as well? Yes I do.
Ambers – World Class With Imaging, Soundstage and Dynamic Range
I have heard these with three different tunings from Daniel Hertz as these are brand new speakers and Mark was still tuning the speakers to the Maria amp after I received them. Yes, the Maria amps can be tuned to any speaker hooked up to the amp which helps to get the best out of the speakers hooked up to it.
The 1st tuning was bass light but very open and transparent and I was a bit worried as I know I expected more bass. The last and final tuning was a revelation. It added the missing bass, but this was big tight and controlled bass. No need for a sub with the Ambers. The specs say they can reach 28hz and then have not let me down when it comes to bass.
The sound also became a touch sweeter and smoother in the mids with the final tuning and this to me sounded incredible. I texted Mark and said “This is a winner”, or something like that. This is now the tuning that will be loaded with each Amber system.
These Amber speakers are remarkable with imaging. They do soundstage and depth so well. They have a natural sound with just the right amount of body and punch to them and yes they can PUNCH! They can do big bass, punch, drive, kick but they also excel at airy and sweet.
The bass goes low but never steps in the way of the mids as they remain clean, wide open and very spooky with vocals. The Ambers are some of the most “right” sounding speakers I have had in this space. So natural, so realistic and open and with bass that is rich, tight and comes in when it is in the recording, as it should.
Sometimes they surprise me with sounds emanating from way outside the soundstage. Lots of head turns and jumps during my listening sessions. It’s amazing hearing the deep bass come in where I can slightly feel it in my body but yet the mids are remaining so clean and clear and open.
The clarity and transparency is spooky and phenomenal.
The refinement here is on the next level from what I have been used to. The Amber speakers also have a beauty and humanity about them because they do not delve into to the bright or lean territory. If you are used to big beefy mid bass sounding speakers these will show you what the “high end” sound is all about. There is sparkle, shine and extension in the treble for sure but never dry, hard or aggressive. These are not “fat” sounding nor are they “lean” sounding. They just sound “right” and it’s the first time that I have heard this kind of sound, much like when I reviewed the EVA’s. It’s special and stirs the soul. At least they do for me.
This is one very cool feature of the Maria that you should be aware of. I have tested out 3 tunings so far as during my time with this system Mark was tweaking the final tuning and letting me try each one. This really was beneficial to me as I was able to see how it all worked and how much better the sound getting with each new tuning. By far the final tuning ended up being the best and I installed it myself with a windows laptop.
You can receive tunings from Daniel Hertz (if a new one comes out) and install it within 20 seconds using the “DSP” port of the amp and an updater app they have on any windows computer. This only works with a Windows PC so any cheap model will do. Im using a $200 laptop. They can also do it for you over the phone by connecting to your PC and loading it for you in real time if you do not want to try it yourself (though it’s super easy and quick).
You can even request a tuning for your specific speakers if you just own a Maria integrated amp. Even if they are not Hertz branded speakers! Let’s say you run a set of Sonus Faber’s. You can ask Daniel Hertz for a tuning that is a perfect match to your speakers.
It is sort of like what Buchardt Audio is doing with their powered speakers. Load in a master tuning via a USB stick. Devialet also has been doing tunings forever with what they call SAM that matches their amps to your speakers.
This is the way of the future it seems and IMO it eliminates system matching, which is one of the reasons so many become frustrated with putting together audio systems. Not all pieces sound good together but tunings are a way to ensure all sounds fantastic. I love it.
One niggle. I would have loved to see the tuning updates able to be done via USB stick but my take is once the tuning is in it really doesn’t need to be changed. If you do change it, it’s quick and painless.
The Maria amps use two proprietary pieces of tech created by Daniel Hertz. The Mighty Cat chip which also uses Daniel Hertz C Wave technology. Both do something really good and while I can not put my finger on it, just like with the Eva system, the Amber system has qualities that separate it from others I have heard. There’s something to it that keeps me listening, keeps me “addicted” to the sound and keeps my foot tapping. There is something to this tech as I have never wanted to listen more than I do now.
When evaluating the smaller Eva system I would swap to my other setups to see if I could hear what this difference was. I would do this, and install a system that costs MORE and it would sound sort of off where before I heard the EVA system I never noticed this. Sure they sounded great as they always have but it wasn’t the same and I found the Hertz system to have a seamless flow about it that the others didn’t.
After listening to the Eva system, any other system I put in sounded different or a bit off.
As good as the little Eva system is, the Amber is another few levels up from the Eva when it comes to dynamics, scale, imaging and depth. The Eva’s have a more “meaty” clear sound where the Ambers are all about having a wide open large organic and ethereal sound with refinement and an illuminating shine that remains smooth.
The Maria 50 Amp is SILENT, LIGHT and runs COOL.
This Maria 50 amp has all you need inside without any negatives. It’s dead silent, as if it is actually dead. There is not even a hint of hum or buzz from the amp, nor is there any hiss from the speakers when on. It’s as silent of an amp that I have ever heard.
It sounds so quiet that it’s hard to believe it’s even plugged in to power. I have had many amps in my room that would buzz. hum or have noise issues when plugged in and powered up. When this would happen I would box it back up and send it back without review. I am not into reviewing things I do not like, nor do I do negative reviews. Why waste my time on negativity?
The Mighty Cat chip is where the magic is said to happen here. It houses the amp, the digital to analog conversion and pretty much everything that makes this system work as it does. Pretty remarkable as the digital to analog conversion that is going in here is quite remarkable. So much so, any other DAC I hook up to it doesn’t sound quite as good as what is inside of the amp.
Yes. I have hooked up a $9k DAC but the one inside of the amp sounded better to me. Seeing that the Maria 50 is $10k and has a DAC that bests a $9k DAC for these ears is quite remarkable.
You will NOT need a separate expensive DAC with a Hertz system. You will not need fancy cables either unless you want a change in sound.
No need for big iron, big transformers, or weighty metal shells as it seems they do not do much for actual audio performance.
The Maria is lightweight, made of Perspex on the outside and weighs just a few lbs yet for me it is besting $16k 200lb mono blocks with a $12k preamp. No joke.
This Amber system makes those old big heavy metal amps seem antiquated (and I own a couple of them). These are things I probably shouldn’t say as not to offend those who make those big heavy amps but I truly have to be honest here as that weight is just not needed for sound quality, and the Maria 50 proves this 100%.
Any cons on the Amp? Sure.
It’s piano black. ANYTHING Paino black will eventually show scuffs, scratches, fingerprints or marks. I remember when I had a set of B&W 707 S2 and they were Piano black. I bought a demo model and when they arrived they were scratched all over.
Piano black finishes can show all flaws and prints but I have to say that I do enjoy the look and style of the Maria. It’s gorgeous, classy and sophisticated and to me just fits better in the space than a large heavy metal beast. I’m not going to worry so much about scuffs that may or may not appear down the road as they are barely visible and sometimes invisible, unless in a bright direct light. Most will never move their amp, so scuffs would not be an issue. Me, I move my amps all the time (to put in new review units) so I will be extra careful with the piano black of the Maria.
Also, there is no master power switch. There is a standby button only and a headphone input on the right (yes this even has a great sounding head amp inside). When you plug it in, it has power and we see lights inside of the chassis blinking (which never stop). You can only see them when staring inside of the vent slots and can not see them, even in a dark room, from your seat. But it is kind of strange not having a power button but only because every other amp seems to have one.
The pro of this is that the amp is always ready in an instant. Press the standby button and it seems as if nothing happened. No noise, no pause, no clicks..it’s just on and ready to go. It’s nice.
This is a high end, serious audio system.
These Daniel Hertz systems are not “Fun” systems meaning they are not just pumping out bass frequencies with bloated mids so be aware the is high end sound and will sound different from this kind of speakers or setups.
A sound demo in my room with the Amber system
The Amber system has the transparency, imaging and soundstage performance that takes on $50k speakers powered by $20k+ amps yet it comes in at 20% of the price of those big heavy setups. If your goal is big fat woolly loose bass or a party system, this is not it (though these Ambers can party with the best of them but in a sophisticated way).
I feel the Daniel Hertz Amber system is a way for those who are really serious about faithful quality audio reproduction and the experience of it to enjoy music in a way that brings you into the performance. You can do this without spending $50k and up with the Amber. The reality of the vocals, the instruments is jarring at times as is the Dynamic Range and this is a feature of the concentric driver speaker design.
Mark says these are the sweet spot in the line and in reality once you add stands to the EVA system you are not far off from the cost of the Amber system. Is it worth the jump from Eva to Amber? If your budget allows, absolutely.
Soft to Loud – The Dynamic Range can startle you!
These speakers and this system can STARTLE YOU in an instant due to the Dynamic Range on tap. The moments in music from soft to loud is jarring at times. On some systems you will never notice these moments but with systems like the Amber it can be startling. When I was speaking with Mark Levinson he said he was blown away by the Ambers and as he was listening he said to himself “who will need more”?
When I mentioned he sells a $200k system as his flagship (which is much more), he shrugged that off and talked about how he would rather sell more Amber systems because it has the Daniel Hertz sound and costs so much less, meaning more people can enjoy this kind of audio reproduction. Again, he said “who will need more”?
I agreed as I surely do not need more than this for my nightly music sessions. A change up from this system would be a “want” rather than a “need”.
The Eva and Amber’s both have a “soul touching” ability and I have fallen for the Daniel Hertz sound and philosophy hard. Less is more here for sure. Less boxes, less cables and quite a bit less $$$ compared to what it competes against.
There is SO MUCH more to this System
There is much more to this system as well like using software from Daniel Hertz that allows you to remaster any track you own to your liking. This software is called “Master Class”. I have not yet delved into that yet but I was sent a copy to check out. I am not sure I need this as even streaming Spotify is incredible with the Amber (and Eva) systems. But for those who want more, this is way to remaster any tracks you have to the sound you want. When I do try this out I will update this review with my thoughts but Mark sent me some tracks that were remastered in Master Class and I was very impressed with what I heard.
Here’s the thing though and what I have found with these systems.
All you need is a streamer or laptop connected to the USB or COAX of the Maria AMP to enjoy truly high end magical world class sound. This system does high res, no problem. It also does CD quality, no problem. It does both and allows both to come through without sounding digital. In fact, this is one of the things Mark mentions about his systems here. They have the ability to make digital sound not just as good as analog, but better.
I will repeat that there are no digital nasties here at all. This is a dead silent system and the music just flows and sounds so realistic yet smooth and sweet. Listening to the album “Rest” by Clem Leak is full of beauty, body, 3 D space and it brings a supercharged Analog kind of vibe. I can not tell I am listening to digital but let me touch on this for a brief moment.
I started listening using a Bluesound Node X for streaming into the DAC of the Hertz. It sounded glorious, beautiful and lovely. Then I put in a HiFi Rose RS130 which is their $5200 flagship streamer. WHOA…yes indeed streamer can make a difference! I mean this is easily heard, night and day.
With the RS130 the sound just took on more refinement. I was hearing the reverb trails in studio much easier, and small details would show themselves in an even larger more organic stage. The vocals became a touch heftier and present. I couldn’t believe the difference. This is a serious streamer that was sent to me by John at Lone Crow Audio as he told me I had to hear it with this system. He told me on the phone “it will be night and day”.
He was right and as much as I love the Lumin U2 streamer the Rose surpasses it for build, beauty, function and sound. It’s about the same price as the Lumin and quite a bit more than the Bluesound but I can tell you now that if you want the most complete sound with the Hertz systems the RS130 is a dream streamer. Truly. I can’t afford to buy one but am finding ways to scrape enough together to purchase the demo unit. Not sure I can but man, what a source this is.
The source is VERY important and I always suggest getting the best you can with a system such as this. It does make a difference. While a Node will do just great, and sound beautiful. If you want the next step up the HiFi Rose RS130 is astonishing. John at Lone Crow sells all HiFi Rose as well as Daniel Hertz. I want to thank him for letting me hear it as it without question 100% ends the debate about streamers making a difference within a really good system. They do, and it’s not hard to hear.
Hertz comes with all you need. Period.
The systems also ship with Daniel Hertz speaker cables which are pretty basic cables but they are light, flexible and thin. They do the job so well I removed my reference cables and inserted the Hertz cables. The Hertz cables bring a touch of warmth and body within the bass, and yes, cables can and do alter the sound somewhat. These are copper cables and copper is the warmest sounding of all cable materials. They also sound crisp and clean in the mids and highs. Vocals are scary real.
When I inserted the Kinki Studios Earth speaker and power cables, the sound did change. The sound was even more illuminated from within and a smoothness took over with slightly more air. The Hertz cables are 100% perfect for this system, and you will not need to buy any unless you want to change it up.
The Earth cables use silver coated copper and they are quite lovely cables. The instrument separation is also slightly enhanced as is the bass at low level listening. These are the things that are easy to hear for almost anyone as this system is revealing enough to notice. So Earth brings smoothness, bass enhancement, more organic sound but less snap and clarity. I like that snap and extra clarity with this system so I keep going back and forth between Earth and Hertz cables to try and pick a fave,
With the Black Magic speaker cables from Mad Scientist the sound was more “juicy” and punchy but the treble opened up a touch too much and at one point I heard some sibilance going on with the Eva speakers and Black Magic cables. At the end of the day, the Earth cables were my preference with the Hertz cables super close right behind them.
My Nordost Red Dawn brought a touch of dryness to the Ambers and while I love these cables they were not the best fit here. So yes, cables do matter and the good news is the Amber system works amazingly great with the included copper cables.
An Addiction
I am addicted to the Hertz sound as it is a complete, natural and YES INDEED they do deliver quite a “magical sound”. It’s truly one of the finest full systems I have heard in my lifetime. I love that it comes with all you need including cables, power cable, USB cable and even white gloves for installing so your new piano black finish doesn’t get filled with fingerprints.
Yes! I have screamed these kind of praises with some other systems in the past that cost much more but as time goes on I get to hear more and more gear. Sometimes the new gear surpasses the old in sound quality. This is the case here with this Amber system. I just can’t seem to get enough and I feel it is priced very fairly for the all out experience it brings. It is not overpriced in the very least for what it is. Period. Not compared to what is out there today in the HiFi realm that competes against it.
If it is so good, why aren’t more talking about it?
I wondered why these systems were not on the tongues of all those who are seriously into HiFi. Well, Mark Levinson believes it is the “HiF Mafia” and when I asked for clarification he stated that some dealers do not seem to want to carry his systems because they may lose out on the sales of cables, dacs, preamps, etc. Things that are not needed with the Daniel Hertz system.
This could be the case, but what could also be the cause of this is the fact that Mark has thought outside the box when creating the Hertz systems. He not only created but is also using new tech that streamlines everything yet sounds better than most amps who he says still uses “old 1960’s tech”. He even offers to license this tech to other manufactures so they can benefit from the Mighty Cat and C Wave tech.
I have seen the future of audio in brands like AAvik, Devialet and now Daniel Hertz but I love what Hertz is doing with matched systems, tunings and the simplicity of it all. I love and adore the little Eva speakers but the Ambers just bring the “more” of everything. Both are stunning. I can only imagine what the Daniel hertz flagship sounds like. I would need a MUCH bigger room and bank account to ever get into that system ($200k) but hey, I trust Mark when he said “who will need more” than the Amber?
The SourcePoint Sound
Hearing music in this way is an experience indeed with the Source Point concentric speakers. I have heard other speakers with similar designs though and not all are created equal.
Tannoy and MoFi’s source point speakers by Andrew Jones are two others I have heard. The Ambers are a few levels up from the MoFo SP10’s and there is no comparison there really. The Ambers have much deeper bass, a more refined sound with a wider, deeper and sweeter stage. Smoother sound and even nicer imaging and more airiness.
The SP10’s are great speakers for the money but the Ambers are world class designs that bring world class Tannoy level sound. Tannoys may look more old school with the designs but the Ambers are a more modern take on this type of speaker.
My Tannoy experience is somewhat limited but not so long ago I heard a set at a dealer who had them set up with an all Luxman front end. I found the sound of them to be just a little hard and flat and while they were imaging like champs, they did not sound like the Ambers. They were the expensive models, a GR of some sort that were at least 2X the cost of the Ambers.
They were gorgeous to look at and I am sure they would have sounded even better in my space but my wife and I looked at each other and we both agreed they didn’t sound as expected for what they cost. There was a dryness to the mids and they didn’t sound as open, spatial or full as the Amebers do.
The Ambers (to my ears) seem to have more juice and just an ever so slight touch of warmth/sweetness compared to the Tannoy’s I heard that day. Of course, Tannoy is legendary and they make drool worthy speakers that look stunning and sound gorgeous. I believe the dealer setup was to blame, had to be. Even so, the Ambers are not some cheap Tannoy copy, they are the real deal. They sell on their own for around $11k.
This is not only a fair price but a bargain if you ask me (when compared to $20k and up designs). Yes, I feel the Eva and now the Amber systems are not only fairly priced but they may even be somewhat of a bargain (if this is your price range) for those who are truly looking for a truly world class high end system.
I recently downsized my big expensive system when I discovered the Daniel Hertz Maria and Eva setup and pocketed some much needed cash when I sold off some of the more pricey gear I no longer needed. As for which I prefer, Eva or Amber…well, I love both and would be happy with either. Truly.
The truth is this. The Ambers sound bigger, more effortless and image better than anything I have heard before. They do not have the midrange bass boost or punch of the Eva but they are really better off because of it. They are so clean and pure. These are some very beautiful speakers with no coloration and I could find no flaws in the sound when used with a “tuned” Maria. Both systems are indeed world class.
Can I use a different amp with the Ambers?
For fun I hooked up a $1700 CHoco Sound EMEI Integrated to the Ambers and the sound warmed up more but they still had that gorgeous Amber sound, just not as clear or detailed as the Maria. It’s a sound I really liked as it was a bit different and juicier still. After two hours I went back to the Maria and there it was…JUST RIGHT. Even so, yes these sound fantastic with other amps. I also hooked them up to the tiny Black Ice Audio FX10 and what a treat that was with its tube flavored sound.
I feel the best come from the Ambers with the Maria amp.
I highly recommend ANYONE who is looking for an audio system in this price range to audition a Daniel Hertz system. Lone Crow Audio is (as for now) the sole USA dealer for Daniel Hertz and they are based out of California. You can see the Lone Crow Website HERE or contact John if you have interest in a Hertz setup. While I do not earn commissions at all, you can tell him I sent you which will enhance the chance of further review units being set up!
You can also see more about the tech and what went into these systems at the Daniel Hertz website HERE.
The Details…and…Listening Notes
I listened to Jazz, Vocals, Metal, Rock, Bluegrass, Intrsumetals and Live performances with this setup. The Amber system can do all music genres with ease and are best with ambient, EDM and Vocals. They can also rock with the best of them.
Treble – I rate the treble on the Ambers to be about an 8. Smooth and airy yet extended as much as you could ever ask for without any harshness at all. I can’t stand speakers with aggressive treble that is in your face and gladly, these are extended yet pleasing and smooth in the treble.
Mids – Clear and scary real. I rate this a 9 simply because the what I will say next. Vocals are so realistic it sounds like the artist is in the room with you at times. Instruments also sound very real, trumpets give me goosebumps here. While I love speakers with a big full midrange the Ambers do something I have never heard when it comes to the midrange and I have grown quite find of it. It’s also not a lean or recessed midrange but it’s not as beefy or pumped up as some designs. It’s clear with body and projection. Gorgeous.
Bass – Low bass below 30hz? When it is in the track, yes indeed. When not, you will not hear artificial bass pumped in to make these speakers sound full or fat. Rather, the sound is clean and tight due to the controlled bass but these can shake the walls when called upon. The Bass goes low and remains controlled at all times. No woolliness or muffled sounds. I rate the bass at an 8 and yes there is some of it in the mids to fill it all out but it is just right. So good.
Hardness – Some concentric driver speakers can sound hard or a bit rigid. I had this experience with the Tannoy I mentioned above. The Ambers? I do not hear this hardness here though if you listen very closely you will notice they do not sound as juicy as say a Sonus Faber which do accentuate the mid bass somewhat to bring a fuller bodied “wetter” sound. This in turn removes some of the clarity where the Ambers are wide open and clear as a sunny day. No hardness here but it’s so transparent and clean you may need to get used to the illuminating sounds of the Amber for a day or two. I’m in week 3 and seriously can not get enough.
Punch – Out of the box with the first “beta” tuning installed I was worried as the bass was light and the speakers sounded a touch thin. The Final tuning brought the bass and also made the Ambers punchy as well. The mids smoothed out and a touch of sweetness was added here as well. This final tuning (what you would get if you bought an Amber system) is a perfect fit and I am confident it can not get better with this pairing. I wish you could all sit in my room and listen with me.
Imagine sitting in your room with the Amber system set up for your sweet spot. You will hear music that connects to your heart and soul. Close your eyes and you just may be transported to another world, another place as you connect with the music. The Amber system has this capability and is one of the very few (can count on one hand) systems I have heard that truly made me realize just how much I love this hobby.
Not all systems can connect with me on this level, very few have. Of those that have done this, the Amber does it with the most truth and skills as these speakers can weave magic through the air between them. They have given me goosebumps several times already and as I write the last words of this lengthy review I am listening again, but now this system has about 200 hours on it and it has blossomed into something very special.
I will say this. If you are looking for a high end system with high end sound that sounds more like a $50k-$100k system you myst hear this system if you can. You can save tens of thousands of dollars if the Amber sound is your thing. Believe this, I have heard those big $50k-$100k systems and yes they can be visually and sonically stunning. The Ambers are as well but you can get this sound in a complete system that is ready to go right out of the box.
No need to find a matching DAC, cables, preamp, etc. It’s all designed to sound phenomenal as is out of the box and this what Mark Levinson has created with his Daniel Hertz systems.
It’s as good as a system can get in many ways (imaging, soundstage, realism) and works well even when using a Node to stream Spotify. Even better, add something like the HiFi Rose RS130 which I now call a “dream stream” and it will just take it that much further up the ladder. As I write this conclusion I am now listening to the Rose and Amber system, more from Clem Leek, and I have goosebumps on my body as I sit in my chair writing.
This is a beautiful system and if you are in the $20k ish price point with your HiFi budget it would be a shame to not hear this one.
One thing to note…there is no remote with the Maria amp. I have found I do not care as once I set the volume and sit down I am good to go. I could always pause playback on my phone if I need silence (or use the HiFi Rose remote) but do know there is no remote with any of the Hertz systems.
This is a bespoke artisan kind of product with really high pride of ownership. Everything about it is pure class. BTW, the Maria amp does seem to take a good 10-15 minutes to come into its own. When first powered on it may sound a bit dry but after a few minutes it comes to life and sounds sublime.
Finally, one last thought that I realized during my time with the Amber system.
While listening, never once did I want for anything more. WIth other reference setups I have had I did wish for more, and that cost me more. Subs for more bass, finding just the right DAC to match, etc. With Amber I never said “I want more of this or that for it to be right”, rather it was just right out of the box. Bravo Mr. Levinson. Was my pleasure to evaluate your Amber System from Daniel Hertz and I thank you for your kindness and the joy you brought to my listening space.
UPDATE 11/21/23: I have been enjoying this system more and more as each day passes. I have found a perfect synergy with this system and the HiFi Rose RS130 Streamer going right into the Maira DAC. I also found the system can be improved with a sub such as the REL T9X RED I still have in the system, though this is not a necessity, especially in smaller to mid sized rooms. This sub fills in the lowest octaves and does so seamlessly, working with the speakers instead of against them. I still enjoy other systems and currently have a variety to choose from but this is currently my #1.
UPDATE 11/25/23: Been listening today to the Amber system for a few hours and just can not ask for or want for more. While I have really adored a couple of my previous systems, none were like this one when it comes to delivering the music in a way that has me wanting for absolutely nothing. If anything, I am enjoying the Amber/Maria system more as time goes on. Also, the final tuning which came after I wrote this review is just perfect for the speakers. The bass, the slam, the warmth, the pinpoint imaging, the clarity…so so good. Me and this system will be friends for a long long time to come.
1916 – Sabaton
This is a rock/metal track that is quite melodic and beautiful. It’s about World War I and the massive loss of young lives. A remake of a Motörhead classic this version is incredible. Big guitars that are present in the room with an electric vibe, drums that kick and vocals that creep out into the room with a realism I do not always hear. This song sounds incredible in the room with the Ambers. Huge scale and quite the experience. Compared to the CHoco Sound/Alexandra Audio setup I also have here this one sounds bigger, more dynamic and more 3D with the Amber system. It provides quite a full sound as well which is remarkable. No grit, lean sound, hardness at all.
Maggot Brain – Funkadelic
I found this from a recommendation in my Spotify app. It’s groovy, funky and from the early 70’s. The Amber system turned this into an experience at 2AM for me. Not even sure what the heck this is but it is sort of surreal, mellow, gentle and well, funky. It’s a long one at over 10 minutes but as it moves ahead it flows and builds. I was deep into the groove when the guitar solo starts at around 1:15. It’s so present from the right speaker and sounds as if there is a funkadelic dude a few feet from me playing with soul and life. Goosebumps for me even though it’s not a special audiophile recording AT ALL. It’s about the feel, the moment and my mindset here. This one is groovy. When I play this on other systems it’s not quite the same as I lose the clarity and airiness as well as the remarkable Dynamic Range on tap with the Amber system.
My True Love is You
Sweet vocals here that are present, real and in the room. You can hear this in the sound demo close to top of this page. So sweet and full that when I listen to this track I close my eyes and feel like the artist is in the room with me. You can hear details in the voice and while the voice is clear as a bell, and so real the instruments have the body and flesh to fill out the sound.
Obstinado – Daniel Diaz, Raul Barboza
This track really shows what the Hertz system is all about. We have an acoustic classical guitar with an accordion making gorgeous intimate music without any trace of noise, grit, hardness or anything negative! This song flows and the Ambers clearly allow us to hear each sound, each pluck, and even the accordion pulling in and out and the noises it makes doing so. It’s as if you are sitting in a small coffee shop and the artists are right there. This is a common theme with the Amber system, it’s just so realistic.
The Lion From The North – Sabaton
I discovered this song by accident and am blown away by how the Amber system reproduces it. Again, a simple Spotify track which is HEAVY METAL! Usually not the kind of music you choose for an “Audiophile” system. Throw those rules out of the window with Amber/Maria because this track sounds ABOSLUTELY KILLER with the Amber.
I also listened on Tidal but both sound phenomenal.
The guitars are full and thick, the solos are liquid and the chorus becomes a bit 3 dimensional as the background voices chant they sound like they are coning out in to the room with energy and force. This one is made to be played loud and I nearly busted out the windows in the room (which are always covered when listening). This track showed me how much the Ambers can take, and I wasn’t able to reach their breaking point, My ears would have broken first.
This is one thing I love about the Amber system. It can play any and all genres. You will no longer be a slave to your HiFi system, playing only music that sounds good. Not all systems can play all genres with conviction and realism. Some specialize in classical, others Jazz, some vocals. The Amber, at least for me over these last several weeks, have played everything I have thrown at it without a problem or issue. Of course, if you play a horrible recording the system will not magically fix it but I am in awe of what it does for almost all music I have played through it.
Chameleon – trentemoller
If you want to hear what these can do with bass, check out this track. I often use this track as a test for bass and it never lets me down. I have heard it where the bass is very muted and also very bloated. How does the Amber handle the low bass here? Well, it’s very present but tight and controlled with zero slop, Never gets muffled and the bass just kicks and hits hard. When I turn it up it hits me in the chest. When I turn it down it’s full and present still. I will say the Earth cables brought out the bass more here at low volumes and I was hearing the spatial cues easier.
The sound is “floaty” as if it’s in the air making music, There is a cricket type of sound that comes in after a couple of minutes and it sounds like it is slightly to my left, coming out to greet me, This track will showcase imaging and bass of any system. The Ambers sounded just right.
Where to Audition?
You can hear the Daniel Hertz systems at Lone Crow Audio in California. John over there has most of the systems set up (and much more) for audition and he is the sole USA dealer for now. Check out Lone Crow’s website HERE.
Also you can read more about these systems at the Daniel Hertz website HERE.
Hi Steve,
How does the Maria compare with with Aavik U-150? I know you really liked that integrated.
With the Daniel Hertz speakers the Maria wins for me as they are truly meant to go together. The Maria also does the D/A conversion more to my preference. The feel/construction is more solid with the Aavik but this is only due to the fact it is metal, the Maria uses perspex. The Aavik is a superb integrated if you are one who wants to try many speakers. The Maria is the only amp I would buy if using speakers such as the Ambers or Eva’s, etc. With that said, the Maria has bested others when using other speakers with it. The Aavik was a $20k piece, the Maria 350 is $13k I believe. I just heard from a guy who saw my reviews and then bought a Maria amp. He told me in this email it bested his previous $60k setup of amp and dac. He is very happy.
What would you say is the sound signature of the Daniel Hertz Maria 50 Amp? I’m really thinking of just getting the amp for now.
I would seriously only get one with their speakers. They are made to go together. Yes, I have used the Maria with many other speakers here and it does amazingly well. But with the Ambers it is just a WOW experience. The sound is like analog on steroids in my room. Warmth, body, air, three dimensions, punch, kick, low bass down to 28hz, refinement, zero noise (ZERO), no heat, but the sound is sublime with their speakers. When used with other speakers it has bested others I have here but the all out magic comes with the pair IMO. Of course you can have them make a tuning for whatever speakers you have, which I haven’t done. You give them the specs of your speaker, they create a tuning. This is what I have been told but haven’t tried that. The Maria was upgraded recently as well, so now has 350 WPC in 8 ohms and 500 into 4 ohms.
Do you know why they don’t specify frequency range for the speakers? What happened to the RELs? Did you try the Amber with the RELs? Thank you.
I have zero need for a sub with the Ambers. They state they go down to 28hz. These can vibrate my walls when low bass is in the recording. I do not need a sub with the Amber or the Eva.