The Hasselblad 907x Anniversary Edition Set. Gorgeous but worth the premium?
By Steve Huff
Is it tugging at your heart already? You can now Pre-Order it at B&H Photo by clicking the image below!
At about a $3500 UP-charge over the chrome version (with these add ons) you will not be getting any improvements in the sensor, menus, operations or quality of the camera. This extra cost is strictly for the limited release and limited styling. Only 800 sets worldwide are being made and sold. So, only 800 people will have one in a world of almost 8 billion people. Even so, it is still a 907x and one can be had for less.
It seems that Hasselblad is taking a page out of Leica’s playbook with a special edition model, limited to 800 sets worldwide.
Leica has successfully been doing this for ages and they always seem to sell out of their special sets, even when the prices get crazy. One on hand some think it is dumb to make a camera prettier and charge more for it and others see it as a way to raise money for future development. I can see both sides but I have no issue with Hasselblad releasing something special for those who have the cash to pay for it and want it. If it helps Hasselblad create something even better down the road, then that is fantastic.
I decided to take a look at E-bay at the last special edition of the 907x, which was the “Moon” edition. I felt that set was lackluster in looks with its all black styling and much prefer this new edition and the chrome version over the looks of the moon. I feel the standard chrome set is much better looking and much more classic Hasselblad. Even so the Moon edition is listed on eBay between $11k and $15k, all of them USED and opened. The retail price of this set when launched was $7500 so it appears some are trying to make a profit on their investment.
The Moon version did not come with anything but the camera itself. Wether they sell or not at inflated prices is a different question but it’s never a very bad deal buying one of these sets because at the very least you could sell it for what you paid or close to it down the road if need be. On the other hand, the standard 907x would drop in value later on by more than any special edition.
When you have a limited release item that is quality and something special, someone will want it later to add it to their collection. I know quite a few who collect cameras and special editions. Personally I find this 907x much more beautiful than anything Leica has done with their Special Edition cameras.
Even so, these items holding value is not always a guarantee in the digital age.
I recently saw a used Ralph Gibson Limited Edition Monochome set for sale at OC Camera HERE. Leica even had to replace the sensor and the price is nearly $26,000 which I find a bit absurd but hey, it’s a Leica. When new this was sold for around $28k and only 35 sets were made. So if you bought one of these for $28k when new in 2014 I guess yo would be losing a couple of grand today selling it, or trying to sell it. Being digital, it does have an end of life date sometime in the future, as electronics fail. So there is that. The reality is that many of these sets end up wit collectors who never use them and that is when they hold their value the most.
The Lenny Kravitz “Drifter” Monochrom set sold for $24k new and I see sets today being listed and sold for $29,000 NEW (they didn’t sell out) or under $20k used. So again, money will be lost even with special limited runs especially if you open and use them (which is the point after all).
So wether this 907x is worth it to you is something you have to decide. For me, my thinking brain side would buy the 907x standard chrome with the 30mm, 90mm, grip, OVF and an extra battery for the same price, gaining an awesome lens into the kit. For others, and the side of me that adores different, beauty and unique the sexy appeal of the new anniversary edition could be too tempting for the eyes and heart. Either way you are getting a gorgeous camera system and my all time favorite digital camera…ever as of October 2021.
No one can deny that this is a gorgeous set.
The 907X is stunning and while it offers the same IQ as the X1DII, it’s still a slow methodical kind of camera (which is why I love it). It makes my Sony feel like a toy, and it creates stunning quality images with ease. Looking down at the LCD to shoot can be tricky at times if you are in bright sun but overall it is a way of shooting that can open up new angles and images. There is such a gorgeous build quality here though they did mis step on the weather sealing.
The 907x makes for a stunning second camera. If you own a mirrorless and are getting bored and want something truly special the 907x standard or this new 80th Anniversary set could be the ticket to inspiration and creativity being boosted. It worked for me and still does. While I use my Leica SL2-S more, I like my 907x even better as an image creation tool. It’s a special camera and to me the most beautiful camera in the world made today. It was my 2020 camera of the year not because of its speed, features, or focus abilities. Rather I chose it for 2020 due to it being unique in a world of the same old same old. It inspires, refreshes and has an amazing quality to the color and files that I have not seen before. It slows us down and makes us think rather than shooting 1000 images in an hour with a computer in a camera body. It’s for the artist, the one who wants to “see” the beauty around them. I still have not found anything that beats it in these areas in 2021. I don’t feel I will (and yes, I tried the Fuji’s).
Hasselblad has in my eyes created “The One” with the 907x.
You can check out the new Anniversary Edition of the 907X HERE
The standard edition at $6399 is sort of a steal for what this camera is. You can see that one HERE.
A lens under $1100 for this system that is a must is right HERE. My review of that lens HERE.
I love shooting M mount lenses on mine, the adapter is sold HERE.
Shooting a CHEAP M Lens on the 907X
Some details on the Anniversary Edition 907x
- The camera body has a black grain leatherette wrap, anodized lunar gray metal edges, and one side of the body features a commemorative plate that reads “Since 1941.” This specific body was chosen for the anniversary kit due to its similarity in design to the legendary Hasselblad SWC camera.
- The 30mm lens features distinct engravings on the lens body and focus ring and this particular ultra-wide lens was chosen due to its similarity to the original Biogon 38mm lens used with the original SWC camera.
- The Control Grip features the same distinct black leatherette wrap and anodized metal finish as the camera body and the Optical Viewfinder has an etched “Hasselblad” logo with unique handwritten lettering.
I hope the other thing they do the same as Leica is start offering special editions when they’re about to do an upgrade. I love my x1d mk1, but I’d also love a newer one with a high res sensor and better auto focus.