The Hasselblad 907x Continues to Impress. My Camera of the Year 2020.
By Steve Huff
I said in my review of the Hasselblad 907x that I felt it was the most beautiful digital camera ever made. I also said it was my favorite digital camera I have ever used or owned. Today not only do I stand by those words but my love for this camera has grown even more. I have since purchased the grip which adds function such as a joystick and buttons for various things you can use to control your settings. I have tested a few lenses with it, and all have been phenomenal but I still own just one native lens which is the 45 f/3.5 as it’s my day to day go to lens that fits the camera perfectly. Recently I tested a Leica 90 1.5 Summilux on this camera and was in awe of how this insane $13,000 lens worked so well on this medium format body. I may soon test lenses such as the Canon Dream Lens and Noct Nikkor on this body as well..maybe. This versatility for a medium format body has been previously unheard of just a few years ago. Today with large sensor bodies from Hasselbhald and Fuji we can adapt so many amazing vintage lenses to bring truly unique rendering to our images. Not something one could do with digital medium format in the past. This alone opens up all kinds of fun with a body like the 907x.
I just wanted to give an update and say that I have zero regrets on my 907x purchase. In fact, I only like it more the more I use it. It’s refreshing in the way that it is so simple. It’s so rewarding when you go to review your images. The electronic shutter allows us to go to 1/10,000s shutter speed, so no need for ND filters on sunny days with fast lenses (just watch out for that rolling shutter). The color can be natural but can also be pushed to however you like it due to the deep RAW files that come from this sensor. For B&W, it can rival a Leica Monochrome in tonality and surpass it in Dynamic Range. It’s a sight to see and in the hand, so nice to hold. It’s pride of ownership scale is sky high, a ten.
Is it perfect? No way. No camera is. What some would call weakness though, I call a plus. The weakness of slower speed, for me, is a plus rather than a negative. Not having 20 video modes, 20 FPS, IBIS, and face detect AF make it much more charming and lovable. It brings us back to the basics, and makes me feel good when I get a shot I adore. The weakness of not having an EVF is for me not a weakness as I have embraced fully the waist level shooting experience as it is more natural and more fun. The weakness of not having a built in grip is for me, a plus as if it did have this built in the beauty of this camera would be taken down a notch or three. Having the external grip, with its unique design only adds to the charm and function of this camera and its easy to remove if you do not want to use it.
I would have loved it more though if they somehow placed the LCD finder up top like the old 500 series. Maybe added a sunscreen or use the latest LCD tech for easier viewing in very bright sunlight. That is one weakness I find a true weakness. In bright light it is hard to frame your shots as the screen gets washed out. It’s possible but not ideal. I’d also love to see some weather selling just for safety in case we get caught in the rain.
I’ve reviewed cameras here for a long time. Thirteen years this month. I have tested cameras from all manufacturers and enjoyed so many of them. I have traveled the world as a pro photographer, and as a camera reviewer using camera from all brands. Even so, none have touched my heart as much as this Hasselblad 907x. It seems to be the camera I have been waiting for over the last 20 years.
If you have been on the edge about this camera (some of you have emailed me asking about it) thinking it over I can say this. If photography for you is a full time passion and this camera speaks to you when you see it, then by all means check it out if you can. If you consider yourself someone who prefer a slower process of taking photos rather than worrying about 20 modes stuffed into a camera body with non stop menus then strongly consider taking a look at this 907x. If you cherish the experience as much as the results, I suggest heading down to your closest Hasselblad dealer and taking a look, or even renting one for a few days. This camera is not for everyone but I would venture to guess that it will be for some of you.
Some of you have asked me why I did not go for a Fuji instead. I am just not into the style, design, feel of Fuji Medium Format bodies, and yes I have tried them. I also bought the 907x mainly for its design and the fact it was created for a true waist level shooting experience. Yes, you can do this with many digital cameras but something about using the 907x brings me back to the 500 series, and memories I have with that body. It’s natural, and feels so right in use.
With that said the Fuji’s are possibly the better choice for most. Though for me there is no beauty or artisan craftsmanship with any of the Fuji cameras, and I know some do not care about such things but I do. They can produce stunning images but the experience, art least for me, was missing and get just feel cheap in construction when compared to the Hasselblad. A friend of mine had the GFX 100 and a knob/dial fell off on the first day. True story. At $10,000 for the body only this kind of thing does not inspire confidence in build.
It’s two different systems really. I also prefer Hasselblad color over Fuji these days. I also found the Hasselblad to be better in low light even though they use the same sensor. While choosing Hasselblad over Fuji is not the popular choice, it’s one I gladly made due to beauty, style, construction and yes even name as the Hasselblad name has always been associated with quality (besides not so long ago when they went nuts and did the Lunar and Stellar thing) even if in reality it means nothing. Cameras can indeed be an emotional purchase and the 907x, much like a Leica, will be an emotional purchase. Not always the smart economical choice but one that sweeps your heart and makes you smile.
I have worked for myself since 1991, or almost 30 years. I also bought the Hasselblad because I feel I deserve it after working so hard to achieve my goals for my entire adult life. It has not always been easy but it has been worth it.
There will be times here when I wax poetic about a certain item wether it is a camera, a lens or even a piece of audio equipment. I do this when an item truly excites me, and I love sharing my excitement simply because I know why I started this website so long ago. Because I know there are many out there like me who appreciate quality. Most of you can read between the lines when I like a product but do not LOVE it. I will say now that the Hasselblad 907x is my pick for Camera of the Year 2020. I appreciate this camera for what it doesn’t have (4k video, IBIS, deep menus, gimmick modes, fast FPS) just as much as I do for what it does and at the end of the day this camera adds something to my life wether I am using it or just looking at it on my shelf. In my eyes, it is a true digital masterpiece and priced very right for what it is. The design, the concept, the waist level shooting, the build, the controls and menu, the sensor and the gorgeous IQ capable from even less than fully skilled hands make it my fave digital camera ever. Right under it would be the OG Leica SL, another one of my all time faves. Then the M.
So for 2020 I choose the 907x as my favorite release of the year. Above the Sony A7SIII, above the Canon R5 and R6, above all others for 2020. Truth be told, most (but not all) cameras released in 2020 were geared towards video acquisition. The 907x is a pure photographers camera and that is one thing I love about it. Same can be said for the latest Leica M10-R, it is indeed a true photographers camera as is the M10-M. I have both of these in hand now and will write something up about them soon. Other than those I feel all other cameras released this year were more video biased. I feel this is the way of the future as well, so cameras such as this 907x may even be a one off, the last of its kind. Who knows. I guess its success will determine its fate. I guess we will see : )
You can buy a Hasselblad 907x at B&H PHOTO Here.
Finding one in stock may be a challenge but worth it if you know you want one. Good luck!
All shot on the 907x with various lenses during quarantines, lockdowns and isolation..good old 2020! Click them for much larger versions.
I purchased the 907X based on your recommendation. I love the camera for the same reasons you do. I have some concerns that I have not seen mentioned anywhere.
1) you can only do AE-L and AF-L if you have the optional grip. I think that all the functionality should be available to access through the touch interface. This should be an easy change to make via firmware. I hope they make this available soon.
2) I would like to do exposure compensation while showing the live view.
3) It would also be nice to have the option to see the histogram superimposed on the live view.
4) I feel the control wheel difficult to operate. I wish it was larger and/or came out a little bit off the body.
5) It would be nice to have a hot shoe to connect the transmitter for flashes.
My biggest concern is #1, the AE-L, AF-L.
Correction: Several people did mention the concern with the lack of AE-L and AF-L. Any workaround that anybody can suggest?
I think the only work around is to use exposure compensation (unless you buy the grip)
Nice follow up Steve. Welcome back to that clarity of vision and refined but cerebral method of vision called Hasselblad. I had to be patient but B&H finally got the 907x kit back in so I ordered it with two spare batteries, the remote release and the charging cradle yesterday. It’s replacing the CFV50C back I sold a few months ago. I may or may not even use the 907x part as I am really only interested in the back in order to create color work alongside my black and white film based fine art.
So that is where I see a lot of these reviews as falling a bit short and the resultant commentary reflecting it. It’s not just a sweet rig to mount X glass or adapted M glass onto…it is *the* perfect digital back for a serious V system shooter of which there are actually more and more of since about 2010 or so. Prices on good clean used 500 series cameras and CF, CFi and CFe lenses are up quite a bit. Prices on good clean A12 film backs are through the roof!
So give Hasselblad V system users a super nice 50MP sensor with amazing interface and operation for $6,400 and throw in a gizmo like the 907X in and man, Hasselblad has come back in spades!
Being able to shoot killer film images all day and pull out a super high quality color digital shot on the same system, heck even send a image for comp to an art director via the Wi-Fi app? Well that and the 907x super-duper adapt it all interface and you might now have an idea of just how special this new camera really is my friend.
I am a landscape photographer based in the UK and Europe. Ive just been trying the 907. Sadly, my conclusions are not the same as yours.
The 907 is a lovely thing, but for me it is too much of a “desirable thing” than a real, working camera. It is, sadly, something of a toy. The reason is simple. It has excellent IQ and a well designed user interface, but the build quality that seems so luxurious to you does not go very deep. The 907 has very poor to non existent weather sealing. There is a seal on the lens mount, but no more.
This camera is not a serious possibility for a travelling outdoor photographer. This is a shame. I worry what this means for the direction of Hasselblad.
Nope, no weather sealing as I stated. But it’s build quality is far from a toy. In fact, it’s the most slid camera I tested in years. I use mine almost every day and never had one hiccup, issue or problem. I even shot it in light rain the other day, it survived (phew). I agree it should have weather sealing but it doesn’t. For me, it’s still the best camera I have ever used, for me and my tastes. To be fair, it’s not advertised as a camera for a traveling outdoor photographer. With thats said, it’s tougher than you think. Much tougher than some cameras that are so well loved. In fact, if we disregard weather sealing this thing kicks any Sony or Canon to carb for build quality. Even surpasses the Leica M IMO. I have both here and it’s no contest. But yep, in todays world it should have had sealing for sure. I agree.
Debbie looks so full of light peaceful radiant
Definitely correct call to move to the country side.
Hassy 907x captures this so nicely.
Thanks for sharing, your thoughts, your insights, a piece of yourself. I very much appreciate it. Though you made me interested in the Hasselblad it was your feelings and pictures from your fp that excited me the most, so much so that I’m dancing with the possibility of buying the camera mainly for stills. Do you still feel excited and positive about the Sigma a year later?
Thanks again for sharing!
Enjoy the day,
You made me mighty interested in
The fp is fantastic for stills as the IQ and color are so nice. It’s weakness is the lack of EVF, and the external EVF is large, so not for everyone. It’s a wonderful little L mount camera though and works well with so many lenses. I am also shooting the Panasonic S5 and that camera is also fantastic. I prefer it to the S1 just due to size. The IQ from the S5 is reminding me a lot of the fp but has an EVF built in.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your quick reply. I appreciate your thoughts and insights. I’m hesitating on the fp because of no evf, though I think it would be fun to play with the LVF. But to always need it?
That’s my sticking point. Sorry to meander like this.
Now you’ve given me another idea, the S5. But is the EVF bright enough? I used the S1R for a time and Got to really enjoy that viewfinder. Wow!
Thanks again for your time!
I hope your new home is bringing you joy!
Enjoy the day,
The S5 is a fantastic camera, I was very surprised as I feel it’s better than the S1. But the EVF is lower res than the S1. The body though is normal size. So many options!
From what I can see with my eyesight.
– Leica M10-R resolves as good as the Hassy and enriches the colours a bit
– Leica Summiyammiluxi 90 is a great leans I will never buy, even though I can afford some Leica stuff incl. the M90APOSC that I own, I’m just not a 90 guy and such money, if spent on a lens would have to go into 50mm
– Hassy, great love, but also turn-off. I agree with all you describe, but the unshaded rear-mounted display is an ergonomic and cultural turn-off for me, who has started to learn photography as a Kid on a Halina TLR. For that itch I keep a Rolleicord, while shooting more often with the M.
– EVF on an M. I do not agree anymore, an EVF shall never be integral to an M. You need that, take the SL and you got rid of the lens-architecture issue, too that the narrow mount adds, too. You know that and have realized therefore that the SL (now mk II) is the best allround camera between Leica and Hassy. The lenses on it totally free to choose.
I get it we’re the type that’s stuck with the legacy memories enthusiasm, retro, old school, whatever called. So I’ll continue on the M, you on the HassyDJI and have fun with it, as this is the most important in photography, positive emotions through creative process and haptic experience.
I thought there is a IR glass to cover the sensor and Sony is noted not good to use Leica lens.
I have panasonic S1R and using leica lens is not that great.
You sounded like the Hasselblad is no problem working with Leica lens
Last year I had been saving and planning to buy the Hasselblad 907 X. At the time the “Special Edition” was the only one “available”.I ordered it and waited for month’s.”Still not available” then turned to “No longer available”. Reluctantly I ordered the Fuji GFX 100 and lenses.While the images were superb, the experience of a quality hand built camera was glaringly absent.And when the new 907 x-50c became available I ordered it from B & H, and sold my Fuji equipment. To me there is no comparison. The 907x is the finest camera I have ever owned.Making the costly switch was more than worthwhile.I agree with everything Steve said in his review. The camera is creative inspiration in your hand and at your fingertips.This was the correct choice.
Steve, I have to say, after looking at the portrait of Debbie, I wonder why anyone would want to ruin a good photo by retouching it. We have these awesome sensors, and yet people want to override them by smoothing skin, adding fake colour, etc. Honestly if you want to do that, go CGI. And while you’re at it, paste in a T-Rex, too.
Photography is about real things, real moments. CGI is about creativity and perfection. Nothing wrong with either, but I don’t like to see photography wasted.
I’d love one of these cameras just to test all the 35mm optics that I own. Could be a fun exercise, and I am sure there will be some surprises.
Hey Karim. Thanks for the comment. The portrait here was not re-touched. Just right from the 907x with the Leica 90 Summilux lens. Thank you.
Oh, yeah, sorry for the confusion. I’m glad you left it as-is. 😉
Sensor resolution and optical sharpness are getting to where Eye Detect Focus is becoming increasingly mandatory for optimally nailing focus, in the large share of images where an eye really is what is attempted focused on. Even when working slowly. At least unless one enjoys zooming in and out of huge magnification viewfinders. If an eye is where focus is intended, I have a hard time seeing any benefit from not nailing focus on the intended eye, but instead ending up focusing a random drift off it.
Instead, for working “slowly” and with more contemplation, the focus (pun not intended…) should be on less intrusive, and workflow hampering, ways to communicate to the camera exactly which eye you intend to focus on, without having his intrude on a more manual and traditional workflow. While letting the machine handle the final, beyond-human-eye-acuity trimming of exact focus.
Hi Steve,
I’m an italian hobbyist who has been following your Website for more than five years, I’ve always been attracted by
photo-graphia ( ancient greek for : “write by light” ) and I’d like to say that undoubtedly you Can reach top results using your brain and sensibility first.
For sure proper gear makes thing easier, but I Can’t help thinking that behind any camera and optic there’s a person and even if one Can afford the more sophisticated technical equipment but lacks of cleverness…No way out at all.
Well this stated, I’m astonished about Leica’s wonderful masterpieces, the only thing I hope is not to see those stupid fellows getting ’round with their neck bundled of black bricks proudly shoving’ a red dot (except if they use a Monochrome ) on the front …As mere status-symbols.
You Can buy a 13k dollars lens but if U Do it just to cry the world U’ve a bank manager at your orders…I presume you Don’t absolutely understand a basic truth : PHOTOGRAPHY is pure emotion…The rest as 19th century french poet Paul Verlaine said: “is no more than literature”.
Best Regards
Thank you Marco!
I am really enjoying mine as well, and for similar reasons. I suspect this design is gonna take off and lead to some key hardware improvements in a next revision such as a newer sensor, integrated shoe, some kind of EVF option, etc. Most of the things for me for now would come down to firmware updates.
Dear Steve,
welcome back! Why not trying the 907 with the most obvious choice: dear old Hassie V lenses?
One day I may. Just have to figure out which one(s) and save some money to try one or two out! Thanks Umberto!