The Voigtlander 35 f/2 Ultron Lens on the M10
By Khunya Pan
Let me start off by saying this will be short and sweet. I prefer the images to speak for themselves but wanted to do a quick little paragraph on the new Voigtlander Ultron 35mm f/2 M-Mount lens and why it’s so great.
Simply stated, it’s a wonderful freakin’ lens that is perfect for street photography. Optically it’s gorgeous and renders subjects so beautifully it’s almost effortless. The moment I received this lens and tested it on a water bottle at my desk, I could tell immediately that it was something special and should not be written off as a poor Summicron clone. You could split hairs on the distortion, falloff, blah blah blah. The point is, this is an amazing f/2 35mm lens for $700, brand new. The build quality is excellent and while I could see some users not liking the focus knob (it’s not crescent like Leica tabs), I actually prefer it as I can use my index finger and thumb to get extremely accurate focusing. It’s black/chrome paint with matching hood coupled with my chrome M10 is really a thing of beauty.
Now on to the pictures. All photographs were taken in Austin, TX as I focus my efforts on street photography in my hometown. Most of these pictures have not yet been released to the public. You can follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/khunyalamatpan and visit my website at www.khunyalamatpan.com, both of which I update regularly.
Thanks for looking!
You can find the Voigtlander 35 f/2 Ultron lens HERE. You can read Steve’s review of the lens HERE.
Pics are fine, but are overprocessed to the point of hiding any of the lens characteristics that the article puts forward. With the same processing, you would have gotten the exact same end images with absolutely any combo using the same angle of view. Again, good captures but really a showcase of your processing recipes more than anything else.
How true!
Great framing and capture the split second.
Love your style, heavy handed gritty dynamic look.
Truth tell, it’s your style comparing older shoots with Pentax K1000, LM-6TTL..
Lens actually looks great too.:-)
I appreciate the comments and that you remember my work going back to the K1000, hah!
Nice photos but I have to say despite my considering this lens myself, and normally not giving a damn about ‘bokeh’, I have to say the background blur is truly horrible. My M240 is going to have to live with my C-Biogon 35mm f2.8 or Canon ltm 35mm f1.8 for a little longer…..thanks for showing us this, Mark
Mind elaborating on why you think the bokeh is horrible? Only asking because this was a con that came up in reviews before I bought it but when comparing to a Summicron my eye honestly could not tell the difference and people call that thing the King. Maybe my eye is not fine tuned for this or I’m just not looking at the right areas. What about the bokeh is off putting to you?
I’m just going to guess on what he meant: the bokeh is very busy. Some people don’t like that. I like it. It actually reminds me of my old Summicron 35mm i had years back, and i have been wanting to buy again. It’s all about personal taste.
Totally, no knock on his comment or anything. I guess I’m a fan of busy bokeh then!
see Dan? that’s how you do B&W dramatic photos.
Perhaps the cost of a Leica body is a bit, er, challenging, the cost of well made lenses is very reasonable, considering that RF lenses are in the minority. Not all Voigtlander lenses are great, such as the original (but very compact) 35/1.4, but this one seems to be a winner.
Sure, it’s twice the price of a Nikkor 35/2, but it’s also half the size.
Nice photos
How did you calibrate the lens to the camera?
Thanks! Not sure what you mean. The lens couples perfectly with the M10. It focuses slightly closer than the rangefinder patch will allow, but I never get that close and if I need to I can estimate focus or use live view.
I don’t normally care for street photography, but these are really good.
I love the lens’s bokeh.
Very nice photos. Have a Ricoh GR style flavor.