The Hasselblad XCD 45mm f/4 P Lens In hand, my first thoughts on the X1DII!
Today, January 15th 2020, Hasselblad announced the new 45mm f/4 P lens for the X1d system. This is a small, VERY SMALL lens and the P does not stand for Pancake as it is not a pancake lens but it is very very small for a medium format lens, making the old 45 f/3.5 seem large. This lens brings almost a 35mm equivalent in medium format and if I can be specific, it will bring a 36mm field of view.
It’s an f/4 lens but it feels so damn nice on the X1D or X1DII. The balance is perfect and this would be a great everyday walk around lens where you could use this camera for street, portraits, nature, landscape or even low light scenarios. Hasselblad sent me the lens and the X1DII for me to give it test over the next 2 weeks and test it I will! Already, this lens is remarkable in size and build and it even has old school manual focus, not “by wire” as most lenses are today.
Note, I did not receive the package from Hasselblad until the 15th, announcement day, at 7PM in the evening. So I will be checking it out, using it and will have a full write-up and video soon on this very cool lens for the Hasselblad X1D system.
My first thoughts are that this should be included as a kit bundle with the X1DII, say for $6500 TOTAL. This would make it a smash hit IMO. Medium format, small size, best camera design and feel ever and amazing IQ in any light? Sign me up!!! The lens by itself comes in at an affordable $1099. You can already order it at B&H Photo. If I still owned an X1D or X1DII I would 100% have this lens as my daily driver.
I will have many more thoughts on this small and affordable XCD lens which comes in at $1099. THIS is an amazing price and a killer way to get started in this system! I have taken a few personal snaps and it looks GREAT so far. I can’t wait to share more, stay tuned!!!
Check out the X1DII and 45 P next to the tiny micro 4/3 Olympus EM5 MKII and 12-100 Lens. Gives you an idea of the size. If you have not seen my X1DII review, you can see it HERE.
we are trying to get this one. It’s really pretty good.
It looks like a tremendous jazz band for street exposure. to not be tested as I assume I might wish to shop for it later and that I undoubtedly don’t want to pay that a lot of in private gear!I see you have got the EM5 with the 12-100mm on that. however is it balanced? is that the grip of the body enough for such a lense? I’m not too found of the EM1 bodies and this setup sounds like the most effective jazz band for out of doors photography.
The EM5III is a FANTASTIC little camera. In fact, I prefer it’s output to Sony & Nikon these days but it has the usual low light weakness. The sensor in the Olympus is fantastic and the 12-100 is one of their best lenses. It’s large on the EM5III without the grip but add the little grip and it’s very nice. The XCD 45P is a stunner as well, and the X1DII is fantastic. Reminds me a bit of old Leica (say 10-12 years ago) in the way they are going about this system. It has the simplicity, the quality, and the heritage but where it beats Leica is that it is priced right for what it offers. ; )
Where is the lens made? I’ll look forward to your upcoming commentary and video. This is a combo that I’m intrigued by. Thanks.
I have been considering The SL2 or SL with SL 35mm f2.0 for landscape but now the new X1D with the new 45mm lens makes it hard to choose witch way to go.Can you give us your thoughts from both camera as a tool for Landscape . Can you see a difference between the two?
Landscape? No question, the Hasselblad. You will have more resolution, more dynamic range, more natural color, better noise control and a different look to the images, that many prefer (me included). if I shot mostly landscape the X1DII would be in my bag without question. With the new 45P it’s so small and light for a medium format body yet very well made.
I had the same question as Wayne Crauder. You were so over the moon about the X1D that I was amazed to read you no longer own it… your enthusiasm made me want to buy one myself.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new lens Steve!
Hi Steve!
Looks like an amazing combo for street photo. Not to be tested as I guess I would want to buy it later and I definitely don’t want to spend that much in camera gear!
I see you have the EM5 with the 12-100mm on it. How is it balanced? Is the grip of the body enough for such a lense? I’m not too found of the EM1 bodies and this setup looks like the best combo for outdoor photography.
Hello Antoine! Thanks for reading. The EM5 III and 12-100 is a tad off balanced, front heavy. Even so. it feels pretty good. I would recommend the grip Olympus makes for the EM5III if using a lower lens such as the 12-100. It’s actually an amazing quality combo.
Hi Steve
How big is the lens with the hood?
Dear Steve,
You mentioned that this lens is not ‘by wire’.
So does the focusing rime rotate when it is focusing?
rime – rim
Just curious. After your multipart review of the X1D, I thought you were really inspired with that camera. If I may ask, what replaced it that does the job better?
Steve Huff, I’m also interested to know the reason you no longer use the X1D? Your review had persuaded me to go down the X1D mk ii route, but now I a, wondering.
I sold mine when the II was announced as I planned on buying the II. I still want the II and am saving my pennies. ; )