A Taste of the vintage Noct Nikkor 58 f/1.2 Lens on the Leica SL
By Steve Huff
So earlier this week I sort of scratched an itch I have had for many many years. I was able to try out a lens (just received it) I have been so curious about for so so long and that lens is the vintage Noct Nikkor 58mm f/1.2 Lens. This lens is special for a few reasons and there are some who have owned this beauty since they bought it new 40 years ago and would never think of selling it. I have heard that is just how good it is, or should I say “unique” as by todays standards for lens perfection, this would get an F.
So what is so special about this Noct Nikkor 58mm f/1.2 Lens and why would anyone pay up to $4000 for one when you can get a new production Nikkor 50 1.2 for $700 or so?
Well, if this costly Noct Nikkor is older, more expensive, only available used as it’s no longer made…and people are still buying them then there must be something to the lens (other than collectors buying them). I am a huge believer in being unique, being different and trying to forge your own path in life by separating what you do in life from others. This Noct Nikkor is sort of like that as it will make your images different from what we see so much of today, which is nail biting sharpness in lenses that can be almost too perfect. Sterile. Cold. The Noct Nikkor is the opposite of that and IMO offers much more beauty and vibe over any lens of this type I have previously tried.
The Noct Nikkor wide open. This is not one of those uber fast vintage lenses that have low washed out contrast wide open. Rather you will find a strong contrast and micro contrast wide open at f1.2.
I will state that I do feel it is overpriced, and probably not worth the current asking price to the general public ($1500 would be nice) but for those like me, who prefer things such as glow, bokeh, beauty and rendering over sharpness and corner to corner sharpness. This lens may be worth its weight in gold as again, there really is nothing like it. Much like the Leica Noctilux f/1. To this day it sells for almost $6000 used and it’s an old classic vintage design. I actually like this Nikkor better than the old Noctilux (shot with one for 2 years) but people buy the Noctilux up for it’s unique rendering and signature. Different strokes for different folks.
No other lens I have tested or tried or owned over the last 20 years can replicate the look of the Noct. Wether it is a look you like is another story.
Some would say “nothing” is special about this Noct Nikkor while others may say “there’s nothing quite like it” while some will say “it’s overhyped” and yet others may say “It’s the most beautiful lens ever made”. One thing is for sure…this lens is hyped and it is EXPENSIVE to buy and yes, it is no longer made so finding a good used copy could be a challenge but a quick search on Ebay shows there are plenty for sale and plenty to choose from.
A simple shot of my chlorine floater in my pool. The Noct Nikkor turns the scene into something artful and serene. Almost like a painting. There are lenses that can do shallow depth of field, but none I have seen turns the background into a beautiful painterly like scene quite like this Noct Nikkor.
I can not believe I finally have one of these in my hand..on my camera..on the Leica SL! Finally. Mounting it to the SL was easy as I have a cheap Nikon to T adapter and it works perfectly. With the SL’s huge EVF focusing is pretty easy, almost as if the camera was made for this kind of lens. It feels really nice mounted and the lens, this copy, feels like new. Looks like new. Focusing is so smooth and easy, and I guess it should be. These lenses were painstakingly hand made, with hand ground aspherical elements. While it was designed to minimize coma flare, it seems these days it is sought after for the look it delivers, which is indeed unique to this lens and sits in the same company as the legendary Leica Noctilux F/1 (which is much more money).
F/1.2 – click it for larger.
When shot wide open at f/1.2 this lens will bring forth its super power and make anything you aim it at look a little bit ethereal. It’s sort of an extreme Bokeh lens wide open but it may be the most beautiful bokeh I have ever seen in any lens. At least up there with the best of them. There is some slight vignetting and the beauty of this lens is that it is NOT perfect but may be one of the most beautiful character lenses ever made.
This is a cropped image but even at f/1.2 using manual focus it was not that difficult to focus on my dogs eyes. She was going for a swim today with Debby ; ) Leica SL and 58 at f/1.2
This lens has a mystique about it and for this reason the prices on the used market have been ridiculous. Anywhere from $2800 to $5000 depending on condition but for a nice 9/10 condition, as of August 2019… without a box, expect to pay $3500 on average. With a box in new condition you will be closer to $4500+ This Nikkor is a lens that I feel has similarities to the classic Leica Noctilux F/1. A lens I adore to pieces and due to the costs of that lens used, I do not own one! The Leica comes in at around $5-$6000 on the used market so one can pick up a Noct Nikkor for much less if you look around. I have shot extensively with the Noctilux f/1 and have to say, it reminds me a lot of this Nikkor. Both offer a unique look and rendering and in all honesty, I prefer this Nikkor a bit to the legendary Noct. It seems to have a little bit more soul and may be sharper at f1.2 than the Noctilux is at f/1.
Take a look at the 3D effect. I was about 10 feet from the lights, it was dark out. I set the lens to f/1.2, pointed the Leica SL at the lights, focused and fired. When I saw the image on the LCD I was blown away as it appeared that it was still light out. In reality it was dark but this lens soaked in the light to make to appear brighter. The way the jars are separated from the background is so nice.
After snapping off just a few quick shots today with this lens attached to the Leica SL, it reminded me of not only the Noctilux f/1 but also the new Voigtlander 75 1.5 ASPH (my review) in some ways. But compared to the old Noctilux, I feel this Nikkor just edges it out. Personal preference but this lens vignettes but a little bit less than the Noct f/1. It also seems to have nicer color performance, going from memory. It’s lighter and smaller as well as almost half the cost on the used market. The Leica is amazing but for anyone thinking of a character lens such as this do not be afraid to take a look at both of these before making a plunge as they are two of the best. They are in the same “family” when it comes to the way they draw an image to the sensor.
More snaps with the Nikkor 58 1.2 on the Leica SL. All at f/1.2 where this lens should LIVE. When you want to modern it up, just step down to f/2-f/4.
But this lens is not a lens for the masses. In fact, in the grand scheme of things not many own one of these lenses, and not many would pay this kind of money for one. It’s considered a collectors lens today but many do enjoy using the lens and they appreciate how unique it is. Again, this is sort of a specialty lens, and one that brings with it a look that will be in all of your photos taken with it. It’s the type of lens that will wow you at first and if you start to use it all the time you will tire of the look, and then use it only on occasion for when you want a taste of the magic it can bring. That’s OK though, same goes for all lenses like this.
The depth of field is so extremely thin so focus is a little challenging to hit perfectly but man, look at that smooth bokeh. 100% crop embedded here.
When this lens was made it was for a purpose. It was not marketed as being a “Bokeh King” as no one cared about bokeh back then. The lens was made for low light shooting and mainly was designed to render light points in a nice way (reducing coma). Due to its f/1.2 aperture, it also created images in such a unique way that no other lens could quite match its style. No other lens has matched it ever since according to some owners, some who have multiple copies of this lens and swear by the magic of it. Stopped down to even f/2 it sharpens up and brings a rendering a lot like the $8000 Leica 50 APO f/2 Summicron. It gives an almost medium format feel when shot on the SL due to the color, depth and smooth yet sharp character at f2.
The lens gets crisp by f2
The color is deep, the bokeh as smooth as it gets, and the depth of field razor thin. Click images here for larger better versions.
There is a Nikkor that has the same vibe as this one, is still new production and comes in at around $700 and may even be a tad sharper wide open at f/1.2 (that is something I am not sure on though). I have shot with it before and that lens is the 50 1.2 Nikkor. In fact way back when I reviewed the Nikon Df I shot it with the 50 f/1.2. While that lens looks similar in build and design, and both have f/1.2 apertures and both are in the 50mm range one would think they would put out an image that is the same. Nope. The Noct Nikkor has a slightly different signature. It has much more contrast wide open. Much better color. The 50 1.2 has a little more “glow”. It has a different bokeh style as well. Images taken with the Noct have a buttery smooth look about them that the less expensive 50 1.2 does not recreate. Can’t put my finger on it but it’s easy to see when you use both. That 50 1.2 is fantastic and the wiser choice for the $$$ but when you want the one look that only the Noct can deliver, it seems there are no imitations.
I have to say that after just a day with this lens and snapping off just a few shots around the house I am finding it to be a very romantic lens. Snap an image and what you get back is a different version of reality. A more beautiful version. This is another one of those lenses that can make a photo look like a painting. Make your photo look ethereal, smooth, unique, organic, classic, yet pleasing.
At f/2 it sharpens up nicely
It was made in a time when lenses were made to last forever. All metal build and solid construction with those hand ground elements made to perfection for the time. No, they do not make lenses like THIS anymore and if they did the cost would be insane. Look at the new Leica 75 Noctilux f/1.25..$13,000! When looking at it like this it makes the Noct Nikkor appear…affordable for what is. This lens to me is indeed special and also really reminds me of the super rare Leica Noctilux 50 f/1.2 which can fetch up to $16,000 these days.
This lens is even more dream than the Canon dream lens!
Crazy times but one thing is for sure, a cel phone can not recreate the look of the Noct Nikkor. No matter how hard it tries with fake bokeh and whatever tricks current tech can bring. There’s nothing like an old manual mechanical hand made lens that delivers something different, unique and beautiful. Some out there could never understand paying $3500 for a lens like this, but then again, I can not understand paying $13,000 for a Leica 75 Noctilux, yet some do. It’s why I will not even review that lens, I feel it is insanely overpriced for what it is and strictly for the rich.
The Noct Nikkor, I feel one day will hit the $6-7K price mark on the used market for a nice clean copy as they will only go up as they have been for years. That’s another thing…it may be expensive to get in at around $3-4k but over time it will appreciate rather than depreciate as all new lenses do. Not a bad investment at all.
A quick candid snap of Debby shot at f/1.2 wide open. I missed focus a little bit but still like the image.
This is a pretty cool lens. I’m enjoying it so far but will be shooting some bands with it this weekend in some lower light clubs. I’ll report back with some photos and more thoughts after shooting it on the SL and A7III. I hope to be shooting it alongside the Voigtlander 75 1.5 and Voigtlander 50 1.2. Should be fun! This was just some first thoughts and a first look with some around the house snaps to get a feel for the character.
Stay tuned!
Hi Steve, thanks a lot for your clear explanation. I think the same about the Nokton 50 1.2 : no need to pay for the Lux M Aspherical, except if you like surgical sharpness at 1.4.
Ok so the Noct 58 1.2 is to have “in bonus” with an “all terrain” 50.
Steve : i wish you to going on for a very long time.
Hi Steve,
Thank you so much for your very nice reviews and sharing your photography passion. I would like to get your opinion between the not nikki 58 mm vs the 75 mm summilux regarding bokeh, color and sharpness at full aperture.
Kind regards, thomas
I can tell you now I much prefer the Noct Nikkor over the Leica 75 Lux. In every way from size, to balance to color, bokeh, overall vibe and sharpness wide open.
Hello steve,
Thank you for sharing so nice reviews and photography enthusiasm. I would like to get your opinion about the differences between leica 75 summilux and the noct nikkor
Kind regards
Can you adapt this lens to canon eso r?
Yes indeed! There are adapters on Amazon to do this. Here is one: https://amzn.to/2LnHCQE
Do you recommend this lens or the canon 50mm f/0.95?
The photos were beautiful !!!
Steve- so Cannon 0.95 or Nikkor 1.2?
The Noct Nikkor beats all IMO. I like it better than the Noctilux f/1, better than the dream lens Canon 0.95, better than the Voigtlander 50 1.2, 58 1.4, and better than my Canon 50 1.2 L. I am working on a longer “review” of this lens and it has surprised me with it’s performance wide open. LOVE this lens. It’s one of those that if you buy and then sell, you will want it back.
Hi Steve,
Thank you very very much for your useful reviews !
I am impressed that this lense beats the New Nokton 50 1.2 which is to my mind the closest lens in the world to the Summilux M 50 Aspherical (i’d even says that at 1.2 and 1.4 it’s closest to the pre-asph !)
Ultimate question : how do you compare this Noct 1.2 with the Summilux 50 M Aspherical ? Which lens do you prefer ?
Thanks for the comment. These lenses are very different. I do not feel any lens “beats” other lenses really, but they are all different. The Noct Nikkor is unlike any other lens. It does not render in any way like a Leica or Voigtlander and is more of a lens you would want in addition to another 50. I own the Voigtlander 50 1.2 and have owned the Leica 50 Lux. I feel today, the Leica is not worth the cost as the Voigtlander is, IMO, just as good for so much less. 10 years ago it was a different story. The Noct Nikkor is a character lens more than anything else but man, what a beautiful character!
Hi Steve, thanks a lot for your clear explanation. I think the same about the Nokton 50 1.2 : no need to pay for the Lux M Aspherical, except if you like surgical sharpness at 1.4.
Ok so the Noct 50 1.2 is to have “in bonus” with an “all terrain” 50.
Steve : i wish you to going on for a very long time.
Steve, I own both the Nikkor Noct and the Noctilux 1.0 – and, in fact, I also own the Canon 0.95 rangefinder lens. Each of them is unique and special: the Canon has the most “defects”, which makes it unique for some portraits. The Nikkor Noct has something which I was never sure of until you hinted to it in your review: in my view, the color rendition of the Noct is warmer and more saturated than the Noctilux can achieve. The Noct gets less time on my Leica SL than the Noct, but only because it sits all the time on a Nikon F3 and 800 ISO film (yielding some of the best low light images I have ever seen on film). I had to part from any of these lenses I would be heart-broken, but – in the end – I agree that the Nikkor is even better than my beloved Noctilux.
I should send you my Summilux 80 to compare. It’s the same design as the 75mm Summilux for M-mount. Maybe after I compare it to the Nokton 75mm. If you are interested of course.
I don’t know dude.
Say we put together our favourite photos of our loved ones
Are we gonna say ooooh look i took this with a noct noctilux ?
Most people these days assume that photos of people are taken with phones. But many people do notice, even subconsciously, aesthetic details of photos, such as colour, bokeh, tone, etc.
It doesn’t matter what you call it if people like it. In fact nobody has to know what you call it in the first place.
I will absolutely agree with you that the bokeh is wonderful. But personally – and I only speak for myself – this lens is much too impractical. Not enough DOF (and even narrower apertures aren’t enough sometimes), too expensive for what it does, etc.
One could also argue that the adapter makes the whole thing awkward, especially given that the lens is manual focus. But I also shoot with old SLR lenses on a mirrorless body and it’s not as awkward as it looks. Not ideal, but useable and often very practical.
And why limit yourself to native lenses? I don’t get these people who are always saying that one should never shoot with adapted lenses, and only native ones. Have some imagination, people!
Back in the film days, people may have had fewer lens options, but they would shoot with, for example, Leica cameras & lenses, Hoya filters, Nissin flashes, Fuji/Ilford/Kodak/Agfa/Konica/Ferrania film and who knows what brand of batteries or button cells, etc, etc. Now, a few people openly want photography to be boring. I reject that.
Thanks for your thoughts. You can get DOF by stopping down. At f/2 it starts to behave like a Leica 50 APO which is an $8000 lens. You can gain DOF by stopping down and the lens is incredible at these stopped down apertures. Surprised me a bit actually. Up there with the best 50’s Ive used.
The adapter here actually helps as it makes the lens a little longer so it makes for a better fit on the SL body, it also cost $13 so was cheap. After a few days and shooting with it more last night I decided to splurge and purchase this lens. Nothing like it and you can not replicate the look with any other lens. Sort of like the original Leica Noct f/1 that sells for $6k used (though I prefer this Noct as it has less vignette, is sharper wide open and has even smoother bokeh). So I feel it is worth whatever one wants to pay for it ; ) For me, well worth it and it will also be an investment as it will never go down, just up. Better than my savings account return for sure.
It’s not practical as one should not shoot at f/1.2 every day, but for those times you want to add some artistic flair, or something unique it’s a most interesting lens indeed. Love it but one must get a good one as others have stated they had soft copies. Not for everyone though as it’s like a Noctilux as it has an undeniable signature.
Thanks for looking!
No one is forcing you to shoot any lens wide open. I’m a f4.0 fan for almost all lenses I own in almost all situations. Their “character” is still clearly visible.
I say you got a pretty good copy. Hard to believe that first shot was at f/1.2. I used to have one and it was nowhere near as sharp.
I wasn’t too wowed by it. Then again it was in user condition and not that great a copy, and I didn’t use it extensively. The Noctilux F1 on the other hand is in a league of its own and always amazes me.
Yea, from what I read the variation on these is all over the map. Some who want this lens buy 3-4 looking for “the one” but it’s sharp wide open for me, and sharper than my old Noct f/1 (which I bought new from B&H many many years ago) at f/1. But each lens has their own charm, more alike than different really. The key is getting a good copy of either. Thanks for taking a look!
Somewhat lesser known trivia about Noct – Nikon made a spell mistake on a few of them and instead of Noct they embossed NocF. Rather than canceling the batch – they sold it to the public. Those NocF lenses are now worth double the price of regular Nocts.
Thank you Steve I gave up my Nikon Df but did not give up my Nikkor Noct and never will also I do have a Leica SL which I love and won’t give up either even if a new one comes out and now I’m going to get an adapter for my SL thanks to your article here I briefly owned the new version of f1 noctilux very dreamy but almost too dreamy the Nikkor Noct to me is somewhere between the 75 summilux and the .095 noctilux a very special lens and if it had the red dot would probably be twice the price it’s going for it’s actually the only lens outside the Leica Noctilux lineup that equals them I haven’t tried the Zeiss outs line of lenses heard they are close but very large that’s it thanks again
I have been using this lens on a Nikon Z7 since last December. I would say this article pretty much nails it.
I paid $3600 for a minty example without box, bought from Japanese seller on ebay
The photo of the candle lanterns really kind of nails what this lens offers, a 3D rendering with very unique and pleasing highlights. The picture of the yellow leaves also looks similar to some of mine, at least in the rendering. I also have a small black dog (pug) so several of these pictures really resonate. I think it is worth every penny.
I reread your S1 review. I notice that you are using the SL now. I understand there is an enthusiasm with something new and good. With a few months time, what is your comparison of the S1 and SL now? I am considering loaning my TL2 and a couple primes as well as most of my m43 system (keeping F and a couple small primes) and getting a ff camera. I think the photography club can use what I have to get cell phone users interested. Since it will be a new ff system with no existing lens and I like to make prints to pay for equipment, I am looking at L mount and lenses. Any comparison would be appreciated. Thank you.
The L mount cameras including SL and the native lenses are huge.. much so compared with your micro four thirds and TL. Make sure you think how comfortable you would be with that weight and volume before you make a decision. I love the colours from SL. Don’t think there is anything like that for me, not even an M. However it feels like a brick to me and I would rather have Sony A7iii or a Fuji XT3 which I have at the moment. The S1 series is huge!
The SL is slightly larger than a Sony A7III. Iy’s taller. Same thickness and much nicer in the hand. The trick is using the SL with M lenses or some smaller adapted lenses like. this Nikkor. It’s the only way I shoot it and have for the last four years. It gets much more use for me than my Sony or any other camera I own. But there is a myth out there that the SL is some huge camera, it is not when using M glass or adapted lenses like this one here. Add to that the joy of use, ease of menus, huge EVF, build quality and color performance… it is today, at four years old my most used camera. The S1 is also fantastic but feels more like a DSLR than the SL due to all the buttons, dials and DSLR like look.
I always have the SL and have had one since it was released, with maybe 3 months in the four year timespan without one (when I sold it, I had to have it back). The SL is and has been in my top three cameras of all time, for me personally. Now it is in my top two. I have the S1, and A7III and some Olympus stuff. The camera that gets used most now is the SL, then the S1, then the Sony. Hardly touch my M 4/3 stuff anymore. IMO and for me, The SL is the best feeling 35mm camera ever made. its slightly larger than a Sony A7III (taller) but feels like a real camera, where the Sony is a tad cramped and feels much less substantial (but the Sony is $2500 less). The menus on the SL are a joy, the EVF is still my fave (though the S1 has more res) and it is just a confidence boosting inspiring camera. With that said, the S1 is technically better on paper. Newer sensor (does better in low light), 5 Axis IS, etc but for me, after shooting both extensively I give the nod to the SL simply for the color, the build, the design, the feel and handling as well as the way you can adapt lenses. S1 gets 2nd and I give Sony third. For me…my tastes. We also have great cameras from Canon, Nikon, Fuji, Olympus etc.
Hi Steve, thank you for the recent reviews. From your writing, it feels like your passion for photography has hit a high, which is always a good thing for us readers!
Thanks Mark! Enjoying these recent lenses and cameras very much!
Hi Steve,
Beautiful pictures, beautifully written. Thanks for taking me back to the world of photographic filosophy days past…still mesmerising today.
Thank you Robert.