New Reviews on the way! Hasselblad X1DII, Voigtlander FE and MORE!
Hey guys! Just wanted to share an update about what is coming VERY SOON!
The Hasselblad X1DII has been shipped to me along with a new Hasselblad 35-75 Zoom lens. I have a good friend who has also checked out the camera for a week or so and he said it was about twice as fast everywhere as the previous version along with a couple of other pleasant surprises (LIKE NEW HGHER RES EVF AND LARGER LCD AREA). I look forward to testing it, using it and reporting on this lovely camera. Yes, I know some love to hate on the X1D but anyone who knows me understands I loved the hell out of the 1st one. This one is using the same sensor, same body and has basically improved most of the things that brought complaints…so mainly THE SPEED and ENJOYMENT of USE is improved! At the lower cost of $5750…this X1DII will be in more hands than the original, by far.
Ever since I was a young man I adored Hasselblad. One of the biggest pieces of gear I lusted after in my younger days was the Hasselblad 503 but back then it was much too expensive for my flimsy thin wallet which usually had $100 in it, at most (with no bank account). I always held on to that dream and remember using my teachers 503 when I took some B&W photo classes many years ago. When I held her 503CW I fell in love immediately. Interestingly enough, one can get a 503CW with lens, and viewfinder today for under $800. The 503 feels just as good today as it did back when I was a young man dreaming that I would one day own a real Hasselblad. Heck, maybe I will buy this used one.
I did buy the original X1D as reported on these pages, and what an investment that was. Ouch. The body and 45mm lens set me back a pretty penny but as soon as I heard there was a MKII on the horizon (the rumor of one) I sold my MKI and waited to see what the MKII would bring. Not that I was unhappy with the MKI as I loved it. I just knew if a MKII came out and blew the I out of the water then the values of the MKI would plummet. So I sold my X1D kit a few months ago though I did make 6-7 posts on it over the time I had it. LOVED the X1D, and still do today.
Now that the MKII has been announced and one is on its way to me I will see if I notice a huge difference in use. At the new price point of $5750 this X1DII is less expensive than the MKI right out of the gate, and it is priced fairly IMO. Better, faster and cheaper?
Yes I know…many will say “You have an S1″…”You have other cameras”…”you own a Leica”…why do you need a $5700 medium format body again?
The answer is simple. I do not need anything. I have my phone if I want a vacation camera, a travel camera or when I need a shot at any moment or any time. I need for nothing but food, a warm bed, a roof over my head, friends and family and LOVE. That is all I “need’ and all anyone “needs” to live life.
Yep, In life there are things we need and things we feel we want because they can add to the enjoyment of life. Wether that is a TV, a Car, A high end Stereo, a watch, a ring, a house, a pool for your house, artwork or even an RV it doesn’t matter as life should be enjoyed while we can enjoy it. I live by a motto that says be nice to all, live a low key life, do not live above my means, be happy and positive, never get involved in drama or negativity, never stress, never kiss anyones behind (wether it will make me money or not) and most of all ENJOY life and go down the path that was laid for you to go down. That’s my life and my life is relaxed, stress free, free of drama and negativity and I feel like I just love life. Life is and can be good.
There are things in life that make each and every one of us happy. For you it could be that snazzy new Tesla. For me it may be something called an X1DII ; ) Sure, Fuji has the 100MP GFX100 which is a beast, a monster and quite the feat! A handholdable medium format 100MP camera? Wow! Problem is, it’s as LARGE as you think it is, it’s $10,000 for the body only and well, I have zero interest in having a 100MP for my use. To me, 100MP is not needed for much of anything but bragging rights. Sure, the cropping power is intense and crop you can do! But it will not make anyone’s photos more impressive than they already were or are. Again, going back to the age old statement “It’s not the camera, but the photographer”. Different sensor sizes can change the look and character of your photos but they will not create instant works of art unless YOU are up to it.
I KNOW there are some of you truly wanting that Fuji, just as some want this Hasselblad but also remember that these are things none of us “need” to be able to take wonderful photos. We can do that with any camera we put into our hands. These cameras are in all reality made for our enjoyment and our upgrade addictions. Everyone today in 2019 has the “bigger better faster” mentality. No, we do not need these things but if you enjoy them, and it improves your life in any way, then we can not put a price on that. As long as a purchase of something that will make you happy doesn’t hurt you financially, then it should be OK. : ) Life is short. Be happy. Enjoy it.
For me, the X1D and X1DII ticks all of my boxes for a beautiful camera. The design, the feel and way it sits in the hand, the simplicity, the lack of features NONE of us NEED, the intuitive easy menu with huge large LCD touch screen. The size is small for what it is, not much larger at all than a Leica SL body. The sensor is astonishing with a medium format sweet spot of 50MP. This offers a great in between of low light performance AND cropping power. I’ve been spoiled by the X1D files (dynamic range, low light ability, color) and I am sure when I get the MKII I will once again be hooked. Also, for me it is not about megapixels but more about the larger sensor which provides a shallower DOF with slower lenses over what we get with 35mm or smaller sensors. Adds a different vibe and feel to your photos.
The sensor in this camera is spectacular. I am not sure if I will purchase the MKII but I may. I will let you guys know what I think after I have had it for a couple of days.
So look for my X1DII first look and review VERY SOON! You can pre order the X1DII at B&H Photo HERE. $5700!
Also, will be reviewing some glass from Voigtlander for Sony in the upcoming week.
I do have a very good friend who bought the Fuji GFX100, maybe he will do a write up on it here soon as I think he is enjoying it ; )
“VERY SOON” ? ! (3rd July)
I have to use a camera for a while before I write a review. I’m not one who uses a camera for a day and then reviews it in full. BUT the Voigtlander 21 1.4 never showed. Mailman never delivered it so we are tracking it now. The Sony 35 1.8 showed up late and the X1DII is in use now with the new 35-75 zoom. Soon!
I am looking forward to the review.
Hi Steve I thought that my first email did not go thru so if you show my comments I think the 2nd one is shorter and best to post. Thanks for all your reviews as I am now a Leica owner because of you.
I had a 500Cm from the 70’s with 80mm and 150mm lens. Loved the camera with large negs amazing details in large prints, mostly shot B+W and then printed my own color from slides.After I went to digital in 2005 starting with the Nikon D70 I quit using my Hasselblad. I few years ago I picked up some 120 slide film and went to Mt.Rainier National Park to use my CM for first time in 17 years. The fun of shooting with my Blad was short lived as my Camera and lens were stolen a few days later. I have been going to your site for 3 years now and just got a Leica CL this year.
I am looking forward to your X1D 11 and 35mm zoom 75mmwhich is just the lens that I am most interested in. I may find that I will get back into the Hasselblad system again
Hey Steve, Just like you, I sold my X1D months ago. Just like you, I fell in love with it : it is a beauty to hold and use, with fantastic images. I have other top of the line cameras, but I just feel I want to have this Mark II more that any other :). I had no issues with the speed of the original but use was limited due to missing autofocus modes. Movable autofocus points are ok somewhat, but in all non-static subject shootings I missed the autofocus modes and automatic focus point selection. I believe that could be improved through firmware on this same sensor. Can you please comment on this in your review ? Also looking forward to get your opinion on the new zoom lens. For me that would be the all-around lens if it was really so good as told. Thanks !
Glad to hear your X1DII review will be coming out in the future.
Hi Steve, I to have fond memories as you for the Hasselblad Camera as I took graphic arts class in high school and purchased the Yashica Mat which took 120 format film. Later years I dreamed of the getting a Hasselblad after all it went to the Moon on July 20th 1969. Wow that 50 years ago this month. I had a 80mm and later a 150mm lens for my 500CM. I used to take photo’s of WHL Hockey Games in Seattle and took photo’s of the NHL Stanley Cup winner’s The Chicago Black Hawks with the Golden Jet Bobby Hall in town.I remember the Playboy Playmate of the year was on the Ice that night so I got photo of them together. So I was over the moon over that.I loved to make big prints in the darkroom which looked so much better then 35mm. I so much enjoyed my time with my Bald.Later when digital came along I got a Nikon D70 in 2005 . That was the end of shooting film for me and the CM was put on the shelf until a few years ago I got some 120 slide film and to my old friend up to Mt Rainier Nat Park to take Wildflower images. What a great day we had. But it was short lived as my car was stolen the next day with all my lens magazine backs in the truck.
Steve I have been reading your reviews for 3 years and now have a Leica CL. I love the Leica color. I am looking forward to your review on the new Hasselblad XD1 and was hoping that you would have the 35 to 75 zooms to try out. I can’t wait to read your report.
I just may have a Hasselblad XD1- 11 in my future