The Panasonic S1 Review (Video)
Just uploaded the Panasonic S1 video review to supplement my written review. This video was also just added to the written review page HERE. Coming up soon….Voigtlander 50 1.2 review, Voigtlander 35 f/2 Review, Helios 85 1.5 Review and a talk about creating the Leica look in your photos, even if you do not have a Leica ; ) Stay tuned.
Steve, will the lenses from Leica CL work with the Panasonic and the other way around? Thank you!
Yes, same mount and made to work with each other.
I’m pretty much set on S1 especially seeing Stevos reviews.
Just one last thing : Landscapes compared to Hassy X1D … Any chance Stevo.
Anyone have issues keeping this lens clean? Have dust specks in 80% of photos despite obsessive cleaning
Which lens are you referring to?
I always keep a plain filter on each lens which is much easier to clean Also are you a 100% sure its the lenses and not that sensor that needs cleaning ? Regards.
Today I received a new S1 from B&H. It feels like there is something liose inside of the camera when is handled. Has anyone experienced that? Is that the stabilization system? It feels like a rock rolling around inside of the camera.
Great review, thanks, and looks like a super camera. However this Leica m8 owner is dreaming of this squeezed into an M sized package! Leica, please… Or Panasonic or maybe even Sigma…?