Leica SL is $600 off at B&H Photo!
After writing todays post on the new Panasonic S1 I was browsing the Leica SL at B&H photo and low and behold, a $600 instant coupon! The SL is not cheap at $5995 (was originally $7495) but now with $600 off it is STILL not cheap! But hey, $600 is $600 and this brings the SL to $5395 and in the case of the SL I do feel you get what you pay for. Yes it is $2900 more than a new Panasonic S1 which has a newer sensor, even better EVF, 5 Axis IS and uses the same mount but it’s not all about that when it comes to taking beautiful photos.
Why would anyone want an SL TODAY? Well, I would take a current SL over the S1, so for those who are nuts like me, now is the time to get the SL it seems ; ) Also, and SL2 is surely on the way soon, but expect a much bigger price than $5395 and an all new design.
The SL still rocks and is still one of the best made and feeling cameras I have ever touched. It is also so so cool to use with M mount lenses. My full review is HERE. Follow ups are HERE, HERE and HERE. Oh wait, also HERE, HERE and HERE ; )
Side by side the SL stats look very good next to the Panasonic S cameras… I depend on mine as a workhorse…..would have to be a healthy upgrade in features to switch to a newer SL version… no need at this time to even consider the P S1R
S1 > SL: 2.25 lb > 1.86 lb Seriously? I really wanted to get the SL a while back, but the weight, size, and need for an M adaptor convinced me to stick to the M10. Couldn’t be happier . . . But I still like the images I see coming out of the SL. How could they allow the S1 get up to 2.25 pounds?
I am really happy to see this movement towards the Leica L mount, and to some extent the new Panasonic S1 price and new viewfinder, and all the available lens adapters make it look appealing as well.
Just to note, I prefer the SL to the M when shooting M lenses. It’s an awesome experience with that EVF and with M lenses it doesn’t feel too heavy at all, nor is it too large. A bit taller than a Sony A9. Feels great in the hand. The S1 is heavy, but my guess is that it will feel pretty good with M lenses as well.
This is a little confusing. Leica already has a $600 trade in credit for any SLR you send in at time of purchase. Is B&H knocking another $600 of in addition to the Leica promotion? That would reduce the price to $4795. That would be a good deal unless you want to wait out the SL2 release sometime this year.
Separate promo. Yep.