The Sigma 105 f/1.4 and Fashion
by Isi Akahome
Hi Steve,
I wanted to share my experience using the Bokeh Monster, and give my thoughts about this beast of a lens. I recently went mirrorless with the Sony A7iii from my Nikon DF. I rented the lens for a week to see if I could use it as my go-to portrait, and beauty shoot lens.
I had seen videos about the lens, but nothing prepares you for seeing this lens in person. It’s ginormous! I couldn’t stop laughing at how big the lens was. My make-up artist even made fun of me for being obsessed with the girth of the lens. On the small A7iii body, the Sony body looked out of its depth.
We started shooting, and that was when the magic began. The lens focused like a champ. I didn’t miss focus on any shots, and it was very snappy. We did some full body shots, and then some close-up portraits, and my arms were tired after 15-20 minutes of carrying the lens.
The results and rendering from this lens are just astounding. It is worth its weight in image quality! I shot everything at F1.4, because why not, and thanks to the electronic shutter on the A7iii ,1/6000sec shutter speeds in bright daylight was no problem. The vignettes were added in post, and I didn’t retouch her skin. The sharpness doesn’t accentuate skin imperfections either.
I don’t think I can justify owning one due to practicality concerns. I couldn’t even fit the lens in my camera bag. I’m going to be returning this one, and maybe rent it periodically. It was definitely fun, but I don’t think it’s a lens I can live with. I ended up buying a used Zeiss 100mm F2 Makro Planar for my portrait needs. In the meantime, I’m going to squeeze in a few more shoots before “Lenszilla” has to go back.
I hope you enjoy the images. You can view more of my work on Instagram @isi.a.pix.
Thanks for reading,
I liked the review. I was thinking about this lens some weeks ago and wondered if It would be very heavy for me or not. Otherwise I found 105 mm as a good length and with 1,4 it’s amazing. Why did you choose Zeiss, not Sigma 135mm?
I got the Zeiss for about $570
Is it manual focus lens?
Nice commentary on the experience of using the 105 1.4. Left me wanting more. Also , love the images. I don’t mind the size and weight of the lens. Sometimes the sacrifice is worth it.
Thank you!
With all respect, it’s hard to evaluate a lens review if you’ve added grain, adjusted skin tones and color, and added vignetting. The only thing I can take away from the review is that the lens is heavy.
With all (due) respect, this article more of an “opinion/impressions” piece than a review 😉
That’s something that’s interesting about photography, it is quite subjective! Sure someone can take apart a photo to look for surgical sharpness from corner to corner, but does it really matter in the end? I too am not the biggest fan of post processing on these photos. Though to be honest (and subjective again), I mostly think the vignetting is too noticeable. I’m sure my opinion about this will be different in a year by the way. I’m often surprised looking back at how I used to process photos.
What I think is fascinating is what people do with the equipment. Here, Isi hits the nail on the head: this lens is awesome but way too heavy to carry around for their shooting style. The lens allowed them to capture images the way they envisioned them, with heavy grain, color and vignette added in post-processing. The results were satisfying to them but not at the expense of weight! The lens creates great images but it can’t be sustained all day long. If anything, that’s about all I’d need to know to make a choice though everyone is different.
I’s a guest post with some words on the lens. (No where does it say this is a review). Thank you.
It is fun seeing the results when a pro photographer and a pro model work together. Add in the 105 and you have magic. Sigma makes some nice glass but like you I find them to be on the big side. Still a great lens from your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you!
I like the pics.
But there is something messed up about using this lens for free by knowing u r going to return it. You even say you will use it for a few more shoots before you do so.
Free loading at the expense of the shop you bought it from is not cool. Either check it out in the shop and/or rent it. There is no surprise that the lens is huge. Every review mentions it.
I rented the lens for a week from lensrentals.com. I was considering buying it from them if I liked it. I wasn’t free loading in any way. I paid $88 dollars to use the lens for a week.
read again, the lens has been rent ….
Nice photos. It is a superb lens but very big. Did you use any flash or reflectors? Or are these all natural light shots?
These are all natural light photos. I did the shoot around 2pm in December when the sun is quite low. I didn’t have to worry too much about harsh shadows.
Why is every new lens and camera body referred to as a beast? Are there no other adjectives?
That’s because they’re quite beastly. LOL. Everyone is foregoing portability for ultimate IQ.
In the right hands, this lens can produce some gorgeous photos as the examples in the post illustrate. That said; shooting with it hand-held is like shooting with an anvil. The weight became a distraction for me and I’m the gym several times a week 😉 Keep your tripos handy if you go…
>>and thanks to the electronic shutter on the A7iii ,1/6000sec shutter speeds in bright daylight was no problem
But you can achieve 1/8000 with mecanical shutter…
Probably some misprint here?
My M240 and Nikon DF only went up to 1/4000 sec. I thought there higher shutter speed was only possible with electronic shutters. My bad.
I don’t want to be negative in any way, because you are clearly an accomplished photographer, but why on earth are the photos so grainy if you are shooting at f1.4 and 1/6000? Shouldn’t they be as clean as a whistle? I am genuinely baffled!
I add the grain in post. I like a film-like look to my photos.
Great use of the 105mm. This beast might be in my future too. Like you post-production color rendering. Just in LR or did you use something else like Alien Skin? Inquiring minds want to know.
I just edit colors and skin tones in bridge and Photoshop.
very good shots
amazing lens
I’m lovin it
Thank you!
You are my new hero. I shoot fashion as a volunteer for a charity and your images inspire me to no end. Unfortunately, the pace of model boot camps prohibit me from using flash. Still, you are a king among kings.
Wow! Thank you! I really appreciate the love!!!