Prayers and Well Wishes for Ken Hansen
UPDATE December 26th: Ken contacted me and said he is at home recovering but still is unable to work. I am just happy he is at home, resting and getting better. I am sure he appreciates all of the well wishes here. Thank you all!
Hello everyone. I received word today that Leica dealer Ken Hansen has been in the hospital (ICU) for the past 10 days and he wanted me to relay to anyone who has messaged or emailed him about purchasing a Leica or with questions that he sick, in the hospital at this time.
For those who may not be aware, it was Ken Hansen who helped me start this website 11 years ago. If it were not for him and his generous help with loaning me Leica lenses and cameras to review, I would not have have been able to do what I do here. Leica reviews is what started this website back then. This was at a time when no one was even reviewing Leica besides one other website, which was a membership site. So if it were not for Ken Hansen, this website would not even exist nor would the countless Leica reviews that reside here.
That is a true story and with the Holidays upon us, anyone here who has talked with Ken, ordered from Ken or emailed with Ken keep him in your thoughts and send some well wishes his way and let’s hope he has a quick and speedy full recovery. Ken is a legendary Leica Dealer, plain and simple.
To anyone who has emailed him recently and not gotten a reply, Ken tells me he will be back to you all as soon as he can, when he gets out of the hospital. If you want to read a great article about Ken, I suggest this one, which is where the image you see on this page was found.
Much love to Ken and his family this Holiday season.
Best wishes for a complete recovery to Ken Hansen. God bless and protect him and his family. I bought my one and only Leica from him–he is a consummate professional and a good person. He took so much time with me on the phone discussing my purchase of an M3 asking lots of questions so he could help me get the right camera for me. He is a jewel! All the best Ken!
Ken’s the best – I’ve know him since around 1978 – back in the days of the 34th street store, and later at the Broadway location. Great guy!!!!
Hi all,
This is Ken’s granddaughter, Summer. First off, I wanted to thank you all for taking the time to write these nice words. It’s been amazing to read your stories and learn more about my grandfather. I read him the comments and his mood was so boosted after hearing them. Second off here is an update. Ken was out of the hospital for a few weeks after his first stay, and he then went back last Sunday due to difficulty breathing and a bad cough. He has been doing much better and is expected to be discharged sometime over the next few days. Him and I have been going through his emails and answering a few each day. Thank you for your patience. He will continue to work, but obviously at a slower pace. Again, thank you all for your support and well wishes. It means a lot to both him and I.
Hi all,
This is Ken’s granddaughter, Summer. First off, it has been so amazing to read all of your thoughtful comments and learn more about my grandfather. I read him the comments and all of your wishes really boosted and lifted his mood. Next off, here is a short update. Ken was out of the hospital for a few weeks and then went back last Sunday due to difficulty breathing and a bad cough. He has been doing much better and is expected to be discharged over the next few days. Him and I have been going through emails little by little every few days and responding. He will continue working shortly, but is obviously going to take things slower than usual. I appreciate all of your patience and support.
I’m your biggest fan Opa. Be well soon and get back sharing your gifts to the photograph world.
KEN – I just found out that you were in the hospital – today is Jan. 14th 2019 – I hope you are up and selling. Pleas send me your address. Jack Elness
Hi Jack
Im wondering if you are related to my father, Noel Ness. I’m searching for his cousin
Please continue to rest and get better. You are in our prayers.
Dear Ken,
You are the best of the best! It is a pleasure knowing you. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery.
All My Best,
Bruce Kimelblatt
When I moved to NYC in 1974 Ken was the dealer I went to for all of my camera and lighting equipment. I also bought all my darkroom equipment from him… how I loved going to that store and he always had the patience to deal with my questions. Ken, I’m coming to the store in January and fully expect you to be there!! Get well soon.
All the best to you Ken….stay positive, you have people like myself that you have never met and have in some way added to our lives…..thinking of you and your family……..
Ken, all my best to you! You are the quintessential gentleman. I bought my first Leica from you in 1990 (God knows I don’t want to total up how much more I bought from you since then) and your ethics, integrity and professionalism are beyond words. I look forward to your rebound and catching up with you. All my best, Albert
Any updates? How is he doing? Get well soon, Ken!
You are good person Steve, you both are lucky to know each other..I’m growing with your site too, I had read almost all of your articles and others in this site..speedy recovery Ken Hansen and best wishes to you two.
I hope Ken will get better soon
He is such a nice person and a Leica expert
I really like him
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Ken. I will keep you in my prayers.
Hallo lieber Ken,
habe gerade gelesen, dass Du im Krankenhaus bist, ich hoffe es ist nichts schlimmes !!!
Uwe und ich wünschen Dir eine schnelle Genesung und alles, alles Gute, dass Du bald wieder gesund bist !
Du bist ein wirklich ganz besonderer, netter und seriöser Mensch !
Nochmals alles, alles Gute für Dich,
Liebe Grüße,
Jörg und Uwe aus Kassel
Get well soon. Look forward to having lunch with you in Florida. A very old customer from 21st street.
Get well soon Ken. He is a class act through and through.
Any updates on Ken’s health? I hope he makes a full recovery!
Wishing Ken getting better soon!
I wish Ken a speedy recovery and hope he can come back to be healthy and work full time again! I was worried a lot about him since I emailed him a couple times without a reply, which is very unusual. I even thought about emailing Steve Huff to ask if he knew something when I saw the post. Thank you Steve for letting us and prayers to Ken and his family.
Get well soon Ken. My prayer’s with you.
Please pass along my prayers for a fast and full recovery. I first started buying my Leica gear from him after reading about him on your website. He has always been an honorable and generous person. Cheers
Ken prayers for your speedy recovery. I am grateful for help with Leica purchases.
Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Take care my friend,
Ken you are a true gentleman and the epitome of integrity. The trust you extend to people is an inspiration. Get well soon.
Ken you are old skool proper person.
Old skool proper fighting spirit.
Fight through this Ken.
A warm and sunny smile from out in California for a great guy.
He actually told me NOT to buy the lens I asked about but instead to wait for a better one due out shortly.
When was the last time a salesman told you that?
Get well quick
Ken just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery. You are amazing to talk to and always helpful in every way.
Get well soon and the best of wishes to you
Warm regards
Russell Justman
I pray for your recovery,
as well as everyone does who has ever had
the privilege of knowing you.
Michael Pfau
Get well soon Ken and heal well!
Get well soon Ken , You are the best !
Get well soon, Ken. Such a great Manx I purchased some of my biggest ticket items from him and he is always great.!
Although I have never been able to afford a real Leica, I have enjoyed your enthousiasm about the cameras. I wish Ken al the best, a full recovery and a big thank you for enabling you, Steve, to write about Leica.
I used to buy my cameras and lenses from him when his store was still on Madison Avenue. He was a gentleman, a really nice guy. I wish him well. He will be in my prayers.
I wish Ken a speedy recovery. He has been my Leica dealer for years, but much more. He has always been forthcoming with good advice and fair in all dealings.
Thanks Steve for letting us know about Ken.
Wishing Ken a very speedy recovery.
Get well soon !
Best Wishes and Prayers Dear Ken!
So sorry to hear this. Ken has helped me many times with advice and purchases. Get well soon. I’ll send you an email as well.
Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. I still remember your putting aside a black chrome M4 for me when they came out so that I could drive down from Boston to get it from you at the Camera Barn (circa 1974)!
All the best.
Ken, I’m saddened to learn you haven’t been well. Don’t worry about responding to any of us, just focus on getting better. Best wishes for a full recovery.
Get well soon Ken! And fully recovered.
Thanks Steve. Your site connected me with Ken and I can’t say enough about how great he is to deal with. Please wish him a speedy recovery as I don’t want to bother him directly with an email.
I knew something was up when he didn’t get back to me right away…speedy recovery, Ken!
May Ken enjoy a speedy recovery and continued business support for an incredible business.
Ken get better soon.
Ken, get well for the holidays. You will be in my prayers.