A Response to the Upgradeitis Post, in photos!
By Tom Morgan – See his Flickr page HERE
Hi Steve,
After reading your post on 14 November regarding Upgradeitis of camera gear it prompted me to share a few photos I have taken recently with some of my less technical cameras. Like many others I joined the digital race but this last year I longed to go back to shooting film for both the process and the look.
I used three different cameras for the these photos;
Photos 1-6 Taken with the Minolta Autocord
Photos 09 – 10 taken with Zero Image 2000 pinhole camera
I only use Ilford HP5 in the Autocord and the Holga and Ilford FP4 in the Holga all developed in Kodak HC110 and the negatives were scanned on a Epson V600.
I do not have much to say about myself other than I come from Ireland and I have been taking photos this last forty five years as a hobby. My approach to photography is just go for a walk and have a good look around and be very aware of the environment you are in as you never know what you just might see.
Thanks Steve, I always have a read on your website and ponder over those cameras and lens that I can never afford.
Best regards.
Simple and stunning. Love your sentiments regarding your hobby which are similar to mine. As a digital user still love going back using my old Oly OM1n and FP4. Beautiful images whilst up and around with nature.
Not only are your images quite beautiful, a credit to your entire process, but your words reveal a person who truly cares for photography as both art and a companion in life.
It’s always a sweet feeling to be inspired by another photographer. You have certainly inspired me. Thank you.
Thank you, Fran, for your kind words.
I, on the other hand, seem to be suffering from a form of Downgradeitis – I’ve gone from a 20MP Pentax APSC to a 16MP M4/3 Olympus (supposedly my main camera) to my current favourite, a 14MP CX-format Nikon V2.
Oh, and I collect 10MP cameras.
As my sig on a couple of forums says, “Some people call me ‘strange’. I prefer ‘unconventional’. But I’m willing to compromise and accept ‘eccentric’.”
@ Steve Higgins
Curious as to why you collect 10mp cameras? Any particular reason?
Due to a combination of boredom, internet surfing, a tiny lottery win and a silly promise to myself (a sizeable win would have meant a Df!), I bought myself a Nikon D80, which is 10MP. It also has a CCD sensor and good in-camera software which produces, to my eyes, good pictures – especially the colour handling. Even in my hands.
One of my other cheap cameras has a CCD sensor and produced the same effect, so I thought I’d see what else was available cheap to check out the CCD/CMOS thing.
CCD sensors went out after the 10MP mark, so the ones I found were about that level. However, for me, 10MP is the lower limit of usefulness, so not a problem. And they are cheap. So I ended up with several.
Even CMOS 10MP cameras are pretty good (apart from the same problem with noise at higher ISOs) so I have a few of those, including a Nikon-1 V1, which impressed me enough to get a V2.
Basically, it’s an accidental collection.
And there is me think I was also strange using those older cameras, but I like your “eccentric” better.
@ Tom
I forgot to add to my comment above, that your BW images are beautiful and have real soul. Keep up the eccentricity!
People become more and more interested in “old” digital cameras. Last generation products are more sophisticated and featured but not so reliable. LR4 for instance is better than LR6 (actually this last version doesn’t properly work)
Agreed. Is there something special about those older sensors?
Perhaps they are more “honest”; they were born with their limitations and worked happy about them. Later new generation made those cameras price drop under the bottom. Amazing what 8 mp difference can mean
Well film cameras is very entertaining way to make shots, but if you are in film GAS can follow you. 🙂
Oh dear…you are so right and GAS followed me into film cameras. It is a good job they can be picked up at bargain prices, and I can always claim that they are just beautiful to look at.
You’re so right. Looking at Tom’s wonderful images I started again to think that I could add a pinhole camera to my growing collection of film (and digital) cameras … sigh.
Bargain prices… not so much if you’ve got a chronic case of Linhof Technorama GAS 🙁
Remember, these folks are PAID to review the new stuff, doesn’t mean that you have to buy the new stuff.
You certainly prove your point with these old cameras. But one issue here is that many of the critics of GAS continue to preach about how good old gear is while all along upgrading every single time a new camera comes out. It is always couched as “well, I need the new capability,” but in reality, in most cases it is that they want the newest, shinny camera to hit the market. This “do as I say, not as I do” community don’t seem to realize that we the readers can see right through their pretentions. Your transition to film and the use of older cameras to produce such wonderful photos deserves to be commended for its sincerity, and to say the least, for “putting your money where your mouth is.” Well done.
Thanks Eric for your comment.
Stunning, the photos you took on the Minolta Autocord are intensely atmospheric and put my digital offerings to shame.
I absolutely love using my Autocord, the Rokkor lens is outstanding even when used wide open. Thanks for your comment.
Stunning, the photos you took on the Minolta Autocord are intensely atmospheric and put my digital offerings to shame.
Such beautiful photographs! Each a signature of your soul.
Thank you sori. It is easy to have soul with film.
GREAT work Tom! Keep doing you…
Thanks John.
You might prompt everyone to move to Ireland if those are the scenes you get if you “…just for for a walk and have a good look around…” Great pictures and thanks for sharing.
Thanks David. You are very welcome to come to Ireland and capture some photos.
Mate, do me a favour and never get a new camera. Please keep creating magic with what you have. Amazing pictures! Wow!
Thanks Jason. Being retired curtails GAS syndrome. I am very happy with my old film cameras and I do have a couple of digital ones as well.
“I have been taking photos this last forty five years as a hobby”: this nails what you show here, beautiful images of a photographer who slowly developed his own visual language over many years. I like your images here very much (and I love Ilford HP5, too).
Thank you very much, Picturenaut. Yes, HP5 is beautiful and forgiving to use.