New reviews are on the way…SOON.
Hey guys! Just a note that I am working on new reviews and first look hands on reports of new items right now, and next week as well. A couple of them will be reviews of gear that have not even been announced yet ; ) So for the next few days this site may be a tad quiet, with only a post or two. Starting next week or the week after, I will have some new stuff to talk about and show you guys. In the next 3-4 weeks I should have 4-5 NEW reviews up so stay tuned and check back! In the image posted here non this page I am holding one of these items (hehehe).
See ya soon! I may have some updates sooner rather than later.
Hi Steve, was a bit disappointed that there was no new Leica Q2 announced in Germany this week! Do you think the Q2 is off the roadmap?
Thanks for your opinion.
I have not heard a peep about a follow up to the Q. I do know they are now on 4 year cycles between new models.
Steve, I know I am in left field with my interest in Nikon Df. Any chance there is a Df2 coming? A smaller fullframe DSLR with a good retro feel.
HIGHLY Unlikely. I wouldn’t count on it. I feel the Df will be a one of a kind.
Fuji XT3 ???!!!
Hello Steve , are you going to do a review ( comparison) between neu Canon R 50mm 1.2 and 50mm1.2 L ? 50L has beautiful colors and bokeh but certainly it won’t be as sharp as 50 R . Many loves 50L but many don’t like this lens because of its troubles with front focus or back focus ( focus shift) . Did you notice any problems with your 50 L ? If you focus with live view, AF should work correctly or not ?
Well, If and when I get a hold of the Canon and the new 50 (which the lens is not out for a while) I will. I love the original for it’s size (the new one is 2X the size) and the fact that it is not a clinically sharp lens. I have tested so many 50’s yet I own this one, A Zeiss 50 Sonnar and a Voigtlnder. ; ) I am not a fan of overly sharp lenses. Even the new Sony 24mm f1.4 lacks character due to its perfection. I prefer the Canon 24 though the Sony is awesome for those who love perfection. I was really wanting that new Canon but after talking with many who have used it and seeing samples, I am more than happy with the old one. I had front focus until I dialed in the settings on my cameras. If using it on a Sony or Mirrorless (like the new Canon) it will NOT have any focus issues as that is a DSLR issue. On a DSLR you may (see my recent review of this lens, video) but you can dial in the compensation to fix it, as I did. Now it focuses dead on wether I use a 6DII or 1dXII. Thank You.
I think Steve holding a Panasonic FF camera in his hands with exactly the same Leica Sl mounth. Great times ahead! Go pany go leica go sigma
Nope. Doing camera reviews is a funny thing. Say something negative about a camera, and that brand puts you on their “list” and they will never send you a review sample again. It’s a real thing, many in this industry are on the lists. Goes to show what honesty brings.
Fujifilm new cheap MF camera of course!
You mean user experience….not review :-)…..right?
You have us curious for Leica (at Photokina) related items:
– SL Mk II? (not so likely as the SL is already excellent)
– As Tamir said above, the new Voigtlander 50 1.2? (more likely)
I doubt an SL2 is coming this year. If it is, I do not know about it. Also, Leica has been sending the original SL to many YouTube channels to review, so they are still pushing the original.
Sony is going to announce the FE 24mm f/1.4 and the 135mm f/1.8 on Thursday. Tomorrow they’re taking reporters for a hands-on experience.
of course it’s the Fuji X100V
Busy weeks, Steve! All this new great stuff!
With a back to front ? which looks like a P,could it be Panasonic???
Leica Q version 2?
Oh! Lemme guess what new, unannounced camera that photo is from: The new (M10-based) Leica Monochrom! 😀
The new voigtlander 50 1.2?
Sounds good Steve. Please don’t just do video- only reviews though. Some of us older readers like the written word and images!
I never do video only reviews for cameras or lenses. They are always an addition to reviews so no worries. ; ) Thank you.
Same here.. it’s a treat reading those reviews as nice it is to watch Steve in action in videos.
Looks like a Panasonic product to me as someone suggested because of the P. Whatever it is must be exciting from Steve’s face 🙂
Oh, man… The Panasonic FF? The Sony A7SIII? A new Oly?
He looks happy what ever it is…my bet is the Zeiss FF camera
My prediction: Oly FF.
A7S III, the new FF Fixed lens Zeiss Camera and I hope you are sport’n the Panny Full Frame with DFD2 AI Auto Focus 😉
Unannounced? That’s impossible. It seems EVERYTHING has been announced over the last days.. Pana, Canon, Nikon, …. Is it the new Ricoh GR? Or a new lens cap for the Leica Q? No, a Leica Q with… Leica M mount. :-)))))
Steve, if you could manage to capture the item’s reflection next time, it would be most helpful :o)