FOR SALE: Canon M50 Kit & Extra Lenses! GREAT deal.
If you want these items, email me HERE.
Hey guys! I am selling a Canon M50 with Kit lens, in box, in mint condition. Comes with battery, charger, and all that came with it when new. I am also selling it WITH the 11-22 Lens and the 22mm f/2 as well. These are all in boxes and like new. These sell for around $1250-$1300 new total as a kit but will sell all of this as an “ultimate M50 Kit” for $700 which is the same as the price of the camera and kit lens ALONE on Amazon. So it’s like getting the 11-22 and 22 f/2 for free.
Everything is in perfect working order and no damage at all cosmetically.
I can sell separate but prices will be slightly different:
M50 Kit with 15-45 – $450
11-22 Lens in Box – $225
22mm f/2 Lens in Box – $125
or buy all for $700 shipped within the USA. PayPal OK but adds 3%.
I will also throw in a Canon M6 if you buy the entire M50 kit for an extra $250. Body only. Will sell the M6 body only separate for $350.
Steve, i sent you an email. I am very intersted in the M50 kit. If all checks out, i will take it. Please let me know
Sorry it has been sold!
Hey Steve. I’ve sent you a couple of emails about the EOS M6, but haven’t heard back from you. If you could, let me know if they’re not arriving for one reason or another. Thanks!
Hmmm, I thought I answered all the emails. Sorry about that! Anyway all has been sold. Thank you.
Hey Steve. I’d be extremely interested in the M6 body for $350. How would I go about contacting you about it?
Use the email link in the post ; )
that’s a really good bargain 🙂
Hi Steve. You have been so happy with the M50 for Video, i wonder what changed your opinion. Was that the 1DX II? Are you doing all your video-stuff with it now?
Or was it more like a NTS and now you have a more realistic look on the M50?
I no longer need it as I have the 6DII for most casual stuff and the 1dXII for the rest (video wise). The M50 will be unused from now on, so rather than have it sit unused I decided to offer it for sale.