Mirrorless Wars! My Predictions from Sony and Canon! The EOSR and A7SIII
So the mirrorless wars are heating up. The new Canon has LEAKED! Details below..
Nikon has released info on their upcoming Z6 and Z7 that left the internet mostly bashing the new Nikon. No, it doesn’t beat the Sony A7III and A7RIII in most areas but I think it’s a nice start for Nikon and those with Nikon glass. They look nice enough but for some the single card slot, EVF blackout, battery life and AF performance seems lacking. I have not tried one so I only go by what everyone is saying who has shot with one. I do know I will not be investing in it as I have enough cameras already and do not need an all new system.
Nikon and Sony
I feel Nikon aimed this at Nikon users and not to grow their base, like Sony did with the A7 series. I felt Nikon needed a game changer, and that didn’t happen, so I do not think anyone will switch back to Nikon from Sony. Just my opinions, and I am not bashing it..just going by factual info. It will be fantastic for those with Nikon glass, if they want a mirrorless body that is.
But what about Canon?
I’ve recently jumped in with some Canon gear, added to my already existing Sony, Hasselblad and Leica gear. Eek! I am now broke but must say I am having more fun with video and photo than I have had in a while. With that said, I am really enjoying Canon glass. The 50 1.2 I reviewed just the other day? Well, it appears Canon has revamped this lens after all of these years and will be announced with the new “Canon EOS R” on September 5th, just a few days from now. FIGURES! But then again, I love the rendering of the current one for its special qualities. The new one may be more modern in its rendering (it looks gorgeous).
So the Canon has leaked and you can see more at Canonrumors.com HERE.
30 Megapixels. Dual Pixel AF. EV -6 AF is INSANE for low light shooting and beats the Nikon handily. Swivel screen. It will require an adapter for current EF lenses, but Canon is releasing MANY great lenses with the camera. A new 50 f/1.2, a 28-70 f/2, and even some longer glass. THIS WILL be the #1 camera sold for vlogging, this I know (mark my words). It will also be very popular for photo enthusiasts but will it be crippled like Canons of the past? We do not know yet about IBIS or the details of the 4K capabilities or if it has dual card slots (It MIGHT not). Rumored price is $1900 which is fantastic. For me what is exciting is the -6 EVF focusing, Dual Pixel AF, and swivel screen as well as the new lenses. This thing will be able to auto focus in the dark. The EOS R and the 50 1.2 will be a low light beast!
IF this has dual slots, no crop 4K and IBIS then it will be a HOT seller. If not, then it will be lukewarm and Sony still wins in choice of body selection, lenses, and all that jazz.
But do not discount…..
Never ones to rest… I feel the Sony A7SIII is coming, sooner rather than later. I feel this body will be the ultimate for TODAY’s crowd as it will be strong in VIDEO and PHOTO. In the past, the A7SIII has been touted only as a video camera due to the low megapixels. I loved mine for photos as they shot wonderful images but to win over most they will need a larger MP sensor. Will Sony add a flip out screen that so many have asked for? I think they may, I mean, they SHOULD (but in reality probably not). If Sony releases the A7SIII and it does even better in low light than the II (which others have caught up with today) AND has a flip screen, with video specs they are known for (120FPS, no crop 4K, high bitrate, SLOG, etc) and the new focusing system, battery life and high res EVF (I feel this will be the best EVF Sony has ever offered) then it will be a solid release.
From the looks of it, I feel it’s going to be between Canon and Sony for the battle of full frame mirrorless. Canon has a huge user base as is, and if their EOS R is something special (as it just might be), they will have sell a ton, especially to Canon users. But Sony is 5 years+ ahead of the curve, and has the tech and steam behind them. SO MANY have switched to Sony over the past year alone. I do feel the Sony will not come cheap though, and expect a close to $4k price tag. If Canon comes in at $1900 as rumored, then the Canon will be more comparable to the A7III and the SIII will stand alone as a video centric machine.
Will be interesting to see but I feel the Sony A7SIII will be a GEM for the 2018/2019 crowd who love video just as much as, if not more than, taking old fashioned Photos. I feel the Canon is looking pretty sweet as well due to its dual pixel AF, -6EV focusing, flip screen, and the new lenses being announced with it. Also, that Canon color ; ) The Nikon, not for me but may be for you (I have no Nikon glass). It’s an exciting time for mirrorless indeed!
Stay tuned!
Just for clarificatrion…. note I didn’t say cropped sensor in the Sony bodies…. but the sensor physical size is of a cropped-frame size.
The sensors in the A7 and A9 series of cameras are not cropped at all. They are all full frame 35mm. No crop. They are not a cropped sized sensor in any way.
Sony may have 5+ years on Canon and Nikon, but Sony is stuck with a cropped-frame sensor size in all their current models which will hamper them in future development with faster lenses, etc., that Nikon and Canon will develop with their mirrorless bodies. The new Nikon mount will be interesting to see what develops here.
Does anybody knows if Canon FD lenses are now possible to be adapted to the new Canon EOS R through any (very good/excellent) adapter? Thanks
I really like my Sony and the 105 full floating 2.8 opti glass macro that I use works awesome. Just wish I could get a bellows with auto focus for it instead of the tubes. Used to be a Canon user and have their macro but my current setup is better. We need all the mega pixels we can get. Lower light focus would be great though.
Well, nice review, nice to know… but I smile, grab my M and I’m off shooting…
The small thing Sony did “in error” was to produce the A7.3 with cheaper materials, f.ex lower-res EVF. That’s why Nikon Z6 and whatever Canon comes up have a fighting chance, even if Sony’s eye-AF can’t be beaten.
But it’s not really sane for a Sony shooter to change systems just because Canikon introduce something of their own to the markets. These new cameras are mainly focusing to win over Canikon DSLR users.
The A7 III’s LCD and EVF are the same resolution as the Hasselblad X1D. Both are excellent.
Dear Steve,
Let’s call it a battle instead of war.
I’m regular visitor from The Nethelands and I hate wars!
I do as well! So Battle it is.
Netherlands! Home of the Technovorm MoccaMaster -The Hasselblad of Coffee Makers!
And do not forget about Panasonic, Steve! https://www.43rumors.com/ft5-panasonic-will-announce-its-first-full-frame-system-camera-on-september-25/ Very excitante times, yes.
I completely agree, if the new Canon can use the existing lenses without an adapter it is going to be a huge selling point. Most people hate the idea of selling off lenses they like, and spending a bunch of extra money to buy new ones. It could save thousands of $ in the changeover. And many, including myself, would much rather keep most of the familiar glass they already have.
It would be a real game-changer.
I thought so Steve, canon will have a surprise for users, as they’ve learnt from their M series. I believe they will deliver a great product.
Sony is carefully observing right now, as they supposedly have some aces up their sleeves and just wait for the perfect timing to unleash it. Yeah, it would be interesting..
Hey Steve, check canonrumors! Images of the actual body have now leaked, as well as lenses. Also, more specs. Looks very promising. What do you think?
I’m hoping the Canon R lives up to our expectations. After having Sony A series cameras since they first came out, i fell out of love with them with the A7R3/24-70/2.8, because with lenses like that, there really wasn’t any more size/weight advantage over Canon DSLRs. Then Leica won me back with the M10 (you could say the digital M cameras are also mirrorless cameras?). But I have a lot of EF glass still sitting around my house, and I do prefer the Canon colors to the Sony ones, so if Canon manages to do a great camera right from the start, I could see getting one (without giving up my M10, or course). Fingers crossed.
28-70 f/2 – The killer app for the EOS R system
Panasonic + Olympus full frame in the works:
Although I am very interested in the new Sony bodies coming out later, my preferences are now with APS-C over the traditional Leica format. Fuji’s sensors are so good that I would pick the X-T2 over the SL or any Sony body. However, I am in no desperate need to upgrade my old Sony bodies and manual lenses just yet. 😉
Maybe the new Canon cameras have an integrated focal length reducer?
At the end of the day, two M mount primes can be the smarter choice, instead of a fast standard zoom. IMHO.
That 28-70 F2 will be the winner for Canon – It could be the only lens you’ll ever need
But don’t forget the rumors about Panasonic and Olympus working on full frame.