The Leica M10 & 28 Elmarit at the Israeli Aquarium
by Dan Bar – See Dan’s MANY posts here, all on one page.
Hi Steve
It was my wife’s birthday so we all went to Jerusalem , We first thought we’d go to the zoo but it turned out to be a VERY hot day so we went to the Aquarium instead. I took my M10 + 28 Elmarit and although it was really DARK I decided not to use the 10000 ISO but the 6400 max, as I was afraid of too much noise.
I was also sorry I sold my LUX lens as I really needed it at the time. I know many do not like my underexposed style but this time I have an excuse LOL.
So I hope you will like the few photos I attached.
Take care, Danny
This is my Daughter making a Selfie
It was REALLY Dark!
My Wife
These are (again) great ones!!!!
The underexposed aesthetic of your photos fit this setting so well!