Fuji XH1 Video Review – Plus my history with Fuji!
Hey guys, Happy Friday! Time for the weekend one again! Hopefully everyone here will have a great one. I posted a new video yesterday to my YouTube channel (HERE) with more about the Fuji XH1 and my history with the brand. I meant for this to be with my article HERE but it was a day late, so here it is now! I will have more to come today as well here, so check back later!
My latest video on the Fuji XH1 and why I named it “BLOCKHEAD”
Great to have a review that doesn’t focus on pixel peeping or spec sheet…
Even though performance is important, the joy and feel using a camera is also important…
seems that fuji checked a lot of boxes with the XH1
The Fuji is made with photographers in mind, the Sony is made for consumers. Thats all.
Hey Steve, I have the X-H1 and the build quality is phenomenal. Have you dug into the menus and looked at the options for the shutter. If you set it to EF from mechanical the shutter noise is almost non existent. So butter smooth. You can even turn off the focus beep and take it out in the street…it is a true stealth camera.
I love the shutter just as is and would not change it ; ) Most cameras today can be fully silent. My Sony’s do this but I never use it in this way as I like the audible feedback. Otherwise it starts to feel like I am shooting with a phone.
From the fuji menu it says when camera shutter set to EF it generates higher image quality for shots under 1/2000. Max you can use EF is 1/8000. Have not tested if there is actually a difference between switching between the two. You can set the camera so that it automatically switches between the two shutter settings to give you the best shutter setting depending on the situation.
Thank you!! I wonder about it, I never use it on the Sony bodies cause i constantly forget to revert to off and out in the bright son it has an impact(banding) on the sky.
I’m really happy that you don’t just rattle off specs, you appreciate the build, and feel. I love this site, welcome back Steve.
The Fuji xh1 looks fantastic Steve review the Pentax KP
Holding the A7iii next to the XH1 is like a ford F150 vs a Mercedes Benz, the fuji is just like a luxury cam vs just a tool. My luck, I received the A7iii with a giant red dead pixel dead in the center of the viewfinder so it’s going back to the store.
The Fuji is indeed more sturdy than the A9 though….;-)
Don’t get me wrong, the Sony cams are solid they’re just not refined, I’m talking about the look.