The Sony A7III Takes Flight! Images, Video and Words..so far.
Posted a new video to my YouTube channel just now, and it features more thoughts, images and some video (even slo motion samples) on this new Sony. At $2000, this is, IMO, the best bang for the buck into FULL FRAME Mirrorless Cameras. Check it out in the video below…
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Is the Sony 2.8 35mm lens decent? I was hoping to get a small, compact, wide-ish lens for street photography. I wish I could get the look of the Voigtlander 40mm in a 35mm and still get autofocus and compactness, but a guy can dream!
I have this 35mm f2.8 Zeiss lens on recommendation from friends…it is very compact, focuses quickly and with a unique lenshood which keeps water splashes at waterfalls away…it is also sharp. Some vignetting but acceptable to me….I like it. But wait for Steve’s view.
The 35 f/2.8 Zeiss is one of the original Sony full frame lenses. I believe I used that in my original Sony A7 reviews.
Hi Steve, love your reviews and articles…I have the A7ii and EM1 (mark i)…I like both for different reasons. I prefer the user experience on the EM1….I am debating upgrading one of these to the next iteration…Do I go with A7iii or EM1ii?….Is the auto-focus on the A7iii much better than on the EM1ii? Thanks.
I’d go A7III. It’s a phenomenal camera as are the A7RIII and A9. Yes, the AF is faster than the EM1 MKII. It’s a snappy camera, amazing battery life, dual slots, and is AWESOME for video as well. $2k a no brainer. I love my Olympus cameras and I own the MKII but I just ordered an A7III for my video projects, adding to my Sony Stable.
Thank you Steve….I will collect an A7iii at the weekend. Then to sell the A7ii to fund it…And looking at your review of the X-H1, I will rethink my EM1 upgrade when the time comes (and when funds allow). I had a little play with the X-H1 with the 16-55mm lens a couple of weeks ago and it did feel very nice to use. But no live composite….Anyway, the good thing about having no cash at times is that it is difficult to fuel too much GAS…
Hi Steve, Like you I am a leica M shooter ( for my personal work ) and I shoot Canon and Phase one for work. I am more and more tempted to swap Canon with Sony A9 and I am looking now at this A7III, as they start being more interesting overall at least on the paper than the canon proposition. My only concern, and it is from the perspective of a Leica M user like you, is Sony’s color and rendition, and the emotion just straight out of camera. I tried the a7II and 7RII and found the images flat and ultra cold, with no emotion at all, like a TV screen image very technical and nerdy, and in the end looking somewhat cheap if that makes sense. Like a high def Iphone image, nothing else. I work with Raw, I cannot use JPG for work and even for my personal work I would not do JPG. Even though I used the best Zeiss prime, it was still very nerdy and cold, colors were often off. That said, my question is : is there something I miss with Sony and the hype? Is there a way to set up the camera to get the color right and emotional, a secreta with Sony that o would not be aware of ? Or is it just that Sony needs a lot of postproduction work to get there in term of color rendition, like Canon or Nikon 15 years ago, and that by itself it is just not that and that the out of camera signature is pretty bad ( meaning not a Canon, or a Fuji, or a Leica that all produce images that are beautiful and emotional without having to tweak files ) ? Don’t get me wrong I have some of my friends who shoot jobs with Sony for big edito in fashion or portraits, and I see beautiful things coming out of these cameras, so I know that there is something possible to do with these bodies, but these things are not just straight out oc Capture one, but went through loads of postproduction coloring work…
Most of what you speak of can be fixed with lenses. Some lenses will offer you amazing color, depth, etc when used on Sony. For examples see my A7SII review: http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/2015/11/10/the-sony-a7sii-review-the-king-of-the-night-gets-updated/
Using an M mount prime for some of those images, you can see the clarity, depth, and they are far from flat or cold. Lenses are the brush, the sensor is the canvas.
Got you. Thanks. Will definitely try different lenses.
Hi Steve,
Does sony a7iii have the multi frame noise reduction “NR ISO” like its predecessor?
It is a so useful feature to shot in low light without tripod!
Any news on this topic…I’m interested, too.
Blazing AF and rapter-like tracking, ridiculous low light / high ISO performance, 10fps burst, dual cards, joystick, IBIS, 4k, silent shooting,15 stops of dynamic range, great battery life and Full Frame for $2k WHAT!! IS SONY NUTS!! Unless you’re printing billboards or covering pro sports, this is all the camera most anyone would ever need. Well done Sony! Thank God I didn’t go for the A9 🙂 what a waste of the extra 25 hundo that would have been!
Yes indeed. A9 has its place for hardcore sports shooters but for everyone else, this camera is amazing for the price.
Let’s just hope the 7 III doesn’t suffer from the same color problems the A9 has under certain lighting conditions. You mentioned to me early on that you didn’t notice it but I saw it straight away and DPreview confirmed the problem apparently related to AWB.
I am a grandfather who shots sports games of his four grandchildren and wants to have clear crisp pictures. Also, videos of their plays and events. My wife is a mission to see all the national parks. Ready to get rid of my Nikon 3400 and 610. Looking to move to a Sony mirrorless. Have rented the 3/4 Olympus Mark II was not happy with the clarity. I hear you saying chose the Sony a7iii over the Sony a7riii and I won’t regret the savings and newer processor?
I’m mainly Leica M9 nad Pen-f user. This Sony is tempting because of FF sensor and great features. One thing I do not like are bulky Sony lenses. What would you recommend within the range of 25-50mm? Voigtlander? I do not mind manual focusing but I do get use to Leica glass quality… 🙂 If Voigtlander (or Leica 35mm Summilux which I own) – which adapter would you recommend?
Zeiss Loxia are for E mount and they are beautiful and small, Voigtlander E mount lenses are beautiful as well. No adapter needed with either.
Thank You Steve.
I guess I may also use at the beginning my 35mm Summilux ASPH. Any particular adapter recommendation then?
The only adapter I recommend is the best one, and that is the Voigtlander close focus adapter. I have had one since they came out. Rock solid, built to a Hugh standard and works perfect. I have tried others before this one, and they always had issues. Loose, sloppy, poor build, etc. http://amzn.to/2GivpbX
35mm 2.8!
Is Sony taking a loss, or have the other camera makers just been gouging the public all these years?
Quo vadis, Olympus?
Thanks for your advise!
Thanks for this great review. I have pre-ordered the camera to replace my D810.
I’m a landscape/Street shooter and want to pair it with a Batis 25.
Do you think I’ll miss my 810’s 36mp resolution?
Well, if you pixel peep and are always amazed at that 100% crop, you may. If you use it as it is designed to be used, to take beautiful images then you should be just fine ; ) I feel 24 MP is the sweet spot for digital sensors, always have. 36 is nice, 42 is nice, 50 is nice but to me, they are nice if you want to crop as you have that extra res to do so. Being a street shooter, 24 is better than 36 IMO! For landscape 24 is also just fine. Remember when landscapes were done with low res film? ; ) You will find the Sony much smaller and lighter than your D810 as well but just as fast. EVF vs OVF will be a change for you as well. Enjoy!