The new Fuji X-H1 Announced. Looks like a BEAST (in a good way). My thoughts.
Hey to all! Happy Thursday! The weekend is just about here and I will be enjoying it with some gear either taking photos or shooting video and thinking about this new Fuji, that for the 1st time in MANY years, has my heart beating a tick faster (A FUJI). Usually Fuji releases do not excite me as I have been a little let down with some (mostly early) models and I still remember that original Pro 1 when it was launched and felt like a beta product. With that said, I have always loved the X100 series, and I did enjoy the X-T1 and X-T2 both of which has led to this new X-H1. This new Fuji looks good, and dare I say, Amazing?
Yep, APS-C as before, X Trans as before but it appears this model has souped everything up to be a speed demon with capable PRO VIDEO as well as the already beautiful photo capabilities. Yes, Fuji says it can be used for PRO VIDEO work, which I just never have associated with Fuji, so this is awesome. ISO up to 51K, means you can probably shoot this camera at ISO 10k with usable amazing results. Video wise, we have 4K at 24fps and a 200MB/s bit rate for the internal recording. This X1H offers slow motion (seems to be the trend these days) at 1080P with 120fps. 5 AXIS IS is inside, finally to offer easier handheld low light shooting. The camera has a new design, with larger grip and and buttons and the info display on the top right reminds me of some higher end cameras. It has a 25% THICKER magnesium alloy shell, which is WELCOME to me as I am sure this camera feels STURDY as it should.
THIS THING IS TICKING ALL OF MY BOXES, and it is a FUJI! Yep, this is one Fuji I will be taking a long serious look at. It has all I love, and nothing I do not. It is even weather sealed with dual USH-II slots. The EVF offers 3.6 million dots with a 0.75X magnification. I look forward to doing a full old school SteveHuffPhoto review of this bad boy as soon as I can get one ; ) expected to ship March 1st 2018.
More on the new X-H1…
“Offering plenty of features inside a durable magnesium-alloy housing, the X-H1 Mirrorless Digital Camera from Fujifilm aims to position itself as a leading option for professional video and photo work. Equipped with a 24.3MP APS-C X-Trans CMOS III image sensor and the X-Processor Pro Engine, this camera allows you to capture high quality imagery quickly and with low noise at sensitivities up to ISO 51200. A major implementation is an in-body 5-axis image stabilization system, a first for X-Series cameras, which can compensate for up to 5.5 stops of shutter speed to create sharp imaging even when little light is available.
In the video department, the X-H1 offers DCI 4K shooting at 24 fps and a boosted 200 Mb/s bit rate for internal footage. Slow motion can be achieved in a high-speed video mode that boasts Full HD 1080p video at up to 120 fps. Professionals will also enjoy the addition of internal F-log recording to an SD card, which allows for a more streamlined workflow, as well as an ETERNA mode that aims to simulate cinematic film with desaturated colors and rich shadow tones. And if you ever find yourself without your shotgun mic, the camera’s built-in microphone can save your life in a pinch with 24-bit/48 kHz recording.
Several improvements can be seen in the X-H1’s design, including a larger hand grip and back buttons, an info display on the top right side, and the addition of an AF-ON button. The weather-sealed body sports dual UHS-II SD card slots and makes use of a 0.5″ 3.69m-dot EVF with 0.75x magnification, which features a low display time lag of only 0.005 seconds and a refresh rate of 100 fps for smooth and accurate composition. When not shooting at eye level, the articulated 3.0″ 1.04m-dot LCD offers touch functions and a unique three-way tilt that allows you to achieve nearly any viewing angle. Also available is a 1.28″ sub-LCD info screen on the top right of the camera for viewing your settings on the fly. And for those that regularly shoot sports under fluorescent lighting, the XH-1 comes with a flicker reduction mode to help your exposures stay accurate at fast shutter speeds.”
Finally upgrading my canon 5d mk2 – would this be a good option? I work 60% in video (need 4k) and can’t afford something like the 5d iv at the moment. (I shoot from a studio)
For video I’d take Sony over Canon or Fuji any day. Maybe rent a couple of bodies to test them to see what fits your needs.
Very interesting chat, I love all those “professionals”.
So many boring comments… Specially from the “professionals”.
So sad…
So many first world problems! I’ve owned Panasonic, Fuji and Sony, and whilst I am currently with Sony FF (A7II), with a mix of FE and Voigtlander lenses I don’t really see what all the fuss is about. 9 times out of 10, I am guessing the average reader here will produce images which have some defects, regardless of lens or camera combo – but this site is about the love of photography, video etc, for itself. Be happy with what you have, concentrate your limited time in enjoying life and making the most of things – improving your technique rather than worrying that the next person has a better set up than you. This new Fuji looks great, and will no doubt perform excellently, but unless you’re a professional who requires professional quality output, don’t sweat the small stuff as you’ll be constantly unhappy!
Fujifilm is a lousy company who rips of their customer with faulty products. I will never buy a Fuji again
Can you explain your experience because I’ve always thought of Fuji as a company who was very customer service oriented? I shoot Sony by the way so I have no personal connection with your comment I’m just curious.
I’d second that Mark. I have no affiliation or brand loyalty, I speak only of my experience. Fuji have been great to deal with both in my home in the UK and Canada. I’ve had very reasonable trim replacements, lens repairs and a replacement x10 camera when that model was shown to have a sensor fault under certain shooting conditions. Fuji were great to deal with every time, friendly, fast and I couldn’t have been happier. Bought a new XT-2 confident I’d be in good hands should I have any issues.
Can you add a little facts to your complain? I am using an XT20 for a year now and I had no issue at all with the camera or lenses that I use. I found it very well built and sturdy ( I drop my xt20 twice and it is still working as new).
Oh God,I bought my XT-2 just four months ago. What should I do?
You are fine, just enjoy your camera and if there is anything wrong with it just buy a Canon.
Hold right onto it and enjoy it! It’s a beautiful camera that will give you amazing results. There’s literally never a good time to buy these days, with something new and improved always around the corner, but it by no means takes anything away from the capabilities of your X-T2! I bought mine then immediately heard the rumours of this camera – and this does look a great camera – but your X-T2 is a camera capable of stunning results. Spend the money you’d lose on selling it on an indulgent photo trip!! Hehe just my 2 cents… I mean this all light-heartedly but seriously!
The X-T2 is a terrific camera. I’m a ‘Sony guy’, but I also prefer APS-C to 24×36. If your focus is video, then maybe this new one is better. I’m not an expert in the Fuji system so I can’t say.
Uhmmm get an education so you can hang with the big boys and use big boy toys??? Haha
Thank You all. More than the XT-2 performance (yet untapped fully) your pep up words made me happy, relaxed, and I am relieved.
After a satisfactory search on the net I bought XT-2. Also, because I was convinced with the argument that for online, it is mirrorless. And for print, nothing less than medium format.
But I have begun to accept that is a see-saw (still and video) when it comes to professionally acceptable results. I am yet to tame (if that is possible!) the XT-2 focusing functionality in video mode.
I am a slow upgrader. My journey has been Minolta X-700, Canon 40D and now XT2.
I was in the same boat.
Sell it and get the XH1.period.
The XH1 is on another level. Just sayin’ 😉
Something must be right about the shape and size of a full grown DSLR…
Actually, no. 😉 The Hasselblad X1D is probably the best form factor that I have seen. No legacy.
What was the original point of APS-C cameras? To be smaller than ‘full frame’ cameras?
Once an APS-C camera is the same size as a FF camera, like this Fuji, what was the point again? The upcoming Sony A7iii is going to be the same price and same size (there about) but with a better/larger sensor.
Agree on your general point. An A7 line camera with a small prime is not much bigger or heavier than most APS-C cameras or my O-MD mk2. However, the Oly with a PL 100-400 is much much smaller, lighter, and cheaper than a full frame birding rig and it produces excellent results. The big advantage of smaller formats comes with longer telephoto lenses.
Exactly. For stills and a broad range of photographic genres requiring focal lengths of up to 150-180mm reach not much seems to speak for the most recent “top of the line” mft and aps-c offerings when compared to Sony’s A7/9 alternatives imho.
“What was the original point of APS-C cameras?”
That they arrived on the market before so-called “full frame” sensors? 😉
Seriously though, there are many benefits to shooting APS-C, and it remains — by far — the format that sells in the largest quantity worldwide.
First, APS-C gives you greater reach and sharper DOF when shooting sports, action, and wildlife. As to the size advantage, look again—every Fuji X-Series lens is smaller than its full frame equivalent at the same maximum aperture rating. And as the lenses get bigger, that effect multiplies.
The X-H1 remains smaller and lighter than a Nikon D500. Meanwhile, the X-E3 is as tiny as nearly any m4/3 camera.
As to sensor quality, ahhhh yes, that old chestnut. There is about a 1-stop difference in high ISO and DR between same generation FF and APS-C sensors of the same megapixel count. At base ISO, the IQ differences are indistinguishable. Moreover, A/D conversion and SNR firmware make a HUGE difference; witness, for example, that the current Fujifilm 24MP X-Trans III sensor with the X-Processor Pro easily outperformed the Leica M240 sensor across nearly every metric. Even the M10 shows dreadful banding in lower light conditions, as low as ISO2500. If you don’t believe me, go and look at Tamarkin Camera’s M10 page and their sample images to see what I mean. The Fuji exhibits no such artifacts at those ISOs.
So bottom line: APS-C vs FF image quality comes down to WAY more than sensor size. In 2018, it’s nearly irrelevant as far as IQ goes.
You asked… 😉
As aps-c beats FF in your world, FF is superior to MF, mft wins against aps-c and the real king is the 1” sensor. Good luck with that logic.
Sense. Try making some.
In your very humble opinion of course. If you’re a discerning portrait, landscape, or any other type of photographer, you whole heartedly understand the importance of what we call a FF sensor today. I had Fuji for a little bit, and for point and shoot types of applications it was just fine, as any camera this side of the iPhone can produce. Which is also what most Fuji users use their cameras for, or for amateur fashion/hobbyist type photoshoots. If you can’t see a difference, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You can easily shoot things like weddings and street photography with any camera, and Fuji’s fit the bill nicely. I, however, would never go back to a smaller sensor since I need the best quality to usability offered currently. That means a FF sensor, namely the D810. The light falloff, shadow detail, etc, is astounding when comparing to the Fujis. Medium format is better still than the D810, and I can admit that.
However, the usability of a Hassy and equivalent lenses to the D810 is not great. So the D810 and other FF options it is for me, and other pros. This big Fuji is ridiculous, and Fuji has definitely lost their way. I mean, they haven’t even updated their super slow to focus “pro lens” line up. Yet they continue to put out new bodies. There attempt at Medium Format in that super slow GFX was also a confusing move for the price they were asking. I mean they put their first gen focusing in that camera, I went to try it and was blown away at how bad it was compared to other medium format cameras. Fuji fans will definitely buy the X-H1 since they may want to feel like they are using a pro camera again, but at this point, why not just buy a pro camera. It’ll be basically the same size and weight, plus giving you much better image quality.
I just sold my A7ii but kept my X-pro2, hmm, wonder why… maybe because the Fuji is better in every single way, build, weather sealing, functionality, even looks nicer. The image quality is as good because the Fuji glass is so good, one would have to put a GM lens on an A7 to get similar results but the Fujinon lenses cost less than half and are half the size. I love my GFX50s even though it’s huge and I love my RX1R even though it’s too small because these cameras have the magic and that’s all that really matters in the end. As far as image quality goes I think it would have to be the A7riii ($$$) and even my aging RX1R would give it a run…speed aside of course 🙂 But I think this XH-1 will give Sony a good run purely because it feels better in the hand.
One doesn’t have to put GM glass to get into the realm of the fuji lenses. That is absolute poppycock. The only good fuji lenses are the 16mm and 90mm. The rest are very average. The 56mm is blown away in sharpness by the cheaper sony fe 85mm 1.8 and is roughly the same size. The small f2 Fujis are a joke at close focus distances. I have both the 35mm f2 XF and Sony fe 50mm 1.4 which is huge but focuses twice as quick as the tiny fuji. Go figure….Fuji lenses in general render a very flat but sharp image. Pretty boring look if you ask me.
That the only good Fuji lenses are the 16mm and the 90mm – now *that’s real poppycock. Fuji lenses in the X-system are renowned overall.
Why are they so good then? Sharpness isn’t everything. Lets first look at build…most of the line the need updating. The old 1.4’s are slow to focus and have very loose aperture barrels. The new ones are nice but still lack in AF speed (I know this is partly down to the cam) The small f2 lenses aren’t that great optically either, especially at close focus where they are down right horrid.
Ive been shooting fuji for the past two years with the 16, 35, 56, 90 and I’ve rented the tele zoom. I don’t even own any GM sony lenses (which is why I responded in the first place) as I shoot Sony in a studio with their 24-105 which smokes every Fuji lens ive owned for AF speed, sharpness and yes even build. Ive also have the FE 50mm 1.4 which is huge but still focuses FAR quicker than the tiny 35mm fuji. How is that possible? I also have two loxia lenses. Now they are amazingly built and have beautiful character
Im not saying Fuji XF are bad. They are nice but not great. The Fuji image can have pleasing bokeh except for the tele zoom, the image is well controlled with little CA but the images are somewhat flat to me. I find it quite boring and sterile. Very much like the Sony Fe 55 1.8. Which is sharp but flat in render.
My response was to someone stating you have to buy GM lenses to get Fuji quality. This isn’t true at all…You can get fuji quality cheaper in Sony world.
One fina point, Im not a fanboy of Sony (even though it may seem so, lol) If I could merge the best of both systems you would have one amazing tool.
Ricardo, have you even used all of the lenses. They may be sharp, but the images are muddy, and unless you have that 16mm or 90mm, everything else focuses incredibly slowly. Unless you count the f2 lenses, the quality of which is much, much to be desired. This is fun, but this is my last comment!
“The 56mm is blown away in sharpness by the cheaper sony fe 85mm 1.8 and is roughly the same size.”
Ahhh… no.
Nice counter argument! Not!
Go check any lens testing site and you will see the fe 85 is way sharper. In fact it is one of the sharpest out there….
The 56 needs updating badly. The AF is slow and the aperture barrel is Very loose.
So true! The only good lenses in their line up are the 16mm and the 90mm. Those f2 lenses image quality are so muddy, one might as well take all pictures with an iPhone. Again, systems like Fujis are made for amateurs and hobbyists. Sure there are some great photographers who use Fujis, but most of them aren’t using them for fine art, or discerning photographic endeavors. Also, Fuji lenses are so heavily corrected in camera, it’s hard to really tell their true quality, unless someone adapted one to another camera body, which I don’t know anyone doing that? Would be interesting to see how well they would do on another body.
XH line was developed with a more robust built to handle larger lens plus offer durability in harsh conditions. it’s big for this reason plus it’s large to accommodate IBIS and a huge heat sink. The heat sink helps with processor performance for higher demanding requirements. the XT is still a valid line for it’s compact form. so those whom doesn’t need rugged form has an option to go for the XT line. XT line is also cheaper. the XH will be Fuji APSC flagship.
The X-H1 is not even close to the same size as a DSLR, its slightly bigger than an X-H1 mainly in the dimension of depth thanks to bigger EVF relief. Its not a big deal and in fact it feels more comfortable in my hand and it fits in all my current bags in the same configuration of lens as the X-T2 so its a difference that makes no difference. I can still fit the X-H1 with a 35mm F1.4/90mm and 16-55mm lens all into a Tenba DNA 8 bag
If probably had more to do with sensor yield rates than to make a “small” camera.
Most imaging chips started smaller yet (compact cameras). Manufacturers wanted to catch the digital SLR phase early and went with the chipsets available.
Smaller lens system. They’re what take up the space and weight.
So many great systems by Sony, Fuji, Micro 4/3, Leica. Which one! But this is unique: you get the vibrant Fuji colours in 4K video. That by itself is a deal-maker.
And it looks like a camera that you want to own.
Karim, here’s a quick lesson… You can get any colors you want using any camera. What you can’t get back is lost resolution and detail. Something the X-Trans sensor destroys in the interest of pretending it has good high ISO performance. This, sadly, is not unique. When I shoot video, I get much better, life-like colors with my GH5s, and unlimited record time, higher bit rates, internal 4:2:2, etc, etc. Fuji won’t win over any new customers with this cam, save for those with severe GAS, had by many photogs who talk more than actually making money from their work.
You can get any colours you like from any camera with a long and potentially ardous workflow. There are many kinds of ‘professional’ I suspect that a wedding photographer who wants to get great wedding footage will find the X-T1 better suited to their workflow as they won’t have the time or desire to sit around grading 4:2:2 footage, they will be happy that the colours out the cam look great and the colours coming out of the Fuji really do look great. I think a lot of people who are not professionaly graders would struggle to match them from FLOG, although you can still shoot in FLOG and then apply Eterna as a LUT so Fuji is quite flexible. Is it as pro regarding colour as the GH5, no but I suspect that if you want that bigger difference you are going to be looking at a dedicated video camera nd that is the point here, take that wedding photog he is going to much rather have an X-H1 for stills than a GH5, so looking at these cameras as Hybrids which is there mission statement I think the X-H1 is a better hybrid than GH5, however I agree its probably not as good a dedicated video tool 🙂
“several improvements can be seen in the X-H1’s design, including a larger hand grip and back buttons, an info display on the top right side, and the addition of an AF-ON button.”
Fuji, “evolving” to a DSLR body. LOL!
Yes and no.
Having gone from Canon to Fuji – there were certainly things I missed. But the was so much I was loving about the Fuji experience…. the XH1 is like the perfect hybrid and the IBIS is a joy to use with primes.
The XH1 is quickly becoming my favorite camera.
I just sold all my Canon gear and swapped to Fuji. Got the XT2 and the 16-55 for now. Loving the lighter weight. Would love to see more Fuji reviews on here.
Can’t wait to see a Fuji review by Steeve Huff…;-)
I switched from m43 to Fuji XT20 and I love it..
I use mainly the 18 55kit and 55 200 those lenses are great and the OIS works very well .