IN STOCK: Panasonic Leica DG Elmarit 200mm f/2.8 for Micro 4/3
The new 200mm (400mm equivilent) lens from Panasonic is IN STOCK and it appears to be a beauty. This is a 200mm, f/2.8 lens giving you a 400mm field of view (equiv). 400mm magnification with f/2.8 LIGHT GATHERING. Of course your DOF will be that of a 200mm f/2.8, which is quite nice indeed. While not cheap at nearly $3000, for this kind of reach with O.I.S. it’s to be expected, especially with the Leica name attached as well. For those shooting with a Panasonic body, this is your QUALITY telephoto solution. Do not forget about the equally as nice Olympus 300mm f/4 which brings Micro 4/3 users to 600mm FOV and DOF of a 300mm f/4. It comes in at $2499 at B&H Photo HERE, and I have written about that lens a few times even though Craig Litten reviewed it here on these pages. A fantastic review BTW. You gain 200mm reach (equiv) and lose some aperture speed.
So if you have been waiting for this lens, it is IN STOCK and shipping now!
The price of the 2,8/200 includes a 1,4* converter. So there is in some way a 4/300 included – IMO with the robust G9 and its excellent Dual IS2 a perfect package for wildlife. The optical performance seems outstanding:
And even converted to 4/300 it stands at least well against the excellent Oly 4/300:
That’s quiet a feat …
I still love my Olympus 40-150/2.8 pro with 1.4TX…best bang for the buck in a medium tele zoom m43 wise…
Geo-Yui Mahlum (facebook)